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Discover the Future of Logistics at TILOG – LOGISTIX 2024: Uniting Industry Leaders and Innovations

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The Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce, together with RX Tradex, is set to co-organize TILOG – LOGISTIX 2024. This grand event aims to unite the entire logistics supply chain under one roof, offering a bright future burgeoning with innovative logistics services, IT, packaging, warehouse management, and material handling solutions. Expect to see a dazzling showcase from over 415 top-tier technology and service brands spanning 25 countries. The event will attract more than 9,000 entrepreneurs and operators from a myriad of industry sectors throughout Thailand and ASEAN.

According to the 2023 International Logistics Performance Index (LPI) by the World Bank, Thailand clinched the 34th spot out of 139 countries globally and proudly holds 3rd place within the ASEAN region, trailing just behind Singapore and Malaysia. As of May 2024, Thailand boasts a solid 35,394 logistics business operators, with the lion’s share represented by land transportation and pipeline systems at 72.47%. Following behind are freight forwarding agents and customs brokers (14%), product management (5.36%), warehousing (2.57%), and water transportation (2.23%). Foreign investments have also poured into this thriving sector, totaling 5,808.76 million baht, with notable investors hailing from China, South Korea, Japan, Turkey, and Hong Kong.

Recognizing logistics as a pivotal industry that will drive Thailand’s progress toward becoming a developed nation, the DITP and RX Tradex will present TILOG – LOGISTIX 2024 under the theme “Connecting the Logistics Future.” This comprehensive logistics event will shine a spotlight on Thailand’s logistical prowess, emphasizing innovation, digital transformation, and sustainability.

For three action-packed days, TILOG – LOGISTIX will parade a rich tapestry of innovations, technologies, and leading services across five key categories. Expect to witness cutting-edge solutions from logistics service providers, logistics IT, packaging, warehouse management, and material handling. The event will feature over 140 exhibiting companies, representing 415 premium brands from Thailand, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, and the United States, among others. China’s national pavilion will be a focal point, showcasing the country’s logistical advancements. Attendees will find unmatched opportunities to expand trade networks, exchange insightful business knowledge, and steer the Thai logistics industry toward a digital and sustainable future.

Adding more excitement to the event, there will be several highlighted activities. “Thailand’s Logistics Industry Exhibition” will proudly display the nation’s logistics capabilities and predict trends for 2024-2025. The “Innovation Showcase” will present groundbreaking technologies poised to revolutionize modern logistics. Noteworthy seminars like the “Trade Logistics Symposium,” orchestrated by DITP under the theme “Exploring the Future of Logistics,” will offer thought-provoking discussions on the current trade scenario, emerging trends, and strategic business maneuvers amidst geopolitical changes. Esteemed Thai and international speakers with vast experience will headline this symposium.

Another seminar not to miss is the “World Transport & Logistics Forum,” co-organized by the World Bank and RX Tradex, where the pivotal theme “Trade and Climate Change Nexus” will be explored. It aims to inform logistics operators about the ever-evolving trends, opportunities, and challenges due to climate change. A variety of co-located seminars conducted by top trade associations and organizations will also be available for interested participants.

If you’re a logistics service provider or user, this is a golden opportunity you can’t afford to miss. Experience groundbreaking technologies and services designed to supercharge business efficiency and connect with the future of logistics. TILOG-LOGISTIX is your gateway to the entire logistics ecosystem, merged onto one extensive, interactive platform. The event will take place from 15-17 August 2024 at Hall 98 of BITEC, running from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. Entry is free for trade visitors. For more details and pre-registration, visit or reach out via call at +66 2686 7222, email at [email protected], or Line Official Account: @tilog-logistix.

Remember, this event is strictly for trade visitors, so don your best business attire. Shorts, sandals, and minors under the age of 15 won’t be permitted entry. Mark your calendars and gear up for an event that’s set to redefine the future of logistics in Thailand and beyond!


  1. James T August 1, 2024

    This seems like a fantastic opportunity for businesses in the logistics sector to network and stay ahead with the latest innovations.

    • Karen L August 1, 2024

      While I agree, I can’t help but wonder if only established businesses will truly benefit from this. Smaller startups might get overshadowed by the big players.

      • Techie99 August 1, 2024

        That’s true, but these events also offer startups a platform to showcase their innovations. It’s a double-edged sword.

      • James T August 1, 2024

        Fair point, Karen. However, innovation has no bias. A groundbreaking idea from a startup could turn heads just as much as one from a big brand.

    • Andrew M August 1, 2024

      If a startup has something truly unique, they will definitely stand out. The challenge is having the courage to compete.

  2. Samantha B August 1, 2024

    I’m more interested in how these developments will influence sustainability in the logistics industry. Any ideas?

    • EcoWarrior August 1, 2024

      Sustainable logistics is the future. We need more green warehouses, electric trucks, and efficient packaging solutions.

      • Samantha B August 1, 2024

        Absolutely! I’m particularly excited about the ‘Trade and Climate Change Nexus’ seminar. It could offer some deep insights.

  3. Dave_G August 1, 2024

    Great that Thailand is boosting its logistics game, but isn’t it still heavily reliant on fossil fuels? Electric trucks are not common yet.

  4. Helen Carter August 1, 2024

    It’s a step in the right direction. Transformations don’t happen overnight. These events create awareness and push for innovations.

    • SusanM19 August 1, 2024

      Completely agree, Helen. It’s about incremental improvements. Every innovation adds up to a significant change.

    • Dave_G August 1, 2024

      Sure, but we should prioritize speeding up the change. The logistics industry has a massive carbon footprint.

  5. Richard August 1, 2024

    The economic potential here is huge. Thailand could become a logistics hub for ASEAN if they play their cards right.

    • Mai Nguyen August 1, 2024

      True, but they’ll need to improve infrastructure too. Good policies alone won’t make it happen.

    • Richard August 1, 2024

      Agreed. We’ve seen countries with ambitious plans fail because of poor execution. Thailand needs a comprehensive strategy.

    • Timothy K August 1, 2024

      I hope they have a long-term vision. Relying too much on foreign investments could backfire.

  6. Alice Wong August 1, 2024

    As someone in the industry, I’m curious about the practical applications of these innovations. Are they really going to trickle down to daily operations?

    • Nate_TheGreat August 1, 2024

      That’s the billion-dollar question. Most of these innovations sound great on paper but integrating them is a different story.

    • Alice Wong August 1, 2024

      Exactly, Nate. Execution is key. We need more training sessions and real-world testing.

  7. Sophia J August 1, 2024

    Do you think this event will address the labor issues in the logistics industry, like worker exploitation?

    • Mark Davis August 1, 2024

      I doubt it. These events usually focus on tech and future trends. Labor issues are rarely a focal point.

    • Sophia J August 1, 2024

      That’s unfortunate. Technology can’t solve everything, especially when it comes to ethical practices.

    • Mark Davis August 1, 2024

      Absolutely. We need a holistic approach that also considers the workforce.

  8. Jay August 1, 2024

    Can we talk about the cost of adoption for these technologies? Not every business can afford to upgrade constantly.

  9. Fiona August 1, 2024

    That’s true, Jay. The initial investment can be steep, but the long-term gains might justify it.

  10. Oscar M August 1, 2024

    Honestly, if you don’t keep up with tech, you’ll be left behind. It’s a competitive industry.

  11. LogisticsGuru August 1, 2024

    Events like these are more about hype than actual change. I’ve been to a few, and it’s mostly marketing.

    • Aria August 1, 2024

      Ouch, that’s a bit cynical. Some people genuinely benefit from the networking and knowledge shared at these events.

    • LogisticsGuru August 1, 2024

      Sure, some do. But let’s not forget the business aspect. Companies are there to promote and sell.

    • Aria August 1, 2024

      Fair point. Both perspectives are valid. It’s what you make of the experience.

  12. Deepak S August 1, 2024

    Why isn’t more attention being given to the cybersecurity aspects of logistics? With so much data in flux, this should be a priority.

    • Angela P August 1, 2024

      Right? Data breaches can cripple a logistics operation. I hope someone addresses this at the event.

  13. Michael L August 1, 2024

    Will there be follow-ups or long-term partnerships established at this event?

    • LogisticsQueen August 1, 2024

      In my experience, some events lead to partnerships, but it’s more about initial contacts leading to future discussions.

    • Michael L August 1, 2024

      Thanks, that’s useful to know. I guess the main goal is to get your foot in the door.

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