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Dr. Yong Poovorawan Warns of New Mpox Clade 1b Outbreak Threat

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Experts have sounded the alarm for Thais, urging vigilance against the new mpox strain, given the potential for the current outbreak to spiral into a global calamity. Dr. Yong Poovorawan, an acclaimed clinical virologist at Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Medicine, took to Facebook on Monday to highlight the dangers posed by the Clade 1b subvariant. This strain, capable of spreading through respiratory droplets, represents a significant threat.

Dr. Yong explained that Clade 1b, currently making waves in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), is a fiercer adversary compared to the Clade 2 strain previously encountered in Thailand. Known for its aggressive nature, Clade 1b has been detected in both children and adults, irrespective of gender, in central Africa. Tragically, the hardest hit have been the younger population.

He elaborated that the Clade 1 strain spreads through close physical contact and respiratory droplets, which facilitates easier transmission compared to Clade 2, which primarily spreads through direct physical contact. Despite this, both Clade 1 and Clade 2, along with their subclades, do not discriminate by age or gender. Yet, Dr. Yong pointed out a notable pattern: 98% of Clade 2b cases have been identified in men, particularly those within the homosexual community.

Amid rising concerns, the Department of Disease Control (DDC) released a statement on Monday addressing the situation following the confirmation of Thailand’s 100th Clade 2b case. To curb the spread, the DDC has mandated hospitals and associated sectors to adopt stringent surveillance measures, especially in environments susceptible to pox outbreaks.

Precautionary steps include intensified screenings at international airport disease control checkpoints and international ports, with a specific focus on Don Muang Airport, Suvarnabhumi Airport, and Laem Chabang Port, to monitor incoming passengers from Africa. The Department of Medical Sciences has also geared up to ensure that laboratories and medical supplies remain sufficiently stocked to tackle any unexpected surge in cases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has not remained idle in this escalating crisis. Recently, it declared a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC) in response to the multiplying mpox cases found in several African nations, including DR Congo, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda.

According to DDC statistics, from 2022 to 2024, a staggering 14,520 individuals worldwide were diagnosed with the Class 1b subvariant of mpox, with a sobering count of 456 fatalities. As the world stands watch, the call for vigilance and preparedness has never been more critical.


  1. eco_warrior August 19, 2024

    This sounds like another scare tactic to control people! When will these so-called experts stop with the fear-mongering?

    • John Smith August 19, 2024

      Surely you can’t be serious! This is a legitimate health crisis, not some conspiracy theory. We need to listen to experts like Dr. Yong.

      • eco_warrior August 19, 2024

        Every year it’s a new ‘health crisis’. I just find it hard to take any of this seriously when it’s always the same story.

      • Karen27 August 19, 2024

        But what if this time it’s real? Can we afford not to take it seriously?

  2. Dr. Emma August 19, 2024

    As a medical professional, I must emphasize the importance of Dr. Yong’s warning. We must not underestimate Clade 1b.

    • MikeD August 19, 2024

      How can we trust these warnings after the panic around COVID? I think we’re all a bit tired of living in constant fear.

      • Dr. Emma August 19, 2024

        I understand the fatigue, but ignoring these warnings could lead to a far worse situation. It’s better to be cautious.

  3. Linda August 19, 2024

    Why is it always the WHO declaring these emergencies? They seem to thrive on creating panic.

    • Glenn August 19, 2024

      The WHO exists to monitor global health and respond to threats. They’re doing their job.

    • TruthSeeker99 August 19, 2024

      But who benefits financially from these declarations? Always follow the money.

  4. Jordan P. August 19, 2024

    This is exactly why travel restrictions should be stricter. We can’t allow these diseases to spread globally.

    • Maya_R August 19, 2024

      Drastic travel restrictions can have terrible economic impacts and create more harm than good. Balance is key.

    • Jordan P. August 19, 2024

      I’d rather deal with economic issues than a global pandemic. Human lives come first.

  5. SkepticalDad43 August 19, 2024

    98% of Clade 2b cases in homosexual men? This sounds eerily similar to the early days of HIV.

  6. science_gal August 19, 2024

    It’s alarming how this strain affects children so severely. We need to protect the vulnerable population.

    • Joe567 August 19, 2024

      Children always seem to be the hardest hit in these outbreaks. Heartbreaking!

    • Mandy August 19, 2024

      If it’s spreading through respiratory droplets, schools might become hotspots. Scary thought!

  7. conspiracy_theorist August 19, 2024

    I don’t buy any of this. It’s all a ploy for more control and surveillance.

    • Dr. Emma August 19, 2024

      That’s a dangerous way to think. We need to rely on science and expert advice, not baseless theories.

      • conspiracy_theorist August 19, 2024

        And yet, look at how many ‘experts’ have been wrong before! Critical thinking shouldn’t be dismissed.

  8. young_thinker August 19, 2024

    If this strain is deadlier and spreads more easily, why aren’t schools and public places closing down yet?

  9. VaccineBeliever August 19, 2024

    Vaccines should be our top priority. Every country must ensure their population is vaccinated against mpox.

    • Sara. August 19, 2024

      But we still don’t have a widely available vaccine for this new strain. That’s the issue.

    • VaccineBeliever August 19, 2024

      Governments need to invest in research and development immediately. Otherwise, this will spiral out of control.

  10. TommyB August 19, 2024

    I appreciate the measures at airports and ports, but what about local surveillance? That’s where we need more focus.

  11. Jill August 19, 2024

    The statistics are grim, but I’m hopeful that quick action can prevent a global catastrophe.

  12. HarvardGuy August 19, 2024

    The data from 2022 to 2024 is a stark reminder of how quickly these diseases can spread. Preparedness is key.

  13. PlaySafePet August 19, 2024

    What about our pets? Can they catch this too? We need more information.

  14. Lucas_R August 19, 2024

    For those who doubt Dr. Yong, remember his track record during past outbreaks. He knows what he’s talking about.

    • Marvin9 August 19, 2024

      Exactly. His expertise has been invaluable before. We should heed his advice.

    • eco_warrior August 19, 2024

      Even experts can be wrong. Remember that!

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