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Empowering Teen Moms: Thailand’s Strategy to Reduce Underage Pregnancies & Enhance Future Well-being

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Delving into the often-overlooked issue of underage pregnancies amongst the backdrop of national concerns about fertility rates, esteemed education and child development expert, Sumate Noklang, boldly states, “The government’s efforts shouldn’t just be a numbers game. It’s the future quality of life of these children that’s at stake, and that’s where our focus should also be.”

Dr. Sumate Noklang, who lectures on the PhD Development Education Programme at Srinakharinwirot University, spearheaded a pivotal study through 2021-2022 that delved into the lives of 400 individuals from a rural community. This wasn’t just any community; it was marked as having the highest incidence of adolescent mothers in all of the land. The core objective? To craft a model that could empower the community and truly uplift the lives of the country’s future generations.

The enlightening research unveiled that through nurturing self-worth, consciousness and communal support, the daunting issue of underage pregnancies could substantially diminish. “It’s all about empowering these young women,” explains Mr Sumate. And empowerment, they found, came with rallying community support spearheaded by Mr Sumate and his research counterpart, Peeradet Prakongpan.

To solidify their vision, local health volunteers stepped in as knights in shining armor. They distributed guidebooks—no ordinary pamphlets—filled with wisdom on treating these young mothers with the dignity and support they richly deserve. These guidebooks found their way into the hands of those where it mattered most—their families, their relatives, and their mentors.

“Our aim with the guidelines was to chip away at the societal stigma,” Mr Sumate divulges. “By embedding a sense of self-compassion within the community, these young women begin to view themselves as the capable caregivers they are. This is not just about them; it’s about ensuring that their children are not left in the shadows, susceptible to societal neglect.”

Applying a legal lens, Mr Sumate points out that while the ripe age of 20 is touted as maturity, readiness for motherhood isn’t a birthday gift that magically comes at that age. “It’s a question of how we, as a society, create a conducive environment that nurtures these young mothers and their children, ensuring a life teeming with opportunities and wellbeing.”

The call to action is crystal clear—government intervention is crucial in this intricate tapestry, supporting communities to cradle these young lives rather than letting them weather the storm in isolation or hostile terrains.

On a positive note, the Department of Health showcases a significant decline in underage pregnancy rates—from 120,000 in 2012 to a heartening 47,000 in 2023. This triumph is a hat tip to concerted efforts across various agencies amplifying awareness on birth control, inclusive of embedding sexual education into the national curriculum and ensuring pregnant girls have equal opportunities to continue their education and nurture their career paths.

It’s evident that when it comes to shaping the future, it isn’t just about creating life; it’s about creating a world where every young mother and her child can flourish. After all, it’s a matter of national importance—a matter of nurturing the very heartbeat of our society.

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