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Final Suspect in Roh Eui-jong’s Horrific Pattaya Murder Arrested in Vietnam

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Divers heroically recovered a grim discovery from the depths of the Map Prachan reservoir in Bang Lamung district of Chon Buri on May 11, 2024— a plastic barrel containing the body of South Korean national, Roh Eui-jong. The grizzly find has since unfolded into an international manhunt concluding with the arrest of the third and final suspect in this chilling case, who had been evading capture for four months.

The last suspect, a man in his 30s, was apprehended in Vietnam and extradited to South Korea on Tuesday, after a meticulous and coordinated effort between South Korean and Vietnamese authorities. According to a report by Yonhap news agency, citing South Korea’s National Police Agency, the breakthrough came on September 12. Acting on accurate intelligence about the fugitive’s hideout, South Korean police collaborated with their Vietnamese counterparts and even personally traveled to Vietnam to ensure the success of the operation.

Remarkably, South Korean police have chosen to withhold the name of the final suspect. However, Thai authorities had previously identified him as Kim Hyeong-won, who was reportedly hiding in Myanmar after leaving Thailand. This capture concludes the hunt that began following the horrifying discovery in May.

The murder case that has gripped both nations involves not just Kim Hyeong-won but also two other individuals. These suspects, already apprehended and extradited to South Korea, are Lee Roun, a man in his 20s, and Lee Yong-jin, aged 27. Currently, both stand trial in a South Korean court, their fates poised at the mercy of the judicial system.

The backdrop to this crime remains cryptic and shrouded in mystery. To date, the motive behind the heinous act is still unknown, leaving room for countless theories and speculation. While justice takes its course, the narrative sparks a stark reflection on how complex and collaborative international law enforcement can be, especially against the backdrop of a truly macabre crime.

As more details emerge, one can’t help but be in awe of the relentless pursuit undertaken by various law enforcement agencies, showcasing an example of unyielding international cooperation. Perhaps future court proceedings and investigations will shed light on the dark motives behind the crime, providing some form of closure for the victim’s family and the public, who have been following this story with bated breath.

In the world of crime-solving, this case serves as a stark reminder that even the most cunning fugitives can only run so far before the long arm of justice eventually catches up with them. As for now, the final chapter in the Pattaya “barrel murder” case is being written in the courtrooms of South Korea, where the trio will face the gravity of their actions.


  1. JaneDoe12 September 26, 2024

    It’s crazy how far these suspects ran just to get caught in the end. They can’t hide from justice forever!

    • Mike P. September 26, 2024

      True, but it makes you wonder why it’s so easy for criminals to cross borders and stay hidden for so long.

      • Samwise67 September 26, 2024

        The real issue is how weak international law enforcement coordination can be. This case is the exception, not the rule.

    • Detective777 September 26, 2024

      Mike P., it’s more about the resources and the political willpower. Cooperation is improving, but it’s still not enough.

  2. DavinaM September 26, 2024

    Not publishing the suspect’s name is just fueling wild speculations. Transparency is key in such high-profile cases.

    • Catherine L. September 26, 2024

      I agree. People need to know who to be wary of, and it holds the system accountable.

      • LawMan98 September 26, 2024

        Sometimes withholding names is to protect investigative integrity and ensure a fair trial. It’s complicated.

  3. John D. September 26, 2024

    Why are people so obsessed with knowing the motive? It’s clear these criminals are evil.

    • EruditeUser September 26, 2024

      Understanding motives can help prevent future crimes and give closure to the victim’s families. It’s not just idle curiosity.

      • PhilosopherKing September 26, 2024

        Moreover, it helps us know what drives such actions and whether society has any role in it.

    • Siobhan G. September 26, 2024

      Exactly, learning the why is almost as important as knowing the who and the how.

      • Tony B September 26, 2024

        Sometimes there isn’t a logical ‘why,’ and we should be ready to accept that too.

  4. CrazyCatLady September 26, 2024

    Wow, it’s like a real-life crime drama. Kudos to the police for their hard work!

  5. Jenna September 26, 2024

    It’s scary to think there are people capable of doing something so gruesome.

  6. Mark S. September 26, 2024

    I think this case highlights the importance of international cooperation in solving crimes.

    • RationalJoe September 26, 2024

      True, but it’s also sad that it takes a horrific crime to get authorities to collaborate this effectively.

      • TravelerG September 26, 2024

        International boundaries should never be a hindrance in the search for justice.

    • Diplomat99 September 26, 2024

      RationalJoe, such cases often lead to better protocols and stronger international relationships in law enforcement.

  7. Grower123 September 26, 2024

    What is happening to our world? It’s like people have lost all sense of humanity.

  8. Hannah W. September 26, 2024

    I feel for the victim’s family. No one deserves to go through such pain and trauma.

  9. Pete78 September 26, 2024

    It’s baffling that they’ve been able to evade capture for so long. Where were the authorities?

    • Larry D September 26, 2024

      Authorities were probably bogged down by bureaucratic processes and lack of resources.

  10. Maria September 26, 2024

    The sheer complexity of such international cases can’t be understated. Kudos to the officers for their relentless pursuit.

  11. Historian_Henry September 26, 2024

    This case might get famous for setting new standards in international criminal law enforcement.

  12. Lisa R. September 26, 2024

    What if there are more involved who haven’t been caught yet? Seems fishy the details are so scarce.

    • Pamela S. September 26, 2024

      I thought the same! The lack of transparency makes you wonder what else is being hidden.

  13. AcademicAva September 26, 2024

    It’ll be interesting to see the legal proceedings in South Korea and whether they are handled fairly.

  14. TommyT September 26, 2024

    All these people debating when the facts are clear. They got caught, end of story.

  15. Nina September 26, 2024

    We need a global task force for crimes like these. Relying on local authorities isn’t enough.

    • GlobalCitizen September 26, 2024

      Absolutely, a unified response could save countless lives and prevent so much suffering.

  16. Sarah M. September 26, 2024

    The victim’s family must be relieved that all suspects are finally caught. I hope justice is served.

  17. Joe September 26, 2024

    I wonder if the authorities are considering the possibility of organized crime being involved.

    • JasonW September 26, 2024

      Joe, organized or not, the brutality is what’s most chilling. These monsters deserve punishment.

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