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Fireworks Media Ignites Innovation at Thailand’s Prestigious TMOX, OGET, and Powerex 2024

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Get ready for a whirlwind of innovation and excitement as Fireworks Media (Thailand) rolls out the red carpet for a spectacular event that promises to redefine the landscape of energy and electrical technology! Mark your calendars for October 16th to 18th, 2024, because the vibrant city of Bangkok will host a triad of grand exhibitions at the iconic BITEC Exhibition and Convention Centre in Bangna. We’re talking about the much-anticipated “Thailand Marine & Offshore Expo (TMOX) 2024,” “Oil & Gas Thailand (OGET) 2024,” and “Powerex & Electric Asia 2024.” Prepare to be enthralled by the seamless fusion of global minds and groundbreaking technologies, all under one roof, set to elevate Thailand’s industries to dazzling international heights.

Mr. Kenny Yong, the charismatic Managing Director of Fireworks Media (Thailand) Co., Ltd., is the mastermind behind this mega event. With the flair of a seasoned showman, he invites you to dive into a world where possibilities are limitless. Picture this: 8,000 square meters brimming with the crème de la crème of maritime, oil, gas, and electrical innovations. It’s not just an expo; it’s a convergence of the century! Enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and experts from around the globe will gather in droves, eager to explore, marvel, and perhaps forge the next big partnership that could change the game altogether.

First up on the exhilarating journey is the “Thailand Marine & Offshore Expo (TMOX) 2024.” Entering its eighth edition, this prestigious event has already won the hearts of maritime aficionados. In tandem, the illustrious “Oil & Gas Thailand (OGET) 2024,” celebrating its 13th edition, will unveil the latest marvels in technology and solutions for the oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors. Meanwhile, “Powerex & Electric Asia 2024,” in its electrifying sixth edition, invites you to uncover the sophisticated world of electrical production and innovation. Trust us, these expos are destined to set your imagination ablaze.

Mr. Yong, ever passionate, shares a heartfelt mission behind this grand coordination: to seamlessly link these interconnected industries for the ultimate convenience of attendees. His vision? A singular, dreamlike platform where industry trends and technological progress march in unison. The events are primed to attract over 8,000 eager participants, including visionary entrepreneurs and forward-thinking investors, ready to spark new conversations, overcome industry challenges, and forge collaborations that will steer growth into the future. Expect the unexpected in networking opportunities that might just leave you breathless!

Hold onto your hats because Thailand’s maritime sector is about to get a major adrenaline boost. This event is being hailed as a golden opportunity for entrepreneurs to carve their niche in Thailand’s rapidly growing maritime market and venture into the promising realms of Southeast Asia. With the prestigious support of the Thai Shipbuilding and Repairing Association, “TMOX 2024” will host the illustrious “Thailand Maritime Forum 2024” under the reverberating theme, “Shipbuilding Industry and National Security.” Prepare for riveting discussions led by esteemed speakers like Captain Pridsadang Kadkhuntod and Mr. Rabien Bahadoer, who will share enlightening insights on the maritime industry’s future.

The intrigue doesn’t stop there! “Oil & Gas Thailand (OGET) 2024” is set to dazzle with the latest innovations across the oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors. Central to this dynamic segment is the “ASEAN Oil & Gas Conference 2024,” poised to unravel transformative discussions on cutting-edge topics, including Thai-Cambodia territorial claims and the revolutionary decarbonization strategies necessary for the oil and gas industries.

And finally, feast your eyes on the grandeur of “Powerex & Electric Asia 2024,” the premier exhibition celebrating electrical innovation in Thailand. Revel in seminars and expert panels that touch on diverse topics, from power transmission to maritime security. Brace yourself for captivating ideas presented by leading trailblazers, such as CAPT. Chutipas Changkwien and Mr. Prathan Somboon.

The excitement is palpable as Mr. Kenny Yong expresses the hope that these expos will be the gateway to discovering cutting-edge technologies, expanding business horizons, and forming alliances that will lead to a brighter, bolder future. So, pack your bags and prepare for a three-day adventure filled with engaging experiences, vibrant discussions, and the unraveling of opportunities as boundless as your imagination – all this and more awaits you at the “Thailand Marine & Offshore Expo (TMOX) 2024,” “Oil & Gas Thailand (OGET) 2024,” and “Powerex & Electric Asia 2024.” Dive in and let the innovations of tomorrow unfold before your eyes!


  1. AnnaB October 16, 2024

    I think these kinds of expos are crucial for driving innovation in the industry. They open up so many opportunities for collaboration!

    • TechSavvyJoe October 16, 2024

      Absolutely, Anna! These events can be a real game-changer, but I worry about how much is just hype without real substance.

      • AnnaB October 16, 2024

        Good point, Joe. I’ve been to some expos where the innovation was more talk than action, but let’s hope this one will deliver more.

      • FutureEntrepreneur October 16, 2024

        @TechSavvyJoe Even if it’s just a bit of hype, the networking opportunities can still be invaluable, don’t you think?

    • Larry D October 16, 2024

      I’m skeptical about these expos. They often favor big corporations and leave startups in the dust.

  2. Karen October 16, 2024

    Will there be anything for sustainable energy? It’s essential that these events focus on clean energies.

  3. Jack45 October 16, 2024

    I’m looking forward to the maritime sector discussions. The potential for growth is huge in Thailand!

    • CaptainRon October 16, 2024

      True that! The maritime industry has been blowing up, especially with Southeast Asia’s expanding markets.

      • Jack45 October 16, 2024

        Exactly, Ron. I’m curious how the maritime expo is going to address the issues of maritime security too.

    • Sarah T October 16, 2024

      The maritime growth is intriguing, but does anyone know if they’re addressing environmental impacts? That’s my main concern.

  4. Robert Langdon October 16, 2024

    All these expos sound fantastic, but let’s hope OGET covers the political undertones, especially regarding Thai-Cambodia claims.

    • HistoryBuff22 October 16, 2024

      Good point, Robert. It’s a sensitive topic. I’m worried these diplomatic issues might overshadow the technological strides.

      • Robert Langdon October 16, 2024

        Indeed, but I think discussion might pave the way for resolutions and cooperation in the long run.

      • NeutralObserver October 16, 2024

        Or it could just be a distraction tactic. Ever notice how politics often gets dragged into these expos?

  5. InnovatorX October 16, 2024

    I hope Powerex has real innovative solutions and isn’t just a commercial showcase again. The electrical sector needs groundbreaking ideas.

  6. Larry Davis October 16, 2024

    Kenny Yong sounds like quite the idealist. I appreciate his vision, but how realistic is it to link all these industries seamlessly?

    • Realist October 16, 2024

      Larry, it’s often about making big claims to attract attention. Execution might not match the vision.

      • Larry Davis October 16, 2024

        Yeah, and these expos sometimes end up being more about politics than progress.

    • OptimisticOne October 16, 2024

      It’s ambitious, yes, but isn’t that what’s needed to push boundaries and achieve true innovation?

  7. Greenie October 16, 2024

    Anyone else think the energy sector should focus entirely on renewables rather than supporting oil and gas?

    • PragmatistPete October 16, 2024

      We can’t just abandon oil and gas overnight, Greenie. It’s about finding a balance while transitioning.

    • EcoWarrior October 16, 2024

      I totally agree with you, Greenie! But the reality of it is that there’s too much money tied up in oil and gas for that to happen quickly.

      • Greenie October 16, 2024

        True, but the environmental stakes are higher than ever. We need urgent change.

  8. TheThinker October 16, 2024

    These expos sound great on paper. I wonder how much internal politics at these conventions influence the output.

    • BigBizWatcher October 16, 2024

      Especially with big players involved, TheThinker. Corporate interest often gets priority in such settings.

    • TheThinker October 16, 2024

      True. I just hope the voice of small, innovative startups doesn’t get drowned out.

  9. SeaDreamer October 16, 2024

    I get so excited about marine expos. There’s something about them that calls to my adventurous spirit!

  10. TechEnthusiast October 16, 2024

    I can’t wait to see what innovations pop up at Powerex. Thailand’s electrical sector is growing so fast!

    • SkepticalSteve October 16, 2024

      Are they really that innovative, though? Or just rehashing old tech with fancy new packaging?

      • TechEnthusiast October 16, 2024

        Steve, sometimes it takes looking at old tech differently to bring about big breakthroughs!

  11. OilNerd October 16, 2024

    Anyone else fascinated by ASEAN’s decarbonization strategies being discussed at OGET? It’s about time we had some real talk.

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