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Foremost and Partners Launch Fourth Year of ‘Million Smiles’ Project to Combat Child Malnutrition in Thailand

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FrieslandCampina (Thailand) Public Company Limited, the esteemed producer and distributor of Foremost dairy products in Thailand and Indochina, recently joined forces with both public and private sector allies—including the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, BJC Big C Group, CP All Public Company Limited (yes, the giant behind 7-Eleven), Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM), the Mirror Foundation, and a nationwide base of enthusiastic consumers. Together, they orchestrated a riveting press conference aptly named “Foremost Happy Power: Energise Body, Fuel the Spirit with Foremost.” This notable gathering shines a spotlight on their unwavering commitment to the “Foremost for Million Smiles” project, now joyously marking its 4th year. This heartwarming initiative involves a generous donation of 1 million boxes of Foremost Omega 369 UHT milk, aiming to nourish children and vulnerable communities across the country. The essence of this project stops at nothing but delivering top-tier nutrition to Thai children, offering premium ready-to-drink milk products that fuel growth, unlock potential, and empower them for a brighter future with sound nutrition as their cornerstone.

The event brimmed with insightful moments, most notably a panel discussion on the theme “Eat Right, Play Well, Learn Fast: Unlock Thai Children’s Potential with Milk Nutrition.” Esteemed experts graced the panel, including Asst. Prof. Dr. Akkarach Bumrungpert, a specialist in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine; Dr. Wisarat Thirakomen, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Nutrition, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health; Dr. Pornnipa Sriprasert, M.D., a distinguished Paediatrician focusing on Brain, Developmental, and Learning Psychology; and Ms. Tuangrat Vuthicharn, Marketing Director of FrieslandCampina (Thailand) Public Company Limited. Their collective wisdom shed light on cutting-edge insights into child nutrition. Additionally, the event enjoyed the regal presence of Mr. Gijs Theunissen DVM, the Agricultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Thailand, alongside several distinguished guests at the illustrious InterContinental Bangkok Hotel.

Mr. Vipas Paovarojkit, Managing Director of FrieslandCampina (Thailand) Public Company Limited, had this to say, “As a frontrunner in dairy production and distribution, FrieslandCampina is acutely aware of the malnutrition challenges plaguing Thai children, bottlenecking their growth and development. Compelled by an urgency to tackle these critical issues head-on, we ignited the ‘Foremost for Million Smiles’ project. Our collaboration with the Mirror Foundation facilitates the donation of 1 million boxes of milk to those in dire need across the nation. Building on prior successes, we’re thrilled to sustain this initiative into its fourth consecutive year. Foremost is dedicated to making morning milk-drinking a staple habit, ensuring that children reap the full spectrum of nutritional benefits pivotal for their development. This creates ‘Happy Power,’ a perpetual source of joy fueled by both physical and mental well-being, laying the groundwork for future sustainable happiness. Nevertheless, malnutrition continues to afflict many children, stunting their growth and clouding their life prospects. We stalwartly believe that milk, as a nutrient powerhouse brimming with essential goodness, is vital for children’s growth. Every child deserves access to proper nutrition, fundamental for realising their full potential. This resonates deeply with our mission to provide quality nutrition globally, maintaining our position as the most trusted ready-to-drink milk brand.”

“This year, we’re expanding the ‘Foremost for Million Smiles’ project’s horizon. Enhanced support from our partner organizations compared to previous years has propelled us to launch a collaborative research initiative with the Institute of Nutrition at Mahidol University. This venture encompasses a meticulous nutritional survey of children, thereby feeding into the SEANUTS II project, which scrutinizes the nutritional status of children aged 6 months to 12 years across Southeast Asia, including Thailand. The findings have unearthed alarming gaps in essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and D among many Thai children. Consequentially, we’re tailoring our product formulations to meet the distinct nutritional needs of various regions. We’ve also revitalized our Foremost Omega 369 formula—one of our market darlings—by incorporating a sweeping range of nutrients, including dietary fiber, crucial for children’s cognitive, physical, and immune development. This initiative underscores our enduring commitment to empower Thai children to achieve their full developmental potential, setting the stage for a robust, sustainable future.”

The “Foremost for Million Smiles” project in its 4th year entreats everyone to partake in this altruistic mission of nourishing Thai children. By purchasing any flavour of Foremost UHT milk, 1 carton, through participating distributors and Foremost online, you initiate a chain of kindness. Foremost will donate 1 carton of Foremost Omega 369 or Foremost Omega 369 Smart, 180 ml, to the Mirror Foundation for each carton purchased, from 16 August to 17 September 2024. The donated milk will then be distributed to children and families in need, with a cap of 1,000,000 boxes.

For more updates, follow “ForemostThailand” on Facebook.


  1. John Doe August 19, 2024

    It’s heartwarming to see companies actually doing something good for the community. Kudos to Foremost!

    • Susan B. August 19, 2024

      While it’s great on the surface, I wonder how much of this is just a PR stunt.

      • John Doe August 19, 2024

        That’s a fair point, Susan. But given they’re in the 4th year, it seems somewhat genuine, right?

      • Alex_55 August 19, 2024

        Even if it’s partially a PR stunt, the kids are still benefiting, and that’s what matters!

  2. Mike L August 19, 2024

    This is an excellent initiative to combat malnutrition. Child health should always be a priority.

    • Emily_R August 19, 2024

      Absolutely, Mike! But I wonder why the government isn’t doing more in this space.

      • Mike L August 19, 2024

        Governments often move slower. Glad to see private sector stepping up, though.

  3. GreenThumbs_UP August 19, 2024

    Why milk though? There are so many plant-based alternatives that are healthier.

    • Carol P August 19, 2024

      Many families in Thailand depend on milk for their nutritional needs. It’s about accessibility.

    • PlantLover August 19, 2024

      But Carol, isn’t promoting dairy just perpetuating another form of dependence? Plant-based could be more sustainable.

    • GreenThumbs_UP August 19, 2024

      Exactly, PlantLover! It’s time to transition to greener solutions.

  4. Tina Nguyen August 19, 2024

    It’s fantastic they’re also investing in research with Mahidol University. Data-driven initiatives can have a bigger impact.

    • Jason S. August 19, 2024

      True, Tina. But will the nutritional surveys lead to implementations or just more bureaucracy?

  5. George M. August 19, 2024

    As someone who grew up in Thailand, I remember how important school milk programs were. This is wonderful news.

    • KateL August 19, 2024

      Yes, George! The nutritional gaps they’re addressing can make such a difference in these kids’ lives.

  6. Sophia D. August 19, 2024

    So they’re donating 1 million boxes of milk? How sustainable is this? They should have a longer-term plan.

    • Imm22 August 19, 2024

      Good point, Sophia. What happens after the 1 million milk cartons? More needs to be done beyond donations.

  7. grower134 August 19, 2024

    Why are they pairing with 7-Eleven? That company is notorious for unhealthy food options.

    • Liam T August 19, 2024

      Perhaps 7-Eleven’s reach is something Foremost found useful for distribution. A wider impact.

  8. Benny H August 19, 2024

    I think it’s great they’re tailoring their product formulations based on regional nutritional needs!

    • Rita August 19, 2024

      Exactly, Benny! Customizing the nutritional value can solve more precise issues.

  9. Helen Fiore August 19, 2024

    It feels limiting to me that they are only focusing on milk. A more holistic nutrition plan would’ve been better.

    • Sandy K August 19, 2024

      Helen, I agree. Maybe they should collaborate with other food producers to address a broader spectrum of nutritional deficiencies.

  10. Luke August 19, 2024

    Milk is important for kids’ skeletal development. Criticizing this initiative seems a bit unfair.

  11. David C. August 19, 2024

    Can we also talk about how this impacts local dairy farmers? This initiative might help them as well.

  12. Fred August 19, 2024

    Does anyone have information on how to participate or donate directly to this project?

    • Lucy August 19, 2024

      Fred, you can follow ‘ForemostThailand’ on Facebook for updates and participating distributors!

  13. Sandra D. August 19, 2024

    The panel of experts they’ve lined up adds credibility to the initiative. It’s not just a random act of charity.

  14. Mel H. August 19, 2024

    I hope this doesn’t end up like so many other initiatives that start strong but fizzle out. Long-term commitment is crucial.

  15. Rachel_G August 19, 2024

    Interesting how they’ve included mental well-being as part of ‘Happy Power.’ Milk can’t fix everything.

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