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Giant Squid Discovery in Krabi: A Rare Encounter Ignites Social Media Frenzy

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On a seemingly ordinary Friday in Krabi, fishermen made an extraordinary catch that has set social media abuzz. Hauling in an ensemble of giant squid, these sea giants, each tipping the scales at an impressive 5 kilograms, quickly became the talk of the town, or more accurately, the talk of Facebook, thanks to Nuch Juraluck. Nuch, a local seafood stall owner in the Muang district of Krabi, couldn’t help but share photos of these formidable creatures, igniting a wave of curiosity and bemusement among netizens.

The striking visuals of the squid sparked a flurry of comments, with folks pondering everything from the species of these marine marvels to how their flesh might fare on the palate. Despite their imposing size, some wondered if their meat would be a gastronomic delight or a culinary challenge, given its less-than-tempting appearance.

Despite being the bearer of these intriguing images, Nuch admitted to being in the dark about the squid’s official taxonomy. However, she revealed that they are affectionately known as muek jeen among the local vendors—a moniker that hints at their elusive nature.

The narrative of these intriguing sea creatures doesn’t end at their discovery. These four or five muek jeen were reeled in from the deep blue off Krabi by the stalwart fishing vessel, Chokpapimol. Subsequently, their meat found its way to the market, priced at a modest 100 baht per kilogram, finding its way into the kitchens and perhaps the hearts of the local gourmands.

Deepening the mystery and allure of the muek jeen, Charoenchai Srisuwan, a senior fisheries official in Krabi, shared insights into these seldom-seen squids. Known among the fishing community for their rarity in the region, captures of the muek jeen are few and far between, with reports surfacing only once every three to five years. These sporadic sightings are often courtesy of trawlers that scour the depths with their expansive nets, suggesting that the muek jeen prefer the solitude of the deep waters far from the prying eyes of coastal fishermen.

Charoenchai offered a glimmer of hope regarding the health of our oceans, suggesting that the appearance of the muek jeen near Krabi could signify a resurgence in the area’s biodiversity and fertility. This positive shift might be attributed to the seasonal closures of the fishery, giving nature a much-needed respite to rejuvenate. However, he couldn’t dismiss the possibility of their appearance being driven by underwater volcanic activities that nudged these mysterious creatures closer to the surface.

Whether regarded as a culinary curiosity or a symbol of ecological hope, the giant squid of Krabi serve as a reminder of the ocean’s vast mysteries and the surprises it holds. For the fishermen and residents of Krabi, it was a day that brought them face to face with the wonders of the deep, proving yet again that the sea, with all its mysteries, continues to captivate and intrigue us in ways beyond our imaginations.


  1. SquidLover98 February 3, 2024

    Incredible catch! It’s not every day you see giant squid like these. Really highlights how little we know about our oceans. Can you imagine what else is lurking down there?

    • OceanMystery February 3, 2024

      Absolutely agree! The ocean is like an alien world within our planet. These squids are just the tip of the iceberg.

      • SquidLover98 February 3, 2024

        Exactly! Makes you wonder about the other ‘monsters’ hiding in the depths. More exploration needed!

    • TechDiver February 3, 2024

      Without a doubt! But we need better tech to go deeper without harming marine life. Current methods can be quite disruptive.

  2. EcoWarrior21 February 3, 2024

    While this is fascinating, I can’t help but worry about the impact of fishing on these rare creatures. Overfishing is a huge problem, and sightings like these should be a wake-up call for conservation, not just excitement.

    • FishFanatic February 3, 2024

      I see your point, but local fishermen rely on catches like these for their livelihood. It’s all about finding a balance between conservation and sustenance.

      • EcoWarrior21 February 3, 2024

        Balance is key, but it often tips too far into exploitation. There are sustainable ways to fish without driving species to near extinction or rarity.

  3. ChefDelMar February 3, 2024

    Love the culinary aspect of this! Giant squid offers a unique taste and texture. It’s a challenge for chefs, but also an opportunity to expand our seafood cuisine.

    • GourmetGuru February 3, 2024

      Any recipe ideas for giant squid? Sounds like a delightful challenge for a dinner party!

      • ChefDelMar February 3, 2024

        Grilled giant squid with a spicy marinade can be amazing. The texture holds up well to intense flavors.

  4. EcoHiker February 3, 2024

    I hope this doesn’t encourage more fishing for these giants. Their rarity suggests they might not be as resilient as we hope against human activities.

  5. ScienceGeek February 3, 2024

    Fascinating! It’s instances like this that contribute valuable data for marine biologists. The more we know, the better we can protect these creatures.

    • BioDiver February 3, 2024

      True, but there’s the ethical dilemma of studying vs. disturbing. It’s a fine line between observation and interference in their natural habitats.

  6. FishLoreFan February 3, 2024

    The locals calling them muek jeen adds a sort of mystical aspect to the discovery. Love how every region has their own sea legends and lore!

    • MythHunter February 3, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s fascinating to see how cultures intertwine with marine life and how these stories shape our understanding of the sea.

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