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Gold Heist Hunt Intensifies: Nakhon Si Thammarat Police on Trail of Jewel Thief

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Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to the extraordinary scene that has engulfed the tranquil town of Tha Sala district in Nakhon Si Thammarat, where forensic officials, capes fluttering in the breeze of intrigue, have graced the Siriporn gold shop with their investigative ballet. What’s this? A daylight robbery? Indeed, dear readers, on the fateful Tuesday afternoon captured through the unblinking eye of the camera’s gaze, our tale unfolds.

But fear not, for our intrepid guardians of the peace have already laid their cards on the table, identifying the mastermind behind this brazen heist. Through streets whispered with questions and curtains twitching with curiosity, the name Chaiwut Wethayawong, aged 54, echoes with the tenacity of a manhunt in full stride. Ah, the plot thickens, for this gentleman bandit is nowhere to be found, and the constabulary has beseeched the powers of the court for an arrest warrant to bring this saga to a close.

As we delve deeper, let me paint you a picture of concern and dedication. Pol Maj Gen Somchai Suetortrakun, a visage of resolve, the chief of Nakhon Si Thammarat police, makes his grand entrance. With the precision of a seasoned maestro, he peruses the crime scene, his eyes missing not a speck nor a clue.

The threads of this story stretch back to an unsuspecting domicile in tambon Talingchan, where a mechanical steed, a motorbike, lies in silent testament to its role in the escape. A wardrobe of garments matching the specter’s roguish attire was uncovered within—yet our elusive Mr. Wethayawong, akin to a wisp of smoke, eluded capture.

Let us rewind the clock to that adrenaline-soaked Tuesday afternoon, where a crash-helmeted miscreant waltzes into the Siriporn gold shop. With the flourish of a gunslinger in the Wild West, he brandishes a firearm, cowing employees into surrendering the treasures they guard: three gold necklaces, weighing in at 15 baht, are spirited away.

And with the audacity only seen in tales of lore, our antagonist mounts his two-wheeled chariot, racing towards Sichon district, leaving the gilded sanctuary in disarray.

Yet, this is not the first time the shadow of greed has cast itself over Tha Sala. Earlier in the month, a solo bandit sought to claim riches from a gold shop cradled within the bosom of a Tesco Lotus. Two necklaces, a mere 6 baht in weight, were filched – but alas for him, the long arm of the law whisked him away within the hour. This dastardly rogue? One Supanat Phathong, a youthful 24, now a guest in the iron embrace of justice.

Stay tuned, for Tha Sala’s tale of glitter and guile continues to weave its spellbinding narrative. Will our crafty Mr. Wethayawong slip through the fingers of the law like so many grains of sand? Or will he, too, like young Supanat, find that crime, indeed, does not pay? Only time, that great scribe of fate, will tell.

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