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Gorilla Company Limited Wins Big with 16 Awards at 2024 Eventex and Event Marketing Awards

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Thai brand experience agency, Gorilla Company Limited, has triumphantly climbed the ladder of recognition, clinching a staggering 16 prestigious awards at the 2024 Eventex Awards and Event Marketing Awards. This remarkable achievement underscores Gorilla’s unparalleled creative prowess, propelling the Bangkok-based agency to the forefront of the global brand experience industry.

The illustrious Eventex Awards, which exalt creativity, innovation, and effectiveness across various industries, saw Gorilla Company snagging a whopping 11 awards. Their pièce de résistance, the “Volvo EX30 Thailand Launch,” earned top honors, including the coveted Platinum Award for Best Brand Experience in the Automotive category. The campaign also bagged multiple Gold Awards in categories like Immersive Experience and Product Launch. Pitted against a staggering 1,207 projects from 62 different countries, Gorilla Company’s stellar performance secured them an impressive third place overall in the Top Agency Winners category.

Not stopping there, the agency also dazzled at the 2024 Event Marketing Awards, organized by Campaign Asia-Pacific. They walked away with five additional accolades, recognizing the trailblazing creativity and innovation imbued in the “Volvo EX30 Thailand Launch” project. This groundbreaking campaign claimed Gold for Best Product Launch and Silver for Best Creative Idea, further solidifying Gorilla’s status as a leader in the industry.

“We are incredibly proud to be recognized at both the Eventex Awards and Event Marketing Awards,” beamed Tawadchai Niemwiwad, Founder and CEO of Gorilla Company Limited. “Over the past 18 years, we’ve had the privilege to work with clients across various industries, approaching every project with unwavering dedication and an insatiable thirst for new ideas. This recognition is a glowing testament to our team’s relentless hard work and boundless creativity.”

Thawadchai also highlighted the burgeoning potential of Thailand’s brand experience industry, stating, “Thailand’s brand experience agencies rank among the best worldwide in terms of creativity and execution. It’s high time we showcased our talents on a global stage, and these awards demonstrate that our industry is well-prepared to support international businesses with world-class solutions.”

Gorilla’s award-winning “Volvo EX30 Thailand Launch” campaign was a collaborative triumph with Volvo Car Thailand, shepherded by the keen vision of Managing Director Chris Wailes. The project not only catapulted the Volvo brand to new heights within Thailand but also earned significant international acclaim.

For those eager to delve deeper into the creative genius of Gorilla Company, visit their official website at


  1. Joe September 9, 2024

    Wow, 16 awards! That’s really impressive. I didn’t know Thailand had such a strong presence in the brand experience industry.

    • Alicia M September 9, 2024

      Yes, it’s amazing how much talent there is globally that we don’t usually hear about.

      • Mark Johnson September 9, 2024

        True, but is it really that surprising? Asia has been a hotbed for creativity for a while now.

      • Joe September 9, 2024

        Fair point, Mark. We probably need to pay more attention to international markets.

    • techguru42 September 9, 2024

      Awards are nice and all, but do they translate to actual consumer impact? That’s the real question.

      • Joe September 9, 2024

        That’s a good point. But I think the success of these campaigns speaks for itself.

      • Alicia M September 9, 2024

        Exactly. If they’re winning awards, they’re likely impacting consumers too.

  2. Paul September 9, 2024

    Gorilla Company Limited is getting more recognition than some big Western firms. Kind of puts things in perspective.

    • Sarah September 9, 2024

      Absolutely, Paul. It’s also a reminder that innovation can come from anywhere.

    • LondonGuy September 9, 2024

      But how much of this is just marketing fluff? Awards can sometimes be more about self-congratulation than actual innovation.

    • Paul September 9, 2024

      True, but the competition was stiff. Outperforming over a thousand projects from 62 countries isn’t a small feat.

    • techguru42 September 9, 2024

      I agree with both sides. Innovation can come from anywhere, but sometimes awards don’t tell the whole story.

  3. Susie78 September 9, 2024

    Thailand is becoming a major player on the global stage. Proud to see them shine!

    • Michael S September 9, 2024

      Totally! I think we’re going to see more Asian countries excelling in global industries soon.

    • Susie78 September 9, 2024

      Yes, Michael! It’s exciting to see the shift in global dynamics.

    • AnnaLee September 9, 2024

      I think it’s long overdue. The West has dominated these fields for too long.

  4. Steve W September 9, 2024

    I think it’s nice they’ve won so many awards, but can they maintain this level of quality going forward?

    • Linda September 9, 2024

      That’s a good point. Keeping the momentum will be challenging.

    • Steve W September 9, 2024

      Exactly. It’s one thing to win, another to consistently perform at that level.

  5. Laura G September 9, 2024

    Volvo really hit it out of the park with this collaboration. Seems like a smart move for their brand.

  6. Driver013 September 9, 2024

    We need more collaborations like this in the automotive industry. Keeps things fresh.

  7. Keith September 9, 2024

    I’m skeptical of these awards. Are they really an indicator of a company’s value?

    • Beth September 9, 2024

      I see where you’re coming from, but they must mean something if they’re so sought after.

    • Keith September 9, 2024

      Maybe, but I still think we should look at other metrics too.

  8. Jennifer Hill September 9, 2024

    The CEO’s comments about Thailand’s potential are spot on. There’s so much untapped talent there.

  9. Mark Johnson September 9, 2024

    Awards are great for publicity, but let’s see how they leverage this recognition to grow their business.

    • Sarah September 9, 2024

      Growth isn’t just about awards but they do help in opening doors.

    • Mark Johnson September 9, 2024

      Absolutely. Let’s hope they can capitalize on this momentum.

  10. Tom September 9, 2024

    It’s reassuring to see creativity being acknowledged, especially in such a competitive field.

  11. Jessica L September 9, 2024

    This is exactly what the new world economy looks like. Talent and innovation can come from anywhere.

    • drivergirl99 September 9, 2024

      So true. It’s a global village!

    • Kevin H September 9, 2024

      I agree. It’s inspiring to see.

  12. AlanR September 9, 2024

    16 awards in one go? That seems almost too good to be true. How does one agency manage that?

    • Lisa September 9, 2024

      It’s called hard work and relentless creativity, Alan.

    • AlanR September 9, 2024

      I guess so, but it still feels like a monumental task.

  13. PaulM September 9, 2024

    Gorilla’s victory is a wake-up call to Western agencies. Better step up the game!

  14. explorer999 September 9, 2024

    Can’t wait to see what Gorilla does next. They’ve set the bar pretty high now.

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