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SalesLogs and GPI Partner to Revolutionize Thailand’s Automotive Data Intelligence

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SalesLogs, an Australian maven in data collection and analysis for the automotive world, has recently initiated a dynamic brainstorming session with Grand Prix International Public Company Limited (GPI), a renowned media and automotive event maestro in Asia. The objective? To explore how cutting-edge Data Intelligence technology and advanced data management could catapult the automotive business in Thailand to unprecedented heights, aspiring to crown Thailand as Southeast Asia’s Data Intelligence hub in the automotive industry.

SalesLogs delivers a holistic suite of Total Data Intelligence Sales Solutions spread across both online and offline landscapes. Their unique strength lies in seamlessly weaving Data Intelligence technology into the very fabric of marketing and sales processes, ensuring an impeccable data system for the entire automotive sector in Australia.

During this initiation of ideas, SalesLogs and GPI—known for orchestrating the Bangkok International Motor Show, Asia’s grandest automotive spectacle—delved into the potential creation of a premier intelligent data management platform. This innovation promises to revolutionize how data is maneuvered within Thailand’s automotive industry.

John Fountain, an Executive at SalesLogs, passionately remarked, “SalesLogs is ardent about reshaping data collection in the automotive marketplace. We’re crafting an intelligent data management platform tailored specifically for the automotive field. Our ambition is to demystify data management for dealerships via Data Intelligence technology, capturing insights from both offline and online car enthusiasts—be it through showroom visits or event interactions. This facilitates effortless data processing and insight monetization, revealing precious nuggets like buyer demographics, trending car models, favored car colors, and appealing promotions. With such rich data, we can predict future financial trends with remarkable accuracy and efficiency, all within a modest budget.”

Jennie Fountain, Co-Executive at SalesLogs, chimed in, “Right now, SalesLogs proudly stands as the pioneer in establishing a Centralized Data Intelligence system for Australia’s automotive realm. This platform demystifies data interpretation and management, paving the way for dealerships to make informed, data-driven decisions that amplify their profitability. Our platform, endorsed by a plethora of automotive brands across Australia (Tesla being the sole exception), is intuitive and profoundly enhances business performance. On top of that, we furnish advanced tracking tools to oversee data access and usage, guaranteeing transparency and security for dealerships. Our data management prowess has already crossed boundaries into the USA, New Zealand, UAE, and Malaysia.”

Jaturont Komolmis, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of GPI, added, “With over half a century of stalwart presence in the automotive arena, we are deeply intrigued by the intelligent automotive data management marvel presented by SalesLogs. This brainstorming dialogue is a springboard to propel Thailand’s automotive landscape into a new stratosphere. Leveraging our profound expertise and vast experience in the Thai and Southeast Asian automotive markets, coupled with our finesse in orchestrating events—whether mega-scale or niche—and collaborating with well-versed micro-influencers in various automotive domains, we are confident that partnering with SalesLogs, a vanguard in Data Intelligence, will adeptly satisfy the requisites of a comprehensive, one-stop digital automotive business service.”

Though SalesLogs has yet to unveil its innovative platform in Thailand’s automotive scene, this brainstorming convergence with GPI underscores the potential crafting of a strategic blueprint for data collection and sales advancement. By adopting this inclusive approach, SalesLogs is poised to spearhead a data management renaissance in Thailand’s automotive sector, endeavoring to make it the epicenter of Data Intelligence in Southeast Asia.


  1. automaster99 July 9, 2024

    This is just another corporate fluff piece. Do we really need more data mining in the automotive industry?

    • Joan Martinez July 9, 2024

      I kind of agree. All this data is just going to end up invading our privacy.

      • Tom July 9, 2024

        But it’s not just about privacy. This data could improve our buying experience, making it more personalized.

      • Joan Martinez July 9, 2024

        That sounds good in theory, but what if it’s used unethically?

      • automaster99 July 9, 2024

        Exactly! Remember the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal? We can’t trust these companies completely.

    • Rachel Z July 9, 2024

      But isn’t this just progress? Innovation often requires us to share more information.

  2. Katie July 9, 2024

    Thailand becoming a data hub? Seems ambitious, but definitely possible with the right collaboration.

    • Dan July 9, 2024

      Agreed. Thailand’s got the right mix of industry and technology savvy to pull it off.

    • scooterpro July 9, 2024

      I don’t know. Asia’s already flooded with data centers. What makes Thailand special?

    • Katie July 9, 2024

      It’s not just about data centers; it’s about intelligence and how you use the data efficiently.

  3. Sammy87 July 9, 2024

    The idea of better data management sounds great. This could really help car dealerships optimize their operations.

  4. James H. July 9, 2024

    I don’t think dealerships will benefit as much as these companies claim. Just sounds like more expenses.

  5. Larry Davis July 9, 2024

    Does anyone really believe this will revolutionize the industry? It feels like overhyped tech jargon.

    • futuretechlover July 9, 2024

      Innovation always faces skepticism at first. Let’s see how it plays out.

    • Larry Davis July 9, 2024

      Fair point, but I’m tired of the overuse of terms like ‘revolutionize’.

  6. carenthusiast July 9, 2024

    I attended the Bangkok International Motor Show and saw some of SalesLogs’ tech. It’s impressive but still needs refinement.

    • grower134 July 9, 2024

      Did they show any real-life applications or was it just demos?

  7. Elena F. July 9, 2024

    With the automotive industry shifting towards electric vehicles, a strong data management system is crucial for future growth.

    • Mark T July 9, 2024

      True! Especially with EVs, understanding consumer behavior is vital.

  8. techsavvy July 9, 2024

    GPI teaming up with SalesLogs could be groundbreaking for Southeast Asia’s automotive scene.

    • AutoGuy22 July 9, 2024

      It’s a big ‘if’ though. Collaborations like these often promise a lot but deliver little.

    • techsavvy July 9, 2024

      Cautious optimism is fine, but dismissing potential can be shortsighted.

  9. Michael P July 9, 2024

    Data-driven decision making is the future. This partnership might set a precedent globally.

  10. Mia July 9, 2024

    I’ve heard these kinds of promises before. Let’s see some action!

  11. engineerJones July 9, 2024

    If they can bring transparency and efficiency, it could lower car prices due to more efficient operations.

  12. Tony G. July 9, 2024

    All this sounds pretty high-tech. Will smaller, local dealerships even be able to afford such tech?

  13. Albert July 9, 2024

    Smaller dealerships could end up being left behind if they can’t keep up with such advancements.

  14. Evelyn July 9, 2024

    This partnership could be a game-changer for Thailand and set a model for neighboring countries.

  15. John July 9, 2024

    What are the chances this turns into another money pit with little to show for it?

    • bikerKat July 9, 2024

      That’s always a risk, but with GPI’s reputation, they might actually pull it off.

    • John July 9, 2024

      I hope you’re right. It’d be great to see some tangible results.

  16. Laura Moulton July 9, 2024

    Don’t overlook the potential for job creation here. If this platform takes off, it could create a lot of tech jobs.

  17. Rob July 9, 2024

    Job creation is great, but what about job displacement due to automation and AI?

  18. autoFanatic July 9, 2024

    This platform could make car shows more interactive and data-rich for enthusiasts.

  19. Megan S. July 9, 2024

    Is Thailand ready for such a leap in tech? The infrastructure needs to be spot-on.

  20. GPI_fan July 9, 2024

    Let’s give them a chance. The Bangkok International Motor Show already shows they’re capable.

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