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Green Titan Triumphs Again: Bangkok’s PTT Global Chemical Seals Unprecedented Third Year Award Win!

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Imagine a world where business isn’t just about the bottom line, but also about making a positive imprint on the planet—that’s the vision that powers PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (GC). On an ordinary day in the bustling city of Bangkok, something extraordinary unfolded. It was November 21, 2023, and in a ceremony brimming with anticipation and prestige, GC, with the inspiring leadership of Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, the mastermind CEO and President, found itself in the limelight for an unprecedented third year in a row.

The venue sparkled with prestige as Mr. Prasarn Trairatvorakul, the eminent Chairman of The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), graced the stage. There, in a moment of well-deserved recognition, he bestowed upon GC the coveted SET Sustainability Awards 2023 – Sustainability Awards of Honor, a testament to GC’s unwavering commitment to sustainability. This honor isn’t dished out to just anyone—it’s the hallmark of a corporation that has woven sustainability into its core, maintaining an unshakable allegiance to excellence for three solid years, and hence, earning the illustrious moniker of the Best Sustainability Awards.

The SET Sustainability Excellence Award isn’t your garden-variety accolade. Forged for businesses that turn the tables on convention, it celebrates the crème de la crème—the ones that lead by example. These companies operate like maestros, orchestrating the symphony of governance and stakeholder interests with a finesse that spurs economic dynamism and nurtures society and nature alike.

In an emotional acceptance speech, Dr. Kongkrapan, a sage in his own right, unveiled GC’s secret mantra: “Our heartbeat is the relentless pursuit of a harmonious trinity—the economy, society, and environment. We dream not just of thriving in business but of uplifting the life quality of our community at large. Receiving this shining accolade doesn’t just decorate our shelf; it lights up the path to relentless, sustainable progress. GC stands unwavering in the commitment to a greener future, steering clear of the bygone era of carbon footprints. With our eyes on the horizon, we are pacing towards Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.”

The glitz of the SET Awards, curated under the collaborative banner of the SET and Money & Banking Magazine, embodies more than just an award—it’s a catalyst igniting the fire of excellence across the Thai capital market. Winners are more than just honorees; they’re luminaries, sparking inspiration and driving others towards the zenith of achievement. In this collective quest, the SET Awards have become not just a desired milestone but a beacon guiding towards a flourishing economy and a resilient society, sustaining the heart and soul of Thailand into the foreseeable future.

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