In the midst of a bustling construction site nestled within the premises of Srinakharinwirot University, located in the Asoke district of the lively city of Bangkok, a horrifying incident unfolded as a crane came crashing down. The accident had devastating repercussions, claiming the life of a local engineer and causing physical harm to two foreign workers hailing from Burma. The very operator assigned to control and manage the crane, was reported to have vanished from the scene post the tragic event.
With haste and urgency, officials from the Thong Lor Police Station swiftly arrived at the accident site at around 4 in the afternoon. In tow with them were rescue personnel and medical professionals with the hope of providing immediate assistance and medical attention. The unfortunate mishap transpired on the balcony of the third floor of a structure which was currently under construction.
Upon the balcony, the remnants of the broken crane could be found toppled over a 38-year-old engineer, identified as Thitiphon Rattana-arpa. Despite the rescue team’s efforts to extract him from underneath the crane wreckage and to provide immediate medical assistance, Thitiphon sadly could not overcome the severity of his injuries and passed away at the scene.
The identities of the two Burmese workers who sustained injuries in this tragic incident remain undisclosed. However, it was reported that their injuries were minor and they have been immediately admitted to the Police General Hospital to receive requisite medical care. The crane operator, who was responsible for operating machinery at the site and consequently for the horrifying accident, was nowhere to be found in the debris and confusion that followed.
Authority figures involved in handling the aftermath of the accident have initiated their investigation by interrogating the other workers present at the site. The focus of their inquiry is to uncover the reasons and circumstances that culminated into this deadly accident. Preliminary reports surmise that the collapse was a result of the crane’s cable failing mid-operation while the crane was transporting a heavy load of cement from the ground floor to the third-floor balcony- causing the crane to collapse onto the unsuspecting Thitiphon.
On investigating further, the police made clear their aim to bring the missing crane operator to legal custody for additional questioning. A comprehensive investigation has been promised to pinpoint the exact contributory factors to the accident. Meanwhile, the overseers of the construction project and the individuals involved can anticipate potential legal charges against them, subject to the outcome of the ongoing investigation.
The city was still coping from another similar traumatic incident that took place three weeks ago in Bangkok itself, where a falling metal plate from a crane at a bridge construction site claimed one Thai worker’s life and caused injuries to two others. Earlier in February, a crane collapse at a massive construction site in the busy Chatuchak district of Bangkok took the life of a Cambodian worker and caused injuries to two of his fellow workers from Cambodia.
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