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Gujarat’s Green Milestone: Avaada Group to Install 6GW Wind-Solar Project

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Welcome to an electrifying chapter in Gujarat’s journey to a sustainable future, where the Avaada Group is solidifying its mark as a powerhouse in India’s energy revolution. This innovative enterprise has inked a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the industrious Government of Gujarat, charting a path to erect a staggering 6000 MW (6 GW) of hybrid wind-solar projects. This herculean venture, encapsulating an investment of a cool Rs 40,000 crore, illuminates the state’s roadmap leading to a more verdant tomorrow.

The Avaada Group’s pledge to the green crusade stands tall with this hefty infusion into Gujarat’s renewable energy artery. During the grandeur of the Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2024, held at the esteemed Gandhinagar, this momentous accord was signed under the watchful gaze of the respected Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Bhupendrabhai Patel. The scene was set with a constellation of dignitaries gathered to bear witness to this stride towards an eco-friendly epoch.

Destined to rise from the sparse wastelands of Kutch, these hybrid marvels will cradle the winds and bask in the sun, becoming a beacon of power for GUVNL and fueling the ambitious Green Hydrogen/Ammonia Projects of AVAADA. This bold step not only slashes the tether to traditional power sources but also exemplifies the group’s zeal for scalable ingenuity. This ambitious endeavor is geared up to reshuffle the energy deck, grappling with the weighty environmental and economic quagmires of our time.

Imagine the sheer magnitude of generating an astronomical 17.5 billion units of clean, green electricity annually! This powerhouse move will clip the wings of about 16.3 million tons of CO2 emissions each year, propelling India’s green energy crusade and electrifying a stunning number of 12.6 million homes.

And that’s not all – the economic spark from this investment will ignite ~1200 direct and indirect job opportunities, fueling local and regional prosperity.

Chiming in on this eco-exciting development, Mr. Vineet Mittal, the visionary Chairperson of Avaada Group, expressed, “The clarion call to battle climate change rings louder than ever, beckoning governments, the private sector, and conscientious citizens worldwide to embrace sustainable avenues that drive economic progress and communal well-being. With renewable energy and its green progeny steering the charge against fossil fuels, we’re witnessing a decarbonization wave sweeping through industries and landscapes globally.”

He continued, “Gujarat, blessed with a trove of natural gifts like bountiful sunshine, an expanse of barren terrains awaiting transformation, and an embracive coastline, is poised to make sizeable waves in the global quest for green substitutes to fossil fuels.”

Raising the sustainability banner higher, Avaada Group’s pact with the state of Gujarat heralds a surge in its mission to sow the seeds of a cleaner energy environment. In addition to the brand-new 6 GW pledge, Avaada already boasts a flourishing ~2 GW of green energy projects across Gujarat, either buzzing with life or sprouting up through various development stages.

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