In an unfortunate turn of events, a 37-year-old glamorous model and her personal secretary found themselves on the wrong side of the law, having been handed a two-month and 40-day detention sentence, in that order. They were aspersed in a shadowy share trading plot that led to financial ruin for ten individuals who later sought legal redress. Despite the initial court ruling of dismissing the charges, the victims remained unwavered and challenged the decision.
The appellate court deliberated and revised the ruling, landing Emmy Maxim’s popular model, Amonwan, with a ten-year and eight-month sentence, and her personal secretary, Jariya, with a sentence of 84 months and 40 days. What’s more, the ruling also ordered them to recompense the victims. Although Amonwan and Jariya sought to have their sentences overturned, their pleas fell on deaf ears. However, they were granted bail pending the conclusion of their cases.
Amonwan, whose fame as Emmy Maxim transcended the Thai borders, managed a share trading group on Facebook and Instagram together with Jariya. Known as “Baan Tor Ngern Pha Ruay,” the group enticed unsuspecting victims into a fraudulent share trading scheme. Consequently, the victims collectively lost tens of millions of baht, leading to the court case.
Jariya’s judgment was grounded on her role in aiding Amonwan’s deceitful activities. According to the court, Jariya could not claim ignorance by arguing that she was merely taking orders from Emmy Maxim. As a result, the court was left with no choice but to adjudicate based on her active member role in the fraudulent scheme.
After a meticulous review by the Supreme Court, it was determined that both Amonwan and Jariya had transgressed Article 341 of the Penal Code. In a surprising twist, the court reduced their sentences by one-third, thanks to their cooperativeness during the investigation process as per Article 78 of the Penal Code. This resulted in Amonwan getting a revised two-month sentence while her secretary, Jariya, was now to serve a 40-day detainment time.
As ordered by the court, their prison sentences were then turned into detentions in accordance with Article 23 of the Penal Code as Sanook reported. The delivery of justice had been served, and now the Min Buri Criminal Court had to play its part. It issued detention orders to the correctional facility in Pathum Thani Province, stating that the two convicts were to start their sentences from September 26, henceforth.
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