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Hat Yai School Scandal Unveiled: Executives Accused of Embezzling Millions in Lunch and Scholarship Funds

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In the heart of Songkhla’s bustling Hat Yai district, a scandal is brewing that has left the community in shock. School executives at Saman Khun Wittayathan School are now grappling with serious accusations of corruption and forgery, tainting projects as crucial as school lunches, scholarship funds, and the procurement of educational supplies. The allegations suggest a significant financial blow, with over two million baht believed to have been misappropriated.

Pol Maj Gen Charoonkiat Pankaew, the deputy commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB), provided insights into the investigation on Tuesday. He revealed that the CIB had teamed up with the Anti-Corruption Division and the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) to launch a thorough inspection of the alleged nefarious activities at the school. The investigation was ignited by fervent complaints from teachers who suspected foul play within their educational sanctuary.

Legal action has been initiated against some top officials within the school. These include the school director, Phiphat Senapitakul, aged 56; deputy school director, Anchalee Puangsuvarn, aged 64; Ubon Sukanan, 55; and Thiranan Pathano, the budget management head, aged 65. They all stand accused of collusion in embezzlement and document forgery.

During a meticulous search, the police seized numerous documents relating to the school’s budget. These documents unmasked glaring irregularities, particularly in the student lunch project, where a notable 25% of the funds seemed to have vanished into thin air. Irregularities weren’t limited to this; there were also dubious dealings related to the procurement and distribution of school supplies and textbooks. In a shocking revelation, it was found that students who had paid for new books were instead handed used ones.

The school, which caters to approximately 1,700 students, has been the epicenter of this alleged corruption. The annual misappropriation of funds meant for educational equipment was estimated at a staggering 1.2 million baht, while the lunch budget swindle was approximated at 900,000 baht. Pol Maj Gen Charoonkiat disclosed that more than 100 witnesses, including parents, students, teachers, and state officials, have already been interrogated as part of this sweeping investigation.

According to the police, this murky shadow of corruption had likely been hovering over the school for years. Interestingly, the accused have staunchly denied all charges. It’s worth noting that these individuals were previously dismissed from the school’s administration but somehow managed a comeback post-negotiations.

Pol Maj Gen Charoonkiat passionately urged the Education Ministry to intensify its scrutiny of school management practices nationwide, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability to regain public trust.

Adding to the complexity, Pol Col Anek Taosuparb, the CSD deputy chief, brought to light the ordeal of some parents who were allegedly coerced into signing documents. These documents deceitfully claimed they had received certain funds, which, in reality, they hadn’t.

The investigation also unveiled that the state had allocated a budget of 22 baht per student for school lunches. However, the police findings disclosed a grim reality—five baht per student was being syphoned off, resulting in substandard meals for the children. This discovery underscores the gravity and the widespread impact of the alleged corruption.

As the investigation deepens, the community waits with bated breath, hoping for justice and a return to integrity in their educational institutions.


  1. John D June 25, 2024

    This just makes me sick to my stomach. How could anyone steal from children, especially from their lunch money? Unbelievable!

    • Maya H June 25, 2024

      Right? These people have no shame. I hope they get the harshest punishment possible for this.

      • TommyB June 25, 2024

        It’s even worse when you think about the fact that they were already dismissed once. It says a lot about how broken the system really is.

    • Davis K June 25, 2024

      It’s horrific, but let’s wait for the trial. Sometimes these accusations can be exaggerated.

  2. grower134 June 25, 2024

    Does anyone really think this will lead to real consequences? The higher-ups always manage to get away with it.

    • Janet P June 25, 2024

      Sadly, you might be right. The rich and powerful often wiggle out of these situations.

    • Nina W June 25, 2024

      I understand the skepticism, but with over 100 witnesses, it seems like they truly have a solid case this time.

  3. Karl T June 25, 2024

    I went to this school back in the day. It’s hard to believe what’s happening now. The administration was strict but fair when I was a student.

  4. Larry Davis June 25, 2024

    This is why we need stronger oversight in schools. If teachers suspected issues earlier, why were these executives still in power?

    • Sarah Y June 26, 2024

      Exactly! Better oversight and maybe even a third-party auditing system could prevent such things from happening.

      • grower134 June 26, 2024

        Because it’s all about money. As long as they can make profits, they’ll keep these things under the rug.

      • Larry Davis June 26, 2024

        Good point, grower134. And let’s not forget, whistleblowers often face severe backlash which makes people hesitant to speak up.

    • Marcus June 26, 2024

      Oversight? Sure. But systemic change is needed. This isn’t a one-off; it’s endemic in the education system.

  5. SophieR June 26, 2024

    The most heartbreaking part is the students getting substandard meals. This impacts their health and ability to learn.

  6. Ananya P June 26, 2024

    You hit the nail on the head, SophieR. Malnutrition can have long-term effects, and it’s unforgivable that someone would do this to children.

  7. Alex M. June 26, 2024

    I wonder how the parents could be coerced into signing those documents. Were they threatened?

    • Eliza H June 26, 2024

      It’s a tactic to silence dissent. A lot of parents might’ve felt they had no choice but to comply.

      • Larry D June 26, 2024

        Parents often have a lot to lose, especially those not financially stable. It’s cruel manipulation.

    • Paul June 26, 2024

      Threats or pressure using their children’s well-being. It’s devious but effective.

  8. Johnny B June 26, 2024

    The police have done a good job so far. Hopefully, this will set a precedent and deter other corrupt officials.

  9. Grover June 26, 2024

    It’s a complex situation. Rooting out corruption will need more than just one investigation.

  10. Mika June 26, 2024

    A scandal like this affects the entire community. It’s hard to rebuild trust after something like this.

  11. Jules M. June 26, 2024

    Every student deserves a fair chance at education. This scandal strips them of that. Absolutely heart-wrenching.

    • Ron F June 26, 2024

      True, but this is just one of many issues in our education system. We need more funding and transparency.

      • Janet P June 26, 2024

        And measures to ensure that the funding is actually used for the students’ benefit.

      • Jules M. June 26, 2024

        Absolutely. It’s about accountability at every level, from local administrators to the highest policy makers.

  12. Chiara June 26, 2024

    Not surprised at all. Corruption is rampant everywhere, not just in schools.

  13. Maddy June 26, 2024

    I hope this investigation brings about real change. It’s high time we overhaul the system.

  14. Karl T June 26, 2024

    Also, what about the scholarships? Those funds are supposed to support students in need!

    • Luis June 26, 2024

      Exactly, Karl. Who knows how many deserving students missed out on opportunities because of this corruption?

      • Karl T June 26, 2024

        It’s not just a few students, Luis. It’s probably dozens, if not hundreds, over the years.

  15. Alison K June 26, 2024

    How do we ensure this doesn’t happen again? Are there any plans for stricter regulations or monitoring?

  16. Simon June 26, 2024

    Implementing technology for real-time tracking of school budgets might help, but that requires investment and transparency.

    • Davis K June 26, 2024

      True, Simon. But will the government allocate the required resources? That’s another challenge.

      • Simon June 26, 2024

        Government priorities often lie elsewhere. It’s a battle to get education the attention and funding it deserves.

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