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Hino Motors Sales (Thailand) Ltd. Secures 13th Consecutive Marketeer No.1 Brand Award

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On 18 July 2024, the prestigious Marketeer No.1 Brand Thailand 2024 Award Ceremony took center stage, hosted by none other than Marketeer Magazine. This renowned event saw HINO, the commercial vehicle giant, clinching the coveted title for an impressive 13th consecutive year. Such an accolade speaks volumes about the company’s resounding reputation, underpinned by comprehensive brand research and nationwide popularity surveys. Customers from every corner of Thailand had their voices heard, voting for their preferred brands across various product categories, culminating in a list of brands of the year.

This year, Hino Motors Sales (Thailand) Ltd. proudly walked away with the Marketeer No.1 Brand Thailand 2024 Award in the fiercely competitive Truck Category. The honor was personally accepted by Ms. Yumiko Kawamura, President of Hino Motors Sales (Thailand) Ltd. Radiating with pride, she emphasized the enormous gratitude HINO and its network of distributors felt towards their loyal customers. Ms. Kawamura remarked, “This award is a source of great pride. It demonstrates that our HINO products meet high standards, possess good quality, and offer exceptional service.” She continued, “The award also reflects the feedback from our customers, who always accept, trust, and choose HINO trucks. Thank you to all customers who believe in us and trust our brand, allowing HINO to succeed in the commercial vehicle market and remain in Thai society for a long time.”

Behind the smiles and accolades lies a simple truth: the strength of HINO’s brand is a testament to their relentless commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. The company’s steadfast policy, “Lead to Change,” sets the tone for their forward-thinking approach. Ms. Kawamura assured, “This support motivates us to continuously develop and enhance our products and services in terms of quality. We strive to become the No.1 brand that meets customer needs. HINO is the leader of change. We are ready to deliver happiness and smiles to our customers and society.”

In its 62 years of operation in Thailand, HINO has been more than just a brand; it’s been a partner in progress. The enduring trust and loyalty of HINO’s customer base reflect the company’s dedication to delivering high-quality products and services consistently. From the bustling streets of Bangkok to the remote provinces, HINO trucks have become synonymous with reliability and excellence.

While the award signifies a milestone, it also paves the way for future endeavors. Under the overarching policy of ‘Customer Smile,’ HINO remains committed to creating more joyful experiences for its patrons. This philosophy aims to foster happiness and ensure that every interaction with HINO products brings a smile. For those eager to stay updated with the latest HINO news and events, their online presence is vibrant and engaging. Whether it’s on Facebook via the ‘Hino Thailand Fan Club,’ Line at @hinoth, YouTube at ‘Hino Thailand Official,’ or TikTok @hinoth, you’re never far from the latest buzz and happenings at HINO.

The future looks bright for HINO and its customers, who can expect continued dedication to quality, innovation, and service. As HINO leads the charge towards a brighter tomorrow, it’s clear that the brand is not just a leader in the commercial vehicle market, but a beloved and integral part of Thai society.


  1. Joe Carter July 25, 2024

    As impressive as 13 years sounds, I can’t help but wonder if this win is based more on tradition than actual merit.

    • grower134 July 25, 2024

      Oh please, if HINO wasn’t delivering, customers would switch to another brand. Consistency speaks for itself!

      • Kim D July 25, 2024

        But how many customers actually have the time or resources to compare every single truck brand comprehensively? Sometimes people just go with what’s familiar.

    • Aki Yamamoto July 25, 2024

      HINO’s quality and customer service are top-notch. If they’ve won 13 times, it’s because they deserve it!

  2. Tracy July 25, 2024

    Let’s be real, these awards can sometimes be influenced by big budgets and marketing rather than genuine satisfaction.

    • Luke Peterson July 25, 2024

      True, money does talk, but customer votes do count. If the product was bad, it wouldn’t matter how big their budget is.

    • Ananya S. July 25, 2024

      I think it’s a mix of both. Good marketing plus good products equal a winning combo.

  3. Carlito33 July 25, 2024

    I’m genuinely curious whether other truck brands like Isuzu or Mitsubishi Fuso even stand a chance against HINO in Thailand.

    • Sarah L July 25, 2024

      Isuzu has its own loyal following, but HINO’s staying power is undeniable. They must be doing something right.

      • grower134 July 25, 2024

        Fuso is also decent, but HINO’s ‘Lead to Change’ policy gives them a competitive edge.

    • J.D. Stevenson July 25, 2024

      Competition is always good for the market and the consumer. Isuzu and Mitsubishi Fuso have their strengths too, but HINO’s consistency is hard to beat.

  4. Bao Tran July 25, 2024

    The ‘Customer Smile’ policy feels very gimmicky to me. Does it actually translate to customer satisfaction?

    • Ethan Hunt July 25, 2024

      I visited Thailand recently and HINO trucks are everywhere. If people weren’t satisfied, they’d look for alternatives. The smiles must be genuine.

    • Tina88 July 25, 2024

      Sometimes simple policies like ‘Customer Smile’ can make a big difference. It shows that the company values its customers.

  5. James Hatfield July 25, 2024

    Awards are nice, but I’m more interested in seeing how HINO aligns with sustainability goals. Anyone have insights?

    • EcoEngineer July 25, 2024

      HINO has been making strides in eco-friendly technologies, but there’s always room for improvement. Their hybrid models are a start.

    • Megan T. July 25, 2024

      Sustainability is a big deal now. Hopefully, HINO steps up their game in that area too.

  6. Anna Kim July 25, 2024

    It’s remarkable to see HINO maintaining its top spot for 13 years. Kudos to them for their commitment to quality.

    • Joe Carter July 25, 2024

      It is indeed impressive, but I’m curious to see how long they can maintain this streak. Competition can be unpredictable.

      • Samuel L July 25, 2024

        True, but for now, they’ve set a high bar for everyone else.

  7. DriverD July 25, 2024

    As a truck driver, I can vouch for HINO’s reliability. My job depends on it.

    • Johnny T. July 25, 2024

      Good to hear from someone in the trenches! Reliability is key when you’re on the road all the time.

  8. Liam July 25, 2024

    Are these awards even relevant globally? How does HINO fare on an international scale?

  9. Priya July 25, 2024

    I’d love to see more details on how the voting process works. Transparency is key for trust.

    • Steven Clark July 25, 2024

      Exactly, without transparency, these awards can easily be questioned.

    • grower134 July 25, 2024

      Marketeer Magazine is pretty reputable in Thailand. I believe the process is fair.

  10. TravelBug July 25, 2024

    Interesting read! I’ve traveled through Thailand and the prevalence of HINO trucks is undeniable.

    • Sarah L July 25, 2024

      Same here! They really do seem to dominate the roads.

  11. Michael F. July 25, 2024

    What’s most impressive to me is how HINO continues to innovate. Keeping up with industry trends is not easy.

    • EcoEngineer July 25, 2024

      Absolutely, innovation is essential in the commercial vehicle market. HINO’s hybrid trucks are a step in the right direction.

  12. Pamela July 25, 2024

    I’m skeptical about these corporate accolades. I’d rather hear from everyday users about their experiences.

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