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How Pongsakorn Pongsak’s IF Brand Achieved 87% Growth and Conquered the Chinese Market

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Mr. Pongsakorn Pongsak, Chief Executive Officer of INNOVATIVE FOOD AND BEVERAGE PTE. LTD, the visionary behind the renowned IF and INNOCOCO brands, recently celebrated a remarkable milestone in market expansion. The year 2023 was particularly stellar, with the company raking in an impressive 3 billion THB in sales, marking an astounding 87% growth from the previous year. A standout in this success story is their 100% coconut water, which has captivated the Chinese market both online and offline with its unparalleled natural taste and sweetness. The meticulous attention to consumer preferences has propelled the IF brand to the forefront of the market.

Leveraging Cold Aseptic Technology, the most advanced in the beverage industry, IF coconut water boasts a shelf life of up to 12 months without preservatives, all while maintaining the fresh, nutrient-rich qualities of freshly cracked coconut. This technological marvel has firmly established IF as a top-of-mind brand among consumers.

Currently, the company has proudly expanded its sales footprint to over 30 global markets, utilizing a synergy of online and offline channels. The brand’s stellar performance on Chinese e-commerce platforms such as Tmall and JD, along with its dedicated flagship store and presence in major modern trade and convenience stores, have been key drivers of market reputation.

The success of IF can be attributed to a robust 360-degree branding and marketing strategy that sets it apart from other Thai export brands. The company employs a diverse array of advertising tools and tailors its brand communication to meet the specific needs of target audiences in each country. To elevate brand awareness, IF communicates in over 10 languages across various platforms. What’s more, the brand collaborates closely with key distributors to create innovative marketing activities, fostering strong customer relationships.

Earlier this year, IF introduced a new product, IF Thai Milk Tea, under the captivating concept of “Taste Nice without Ice.” Launch events in Hong Kong SAR and Singapore were met with enthusiastic consumer responses, further cementing the brand’s popularity.

Looking ahead to 2024, the company has ambitious plans to expand into the USA, Canada, and Australia, with an anticipated growth in sales volume of over 43% compared to 2023. The strategy focuses on showcasing the distinctive flavors of Thailand in international markets, complemented by new product launches. Expansion plans include diversifying beyond fruit juices to include plant-based snacks and drinks, along with innovative coconut-based products such as Coconut Crispy Rolls, Coconut Quinoa Chips, and Sundried Banana Sticks. Significantly, the company also aims to list on the Singapore Stock Exchange by Q3.

During the THAIFEX – Anuga Asia 2024 event, IFB unveiled a variety of exciting products, including the authentic IF Thai Milk Tea, celebrated for its fresh, ice-free taste. Other highlights included the versatile IF Coconut Milk available in three delightful flavors, and a range of products reflecting Thai culinary heritage, such as Mango Sticky Rice-flavored desserts. Additional offerings featured at the event included IF Botanical Herbs Cha, vitamin C-enriched IF Peach Juice, IF Mango Banana Juice, IF Oat Drink, and the ever-crunchy IF Quinoa Chips.

As part of the management team, we extend heartfelt gratitude to all our customers who have chosen IF and our other brands. We pride ourselves on being an innovative company committed to introducing premium quality beverages and products from Thailand to the global stage. Our unwavering dedication to quality ensures that our consumers always enjoy the best experience possible.

For more information, visit: IF Family

Hashtags: #DrinkIF #IF #อีฟ #อีฟน้ำมะพร้าว #IFB


  1. Sara T. June 6, 2024

    87% growth is insane! What are they doing differently from other Thai brands?

    • JohnDoe123 June 6, 2024

      Their Cold Aseptic Technology is a game-changer. No preservatives and a 12-month shelf life? No wonder they’re ahead.

      • Sara T. June 6, 2024

        Good point, John. I didn’t realize the technology was that advanced. Why aren’t more brands using it?

  2. Jessie June 6, 2024

    Their focus on the Chinese market was smart. China loves natural and healthy products.

    • Carlos R. June 6, 2024

      Exactly, and considering China’s population, once you capture that market, you’re pretty much set.

    • AlexP89 June 6, 2024

      Yeah, but it’s not just about health. They know how to market and build a brand presence over there.

  3. Tara K. June 6, 2024

    How authentic can packaged coconut water be? I find it hard to believe it tastes like a freshly cracked coconut.

    • Tim June 6, 2024

      I tried it when I was in China last summer. Surprisingly, it does taste fresh, thanks to the technology they use.

    • Sam B. June 6, 2024

      I’m skeptical too. Most packaged drinks lose their flavor. I might try it to see for myself.

    • Tara K. June 6, 2024

      Maybe I’ll give it a shot. I love coconut water but hate the artificial taste of most brands.

  4. foodie_love33 June 6, 2024

    Has anyone tasted their new Thai Milk Tea? Is it as good as they claim?

    • Nina H. June 6, 2024

      I have! It’s honestly amazing, especially the concept without ice. Feels more authentic.

    • Daniel M. June 6, 2024

      Not a fan, TBH. It’s too sweet for my liking. Maybe I’m too used to bubble tea.

    • foodie_love33 June 6, 2024

      I love sweet drinks, so sounds like it’s right up my alley. Thanks for the feedback!

  5. GrowerJohn June 6, 2024

    I’m impressed by their global expansion. 30 markets is no small feat!

    • Julia L. June 6, 2024

      Right? It shows how well they’re adapting their strategies for different countries.

    • GrowerJohn June 6, 2024

      I think their multilingual marketing plays a huge role. You can’t underestimate the power of language.

  6. Mark T. June 6, 2024

    Can’t wait for them to launch in the USA. I need a new coconut water brand!

  7. Ella June 6, 2024

    Interesting read! Looks like they’ve got it all figured out.

  8. EconomicMaster98 June 6, 2024

    Planning to list on SGX makes sense. Expanding their capital base would be crucial for further growth.

    • Anna S. June 6, 2024

      Yep, and it would also give them more credibility in international markets.

  9. Roberta June 6, 2024

    It’s not just about the technology. Their 360-degree branding and marketing strategy is spot on.

    • Kevin W. June 6, 2024

      Exactly. You can have the best product, but if you don’t market it well, it’s useless.

  10. Jake June 6, 2024

    I wonder how their plant-based snacks will fare. The market is getting pretty crowded.

  11. Samantha Davis June 6, 2024

    Diversifying into snacks is smart! People are always looking for healthier options.

    • Rick P. June 6, 2024

      Agreed. I’m curious about their Coconut Quinoa Chips. Those sound delicious!

  12. TechGuru99 June 6, 2024

    Cold Aseptic Technology is old news. What else do they have up their sleeve?

    • Lara J. June 6, 2024

      Technological advancements are ongoing. They probably have more innovations in the pipeline.

  13. Mikey June 6, 2024

    Why hasn’t the US market seen more of their products sooner? This brand sounds amazing.

  14. Lucas June 6, 2024

    With the rate they’re expanding, it won’t be long before they’re everywhere in the US.

  15. Lucia June 6, 2024

    I think the focus on showcasing Thai flavors worldwide will really set them apart.

    • Amy K. June 6, 2024

      It’s a smart move. The exotic appeal is always a hit in international markets.

  16. AvocadoFan June 6, 2024

    What’s so special about Mango Sticky Rice-flavored desserts? Sounds odd to me.

    • Shane M. June 6, 2024

      Have you tried Mango Sticky Rice? It’s heavenly. Mixing it in desserts could be a unique twist.

    • AvocadoFan June 6, 2024

      Maybe I’ll try it out. If it tastes good, I might become a fan.

  17. Ravi S. June 6, 2024

    Incredible success story! I think their collaboration with key distributors is pivotal.

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