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Huawei Cloud Tops Thailand’s Hybrid Cloud Market: Leading Digital Transformation

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Gartner®, a renowned international research institute, recently released a research report titled “Market Share: IT Services, Worldwide 2023”. The report reveals that Huawei ranks No. 2 by revenue in China’s IaaS market and No. 3 in that of Thailand. According to the Emerging Asia-Pacific Hybrid Cloud Market Report 2022 by Frost & Sullivan, an authoritative analysis organization, Huawei Cloud in Thailand clinches the top spot by revenue in the hybrid cloud market.

In 2023, Huawei Cloud achieved global sales revenue of a staggering CNY55.3 billion, with an impressive year-on-year public revenue growth of 110% outside the Chinese mainland, positioning it as one of the fastest-growing cloud providers globally. Huawei Cloud has become a trusted name for numerous customers and partners in Thailand and beyond.

Huawei Cloud is broadening its global reach through KooVerse, its extensive global cloud infrastructure network. Committed to providing top-tier cloud services, Huawei Cloud ensures a consistent global experience. Adhering to the principle of “In Local, For Local,” Huawei delivers innovative technologies and localized services, paving the way to digital transformation for a multitude of industries. Huawei Cloud currently operates 93 availability zones (AZs) across 33 regions, serving customers in over 170 countries and territories.

Huawei was the trailblazer as the first global cloud vendor to establish a presence in Thailand. Since the debut of Huawei Cloud in Thailand on September 30, 2018, the company has rolled out over 100 cloud services, developed more than 300 local partners, and serves thousands of customers. Huawei Cloud has deployed three AZs in Thailand, with the third AZ going live on March 25, 2022. Notably, Huawei Cloud fully complies with local regulatory requirements and supports payment and billing in local currency. Beyond this, Huawei has also set up a local OpenLab innovation center to collaborate with customers and partners, fostering continuous innovation to meet local market demands.

With a robust presence in Thailand for over 25 years, Huawei has assembled a local team that constitutes 77% of its workforce. Huawei Cloud Thailand is collaborating with more than 300 local cloud partners and 120 startups to nurture a thriving local ecosystem. The company is also working closely with over 40 Thai universities and has trained over 10,000 developers. What’s more, Huawei aims to double this number to 20,000 in the next three years, focusing on cultivating the technical talent essential for Thailand’s digital economy development.


  1. Alex J. June 12, 2024

    Huawei Cloud’s dominance in Thailand’s hybrid cloud market showcases the power of investing in local partnerships and innovation. It’s impressive!

    • TechGeek42 June 12, 2024

      I agree, but let’s not forget the ongoing concerns about data security and privacy. Huawei’s ties to the Chinese government make some people uneasy.

      • Nina June 12, 2024

        True, but many companies still choose Huawei for their advanced technology and competitive pricing. Isn’t it a trade-off worth considering?

      • Alex J. June 12, 2024

        Absolutely. Every technology choice comes with its own set of risks and rewards. It’s up to businesses to weigh those carefully.

  2. Sammy D June 12, 2024

    I think it’s amazing how Huawei has managed to train so many developers in Thailand. Local talent is crucial for sustainable tech growth.

    • Lana R June 12, 2024

      Yes, but let’s not forget that they’re also serving their own interests. Training developers ensures they have a loyal workforce familiar with their technology.

    • tech_guru June 12, 2024

      Lana has a point. Plus, local training can sometimes limit developers to one ecosystem. Shouldn’t we be encouraging more diverse tech skills?

    • Sammy D June 12, 2024

      Fair enough, but a strong foundation in one system can often lead to more versatile skill sets over time.

  3. Grower201 June 12, 2024

    How does their hybrid cloud service compare to AWS and Azure? Any firsthand experiences?

    • Tony June 12, 2024

      From my experience, Huawei Cloud is competitive but still lacks some of the advanced features and global spread of AWS and Azure.

    • grower134 June 12, 2024

      I’ve used Huawei Cloud for smaller projects; it’s reliable but feels a bit behind in user-friendliness compared to AWS.

    • Grower201 June 12, 2024

      Interesting. I was thinking of migrating my small business’s systems but wanted some real feedback.

  4. Anna K. June 12, 2024

    Isn’t anyone concerned about Huawei possibly controlling too much of the tech infrastructure in developing countries?

    • John June 12, 2024

      That is a valid concern, Anna. Monopoly in tech can lead to less competition and innovation in the long run.

    • Marie T June 12, 2024

      But monopolies can also mean streamlined services and reduced costs. Not everything about it is bad.

    • Anna K. June 12, 2024

      I see your point, but we still need to ensure there’s oversight and competition to keep things fair for everyone.

  5. TommyL June 12, 2024

    Why are people even trusting Huawei with their data?

    • Charlie L. June 12, 2024

      Because they’re offering better services and prices compared to some of the Western cloud providers. It’s all about cost efficiency.

    • Jenny P June 12, 2024

      Exactly, here in Thailand, many businesses are more concerned about cost than potential privacy issues.

    • TommyL June 12, 2024

      Still, I think it’s short-sighted. Data privacy is crucial in today’s world.

  6. Rajesh B June 12, 2024

    It’s great to see Huawei supporting local universities and startups. Tech education is the future.

    • Lily June 12, 2024

      Agreed! Investing in education ensures a skilled workforce for the future, benefiting both Huawei and the local economy.

    • Kiran June 12, 2024

      While the educational support is commendable, I wonder if there’s a hidden agenda. Are they really fostering innovation or just aligning future talent with their systems?

  7. Mike88 June 12, 2024

    Why isn’t there more focus on homegrown cloud services in Thailand?

    • Helen P June 12, 2024

      Perhaps because homegrown options might lack the resources and expertise that big players like Huawei bring to the table?

    • TechGuru42 June 12, 2024

      True, but investing in local services could eventually lead to better self-sufficiency and reduce reliance on foreign companies.

  8. Liu Z June 12, 2024

    What do people think about the heavy regulations Huawei has to comply with in Thailand?

  9. Sandra June 12, 2024

    Regulatory compliance is a good thing. It means they’re being held to local standards, which can protect consumers.

  10. Zack T June 12, 2024

    Yeah, but too many regulations can stifle innovation and make operations cumbersome.

  11. Dr. Evan June 12, 2024

    Huawei’s adherence to local regulations shows their commitment to the market. It builds trust, especially in terms of data security.

  12. Jamie S June 12, 2024

    I read that Huawei’s global infrastructure, KooVerse, is expanding rapidly. It’s fascinating how interconnected the world is becoming thanks to cloud technology.

  13. Bill June 12, 2024

    That interconnection is a double-edged sword. What if there’s a global cyber threat? How do we safeguard against that?

  14. Edwin T June 12, 2024

    Global infrastructure does make things more efficient, but cybersecurity needs to be a top priority for all providers.

  15. Carl D. June 12, 2024

    Interesting to see how competitive the cloud market is getting, especially with giants like AWS, Azure, and Huawei fighting for dominance.

  16. TechStudent June 12, 2024

    I wonder if any of these cloud services will ever truly dominate or if it will always be a balanced market.

  17. Laura B June 12, 2024

    Diversity in cloud service providers is essential. A monopolized market could lead to higher prices and less innovation.

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