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Indulge in the Ultimate Thai Chocolate Experience at Shangri-La Bangkok’s Riverside Afternoon Tea

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Fancy diving into a world where sustainability comes wrapped in the richness of Thai chocolate? Inspired by Shangri-La’s illustrious ‘Rooted in Nature’ project, an initiative that melds environmental responsibility with tantalizing flavors, ‘All About Thai Chocolate’ invites you on a decadent journey.

Imagine savoring melt-in-your-mouth chocolates, crafted with love, each with cocoa content ranging from a silky 40% to an indulgent 70%. These chocolates are sourced from some of Thailand’s finest regions: the lush landscapes of Chiang Mai, the vibrant fields of Chanthaburi, the verdant groves of Chumphon, and the picturesque hills of Prachuap Khiri Khan.

Now, picture yourself enjoying these chocolate delights while basking in the serene views of the magnificent Chao Phraya River. It’s not just a treat for your taste buds; it’s an unforgettable sensory experience!

The ‘All About Thai Chocolate’ afternoon tea is an event you won’t want to miss. Available from 2 PM to 6 PM, today through September 30, 2024, this exquisite afternoon tea is priced at THB 1,999 nett per set for two people. This delightful set doesn’t just include the finest chocolates but also a hand-picked selection of premium teas and coffee, ensuring your afternoon is both refreshing and luxurious.

To reserve your moment of chocolate bliss, simply call the Restaurant Reservations Desk at 0 2236 7777. Alternatively, you can send an email to [email protected] or visit the hotel’s website at Shangri-La Bangkok.

Don’t let this unique opportunity pass you by—immerse yourself in the flavors of Thailand while enjoying a stunning riverside view. Chocolate dreams do come true, and they’re waiting for you at Shangri-La Bangkok.


  1. Jenny S July 4, 2024

    This sounds like heaven! Thai chocolate and a serene river view? Count me in!

    • Matt T July 4, 2024

      Sure, but do we really need to spend $60 for chocolate and tea? It’s a bit much for some sweets.

      • Jenny S July 4, 2024

        It’s not just about chocolate, Matt. It’s about the experience and supporting sustainable practices.

      • luxediaries July 4, 2024

        Absolutely! Plus, it’s a unique event, not something you do every day.

    • Grower1972 July 4, 2024

      Also, the chocolate is sourced sustainably from some of Thailand’s best regions.

  2. foodcritic45 July 4, 2024

    Sustainability is just a marketing spin. At the end of the day, they’re still exploiting cocoa farmers.

    • Marie July 4, 2024

      I disagree, foodcritic45. Projects like this do more good than harm. It provides fair wages to local farmers.

  3. Lisa C July 4, 2024

    I went last weekend and it was amazing. The tea selection was top-notch too!

    • gretta_b July 4, 2024

      Good to hear! Did you feel paying the price was worth it?

      • Lisa C July 4, 2024

        Definitely. The whole experience was delightful and something I’ll always remember.

  4. Kris July 4, 2024

    THB 1,999 is way too overpriced, especially for locals. Why can’t they have a local rate?

    • Jon S July 4, 2024

      Hotels like Shangri-La cater mostly to tourists, not locals, so pricing is adjusted accordingly.

      • Kris July 4, 2024

        That’s exactly the problem. Pricing out locals isn’t fair.

      • bethany July 4, 2024

        But think about the quality and sustainability. It’s not just any chocolate.

  5. sam123 July 4, 2024

    Why all the fuss about chocolate? It’s just cacao and sugar.

    • Dianna July 4, 2024

      sam123, quality chocolate is an art form, just like wine or coffee.

  6. Michael L. July 4, 2024

    I’ve been to Shangri-La in Bangkok before, and their service is impeccable. Worth every penny.

  7. Nina July 4, 2024

    More people should support events that focus on sustainability. We need more initiatives like this.

  8. richb July 4, 2024

    Does anyone know if they cater to dietary restrictions? My partner is lactose intolerant.

    • Anna T July 4, 2024

      Richb, best to call ahead and ask. They should be accommodating.

  9. LexiZo July 4, 2024

    I love the idea of indulging in high-quality chocolate while supporting local farmers. Win-win!

  10. Erik July 4, 2024

    This just seems like a fancy tourist trap tbh.

    • Claire July 4, 2024

      It’s more than that, Erik. It’s about the unique experience and the sustainable practices.

    • CathyGhost July 4, 2024

      If you don’t appreciate the art of fine dining and quality chocolate, it’s not for you.

  11. mrsaturn July 4, 2024

    I wish I lived closer to Bangkok. This sounds like a dream!

  12. Pat July 4, 2024

    Honestly, this seems like a creative way to draw more tourists. Smart marketing.

  13. Yvonne July 4, 2024

    I hope they keep hosting events like this even after the mentioned date. It sounds too good to be a one-time thing.

    • Timothy July 4, 2024

      They probably will if it gets a good turnout. Supply and demand.

  14. Carlos B July 4, 2024

    I believe events like this can educate more people about the importance of sustainability in the food industry.

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