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IRPC Appoints Terdkiat Prommool as New CEO to Drive Sustainable Growth

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IRPC Public Company Limited is making waves by appointing a new President and Chief Executive Officer who promises to propel the company toward unprecedented heights of sustainable growth and resource efficiency. Stepping into this pivotal role as of October 1, 2024, is none other than Mr. Terdkiat Prommool. With his seasoned leadership, the company aims to harmonize business operations with the ethos of good governance, social responsibility, and environmental impact.

Mr. Terdkiat is no stranger to the high-stakes world of corporate strategy and innovation. In his previous role as Senior Executive Vice President of Corporate Strategy at PTT Public Co., Ltd., he played a significant role in steering several key business units to success. Among his many hats, Mr. Terdkiat has also served as a board member at the Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), chaired the Thailand Energy Academy Management Committee, and held the position of Vice President at the UN Global Compact Network Thailand (UNGCNT). Not to mention, he sits on the board of the Thai Renewable Energy (RE 100) Association, a testament to his unwavering commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

Academically, Mr. Terdkiat boasts a robust educational background with a Master’s degree in Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, and a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the renowned Chulalongkorn University.

As the eighth CEO of IRPC, Mr. Terdkiat is laser-focused on living up to the company’s vision of “Creating a Better Future.” His strategy involves a nuanced approach to sustainable growth that prioritizes not just the bottom line, but also the well-being of society and the environment. By fostering innovations and embracing responsible business practices, he aims to create a thriving enterprise that positively affects communities and nature alike.


  1. grower134 October 2, 2024

    Great, just another CEO promising ‘sustainable growth.’ I’ll believe it when I see it.

    • Samantha Lee October 2, 2024

      Why so cynical? With Terdkiat’s background, he might actually deliver on these promises.

      • grower134 October 2, 2024

        Because I’ve seen too many ‘green’ promises that turn out to be nothing but PR stunts. Actions speak louder than words.

      • ChemicalEngineer21 October 2, 2024

        Exactly! Let’s give him a chance before jumping to conclusions. His resume looks solid.

  2. Larry D October 2, 2024

    Sustainable growth is a buzzword used to greenwash! IRPC has to prove it’s not just all talk this time.

    • EcoWarrior October 2, 2024

      Greenwashing is a concern, but you can’t deny the importance of aiming for sustainability in corporate strategies.

      • Larry D October 2, 2024

        True, but I’m tired of seeing companies make grandiose claims without tangible results. We need transparency.

    • Anna Chen October 2, 2024

      Transparency and accountability should be the cornerstone of any sustainable strategy.

  3. Joe October 2, 2024

    I think appointing someone with such a strong academic and professional background signals serious intent from IRPC.

    • green_genius October 2, 2024

      Academics are fine, but real-world results matter more. Let’s wait and watch.

    • Dr. Patel October 2, 2024

      Precisely. His track record at PTT and involvement in renewable energy initiatives speak volumes.

  4. Angela M. October 2, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see a CEO who’s focused on more than just profits. Best of luck to Mr. Terdkiat!

    • profitfirst October 2, 2024

      Profits should be the primary concern! Without profit, there’s no company left to be sustainable.

      • Angela M. October 2, 2024

        Profits are important, yes, but they should be balanced with social and environmental responsibilities.

  5. TechSavvy October 2, 2024

    Sustainable growth often costs more in the short term. Can IRPC afford it?

    • Olivia Smith October 2, 2024

      Good question. Balancing initial investment with long-term benefits is key in any sustainable plan.

    • greentechnerd October 2, 2024

      True, but many innovative solutions can lead to cost savings and new revenue streams in the long term.

  6. Julius October 2, 2024

    I’ve seen too many CEOs make big promises and then crash and burn. Hope this one breaks the mold.

  7. Marie October 2, 2024

    With such an extensive background in renewable energy, Mr. Terdkiat seems like the right choice for IRPC.

  8. GreenDreamer October 2, 2024

    Vision and action are two different things. The real test will be in the implementation of this vision.

    • Visionary83 October 2, 2024

      Absolutely, but having a vision is the first step toward meaningful change.

    • Helen S. October 2, 2024

      Let’s not forget that leadership plays a crucial role in the successful implementation of vision into reality.

  9. William J October 2, 2024

    It’s always exciting to see a new direction in leadership. Here’s hoping for positive changes!

  10. EcoFriendly101 October 2, 2024

    IRPC’s new direction seems promising. It’s crucial that they stay true to their word and demonstrate real environmental stewardship.

  11. Jane Doe October 2, 2024

    Sounds like Mr. Terdkiat has the credentials. Only time will tell if he can lead IRPC to sustainable growth.

    • skeptic23 October 2, 2024

      Credentials don’t always equate to effective leadership. Let’s be cautious with our optimism.

      • Jane Doe October 2, 2024

        Absolutely, results are what matter. Let’s hope he can translate his experience into successful outcomes for IRPC.

  12. FutureVision October 2, 2024

    The key to sustainable growth lies in innovation. Here’s hoping Mr. Terdkiat brings fresh ideas to the table.

  13. Michelle October 2, 2024

    IRPC needed this change. I’m hopeful Mr. Terdkiat will bring in more accountability and transparency in their operations.

    • cynic63 October 2, 2024

      Accountability in big corporations? Now that’s wishful thinking.

  14. Jason K. October 2, 2024

    Big changes in leadership can come with both risks and rewards. Let’s see how this plays out.

  15. Realist October 2, 2024

    I’m skeptical, but if Mr. Terdkiat can align IRPC’s growth with genuine environmental leadership, that would be a game-changer.

  16. Clark October 2, 2024

    I’m cautiously optimistic. His involvement in renewable energy is a good sign for IRPC’s future.

  17. energysaver October 2, 2024

    I hope Mr. Terdkiat really prioritizes renewable energy sources. It’s crucial for future sustainability.

  18. SustainabilityWins October 2, 2024

    IRPC could set a new precedent in corporate governance by embedding sustainability into the core of their business strategy.

  19. doubtfulIndividual October 2, 2024

    I’d love to see IRPC succeed, but I’m worried it’s just another case of strong words, weak actions.

    • OptimisticOllie October 2, 2024

      That could be true, but it’s also possible they’re genuinely committed and are taking the right first steps.

  20. ProgressiveThinker October 2, 2024

    A company like IRPC embracing sustainable growth could influence other major companies to follow suit. Here’s hoping!

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