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IRPC Earns Top 10% S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Score 2023, Reaffirms DJSI Membership for 11th Year

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IRPC Public Company Limited has proudly clinched a spot in the illustrious “Top 10% S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment Score 2023” roster and has cemented its place as a distinguished member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for an impressive 11th consecutive year within the Oil & Gas Refining and Marketing industry. This accolade, bestowed by S&P Global, comes as part of their renowned Sustainability Yearbook 2024.

In a grand ceremony held at the Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park, Bangkok, key representatives of IRPC, including Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Arisara Suthasut (7th from left), and Senior Officer of Strategy and Sustainability, Pilada Pookboonmee (4th from left), proudly accepted the Top 10% S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) Score 2023 award. This recognition places IRPC amidst a league of elite performers, standing out from over 9,400 companies worldwide.

The distinction of being reselected as a DJSI member for the 11th year in a row is testament to IRPC’s unwavering dedication to sustainable business practices, an ethos deeply embedded in social responsibility, robust corporate governance, and a comprehensive consideration for all stakeholders.

Delving deeper into the core of IRPC’s mission, the company’s unwavering commitment to sustainability goes beyond mere accolades. Through integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into the very fabric of its operations, IRPC focuses zealously on creating a balanced ecosystem where economic, social, energy trends, and shifting global consumer behaviours harmoniously coexist.

Innovation, knowledge, and cutting-edge technology serve as the backbone of IRPC’s endeavours to drive product development, all orchestrated to propel Thai society towards a brighter, more sustainable future. Recognizing the dynamism of contemporary challenges, IRPC adapts fluidly, ensuring its strategies are not only resilient but also revolutionary – setting new paradigms in the industry.

Understanding that sustainability is a journey, not a destination, IRPC continuously evaluates its impact and evolves accordingly, demonstrating a model of how modern businesses can thrive while fostering a better, greener, and more socially-conscious world. This blend of forward-thinking leadership and pragmatic sustainability practices underscores IRPC’s role as a beacon in the Oil & Gas sector, pointing the way to a more responsible and sustainable future.


  1. Alex M. June 14, 2024

    Impressive achievement by IRPC! Being in the top 10% globally is no small feat.

    • eco_lover92 June 14, 2024

      Agreed, but can an oil company truly be ‘sustainable’?

      • Alex M. June 14, 2024

        It’s complicated. They seem to be striving towards balance. Any step forward is progress.

        • Sarah June 14, 2024

          But how much of it is just PR? Actions speak louder than words.

  2. Jane Doe June 14, 2024

    I’m skeptical. Oil companies have a long way to go to make up for their environmental impact.

    • TechieTom June 14, 2024

      True, but at least they’re trying to improve. It’s better than doing nothing.

      • EcoAdvocate June 14, 2024

        Exactly, every little bit helps. We have to start somewhere.

    • Alex M. June 14, 2024

      Do you think it’s genuine? Or just a way to appease stakeholders?

  3. GrowGreen June 14, 2024

    They only do this to look good to investors. Real sustainability comes from smaller, more agile companies.

    • Lisa June 14, 2024

      While that’s true, big companies have more resources to make significant changes.

    • Jane Doe June 14, 2024

      Yeah, but they also have more influence and responsibility. They need to do more.

  4. James T. June 14, 2024

    Seeing IRPC’s continuous effort over 11 years is commendable. Consistency matters.

  5. envirogeek91 June 14, 2024

    It’s interesting to see such accolades for an oil company. Hope they’re making real changes.

  6. Sophia L. June 14, 2024

    I wonder how the locals near their operations feel about these ‘sustainable practices’.

    • Leo June 14, 2024

      Exactly! Ground reality can be very different. Corporate sustainability reports often paint a rosy picture.

      • Sophia L. June 14, 2024

        And that’s the problem. If it’s just on paper, it doesn’t help anyone.

  7. green_warrior June 14, 2024

    S&P Global and DJSI recognitions are reputable, but we need to dig deeper.

    • mike June 14, 2024

      True, these awards can sometimes be misleading.

  8. Ben W. June 14, 2024

    This award could mean they’re changing, but history says otherwise for oil companies.

  9. EcoMom June 14, 2024

    Hopefully, IRPC’s efforts inspire others in the industry to follow suit.

  10. Javier L. June 14, 2024

    Great to see Thai companies being recognized globally!

    • green_warrior June 14, 2024

      Yes, but global recognition doesn’t always imply local impact.

    • Javier L. June 14, 2024

      That’s a fair point. Still, it’s a step in the right direction.

  11. Ryan June 14, 2024

    Corporate sustainability is often just a buzzword. It’s all about the ROI at the end of the day.

  12. Anita June 14, 2024

    What’s the point of a Top 10% accolade if the industry as a whole is harmful?

  13. Andrew S. June 14, 2024

    Sustainability in oil? Sounds paradoxical.

    • EcoAdvocate June 14, 2024

      It does. But any industry’s sustainability can evolve.

      • Andrew S. June 14, 2024

        Let’s hope they genuinely take it seriously and not just for PR.

    • James T. June 14, 2024

      Exactly, evolution is key. Every industry can improve.

  14. Hannah June 14, 2024

    Big corporations claiming sustainability always seem like an oxymoron to me.

  15. Green_Tina June 14, 2024

    I hope IRPC continues to make strides and set a real example in the industry.

  16. Bob H. June 14, 2024

    Why aren’t there more details on their actual sustainability practices?

    • eco_lover92 June 14, 2024

      Probably because they don’t want to be held accountable for specifics.

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