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Japanese Nationals Takuya Kato and Hiroto Suzuki Arrested in Kabashima Ryosuke Dismemberment Case

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Police have unveiled photos and names of two Japanese nationals and one Thai suspect linked to the grisly murder and dismemberment of Kabashima Ryosuke. From left to right, these suspects are: Kato Takuya, Suzuki Hiroto, and Kritsakorn Jaiphitak. (Police photo)
Takuya, 50, and Hiroto, 33, who reportedly have connections to the notorious yakuza, were apprehended in the Laotian capital, Vientiane, by local authorities on Thursday. The duo is set to be handed over to the Provincial Police Bureau 1 and are anticipated to arrive in Thailand next week.
Both men are accused of murdering and dismembering Kabashima Ryosuke, 47, whose remains were discovered in the Nonthaburi province back in April. Body parts packed in black garbage bags were found scattered across different spots in tambon Phimolrat, Bang Bua Thong district. The first bag containing skeletal remains surfaced on April 19, followed by the retrieval of Ryosuke’s head four days later at another location.
Kritsakorn Jaiphitak, a 30-year-old Thai man, was previously detained for being the hired chauffeur who drove the three Japanese men around the time of Ryosuke’s murder. According to Kritsakorn’s account, Ryosuke occupied the front passenger seat while Hiroto and Takuya sat in the back. Although he couldn’t grasp their conversation, an escalating argument was evident.
They instructed Kritsakorn to drive to a warehouse in Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi. Upon arrival, he was ordered to leave the car and took a cigarette break. All the while, he could hear the argument intensifying inside the vehicle. Soon after, a gunshot echoed.
Panicked, Kritsakorn rushed back only to find Ryosuke’s lifeless body bleeding profusely from a head wound. Hiroto and Takuya then transported the corpse into the factory for dismemberment. After a while, they emerged with several black plastic bags.
Following their orders, Kritsakorn dispersed the bags in various locations around the Bang Bua Thong area. More harrowing details emerged as he further claimed that these bags contained the dismembered parts of Ryosuke’s body.
Kritsakorn now faces charges of colluding in concealing a body. Further investigation confirmed the connection between the suspects and the yakuza. Intricate tattoo art on the victim’s hand strongly hinted at this link, painting a chilling picture of underworld violence and brutal retribution.


  1. Megan H. June 7, 2024

    I’m shocked! How could something so gruesome happen in 2023?

    • SamuraiFan June 7, 2024

      The yakuza never really disappeared, Megan. They’re just quieter now.

      • John D. June 7, 2024

        Exactly. Organized crime is still very much active, just less visible.

      • Megan H. June 7, 2024

        I can’t believe such horrific acts still happen. Makes me scared to travel.

    • Ali June 7, 2024

      The brutality of this crime is terrifying. It really shows how deep and sinister the underworld can be.

      • SilentObserver June 7, 2024

        It’s a grim reminder that there’s a dark side to seemingly peaceful places.

  2. HistoryBuff42 June 7, 2024

    The yakuza have always been involved in horrible things like this. It’s just so brazen to think they did it in another country!

    • Linda P. June 7, 2024

      International crime connections make it easier for them to get away. The extradition agreements aren’t especially stringent.

      • HistoryBuff42 June 7, 2024

        True, but it’s still shocking they were caught in Laos and not Japan or Thailand.

    • Kevin L. June 7, 2024

      Not surprising. The yakuza have networks all over Southeast Asia.

  3. Tanya A. June 7, 2024

    What an awful way to die. Poor Ryosuke.

    • Carlton June 7, 2024

      It must have been terrifying for him in his last moments.

      • Paul June 7, 2024

        It’s unimaginable. How could anyone do this to another human being?

  4. Tiger21 June 7, 2024

    I’m glad they were caught! They need to be severely punished.

    • Grace W. June 7, 2024

      Absolutely. But will they get a fair trial in Thailand? Or will the yakuza influence stretch there too?

      • Tiger21 June 7, 2024

        Good point. I hope the authorities don’t let them off easy.

  5. Eduardo June 7, 2024

    This story gives me chills. The yakuza are so much scarier than the mafia in movies.

    • BigMike June 7, 2024

      The real world is always more brutal than fiction.

  6. Kate June 7, 2024

    Why wasn’t Kritsakorn charged with a heftier crime? He was complicit!

    • LegalEagle June 7, 2024

      It all depends on how credible his testimony is. He might’ve been forced into it.

      • Kate June 7, 2024

        But still, he didn’t try to stop it or call the police.

    • Frank June 7, 2024

      Fear can make people do or omit things they wouldn’t normally do, especially when dealing with criminals.

  7. Shoegazer7 June 7, 2024

    It’s disturbing how organized crime can weave into the fabric of society unnoticed.

    • Intrepid June 7, 2024

      They thrive on invisibility and instilling fear.

  8. Steve June 7, 2024

    Another case of how globalization has its dark side. Criminals can operate across borders with ease now.

    • Samantha D. June 7, 2024

      True, international cooperation in law enforcement is more crucial than ever.

  9. Peace_Lover June 7, 2024

    Such inhuman behavior! How many more lives will these syndicates destroy?

  10. Grower134 June 7, 2024

    Makes you wonder how many more yakuza crimes are going unnoticed.

  11. Jackie June 7, 2024

    Is anyone else uneasy about how these people can travel so freely despite being criminals?

  12. Tim L. June 7, 2024

    I think it’s about time we increase border control measures. These atrocities are becoming too frequent.

  13. SunnySide June 7, 2024

    The world needs harsher penalties for such crimes. Nobody should get away with this level of brutality.

  14. MarvelFan June 7, 2024

    Feels like a scene from a thriller movie, but it’s horrifyingly real.

  15. Olga June 7, 2024

    Do you think the media coverage will impact the trial?

    • Bethany June 7, 2024

      It’s possible. Public opinion can sometimes influence the severity of sentences.

  16. Wanderer June 7, 2024

    Knowing that they went to such lengths to cover up the crime makes it even scarier.

  17. Joe June 7, 2024

    This sort of news is a wake-up call. We can’t turn a blind eye to organized crime.

  18. Sharon T. June 7, 2024

    I really hope Ryosuke’s family gets justice. No one deserves this.

  19. Eli June 7, 2024

    I wonder what the argument was about. Must have been something serious.

    • Katelyn June 7, 2024

      Probably money or betrayal. That’s what most murders in these circles are about.

  20. Gamer97 June 7, 2024

    Stories like this make me appreciate the safety and security in other places.

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