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Khanesuan Gamkhuntod’s Crusade Against Bangkok’s Taxi Mafia: Mo Chit 2’s Battle for Fair Fares and Legal Rides

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Imagine you’re landing at Mo Chit 2, the bustling heart of Bangkok’s commuting system, where the air is thick with anticipation and the ever-present hum of conversation mingles with the distant rumble of buses. Amid the chaos, a queue snakes its way towards the taxi stand, people eagerly awaiting their turn to hop into a cab and head into the city. This scene, reminiscent of a high-stakes game of musical chairs, is a daily reality for travelers at Mo Chit 2.

But not all is as seamless as it may appear. Enter the Professional Association of Public Taxi Motorists, a group of crusaders for change in this concrete jungle. Led by the valiant Khanesuan Gamkhuntod, they’ve taken a stand against the dark underbelly of the Mo Chit 2 taxi landscape: the notorious “mafia” taxis. For years, these unregistered cabs have been a thorn in the side of both legal taxi drivers and unsuspecting passengers, offering rides at exorbitant rates that leave wallets considerably lighter than they ought to be.

With a determination as steadfast as Bangkok’s peak-hour traffic, the association has brought forth a proposal that’s sparked widespread conversation. They’re knocking on the doors of the Transport Ministry, petition in hand, asking for the green light to bump up the starting taxi fare from 40 baht to 50 baht. The goal? To entice more taxis to join the legal ranks, thus cutting down the dreaded wait times and giving the mafia taxis a run for their money.

But wait, there’s more to this saga. To gauge the pulse of the people, the association embarked on a daring mission, surveying 1,000 passengers over a whirlwind two weeks in March. The question was simple yet loaded with implications: Would you, dear traveler, be willing to part with an extra 10 baht for a promise of quicker, more reliable service? The response was overwhelmingly positive, with a staggering 99% of participants giving a resounding yes, showcasing a collective yearning for a better commuting experience.

Meanwhile, in another corner of this unfolding drama, the Department of Land Transport (DLT) played its part in maintaining order in the realm of Bangkok taxis. A misadventure involving a taxi driver, a misunderstood pick-up location, and a cancelled ride culminated in the driver facing the music: a 1,000 baht fine, a 30-day license suspension, and a mandatory three-hour seminar on the art of stellar taxi service. It’s a clear signal that the authorities are not turning a blind eye to the need for improvement and respect in the taxi industry.

This tale of ambition, reform, and the quest for a smoother urban transit experience encapsulates the complexities and challenges of navigating Bangkok’s streets. It’s a story of resilience, of a community striving for betterment, and of the undying spirit of those who face the city’s chaos head-on, all in the pursuit of that elusive perfect ride. As the debate over fare increases and the crackdown on illegal taxis continue, one thing remains clear: the journey to transform Mo Chit 2 into a paragon of public transport is still very much a work in progress.


  1. BangkokTraveler March 14, 2024

    The idea of increasing fares to improve taxi service sounds good in theory, but I’m skeptical. Will it really deter the taxi mafia, or just make the legal ones more expensive without solving the root problem?

    • Khaosai Galaxy March 14, 2024

      I agree with your skepticism. The taxi mafia problem is deep-rooted and involves more than just fare rates. It’s about enforcement and creating a fair playing field for all.

      • BangkokTraveler March 14, 2024

        Exactly! It’s about enforcement. We can’t just throw money at the problem and hope it goes away. Stronger regulations and checks are needed. Otherwise, we’re just paying more for the same issues.

    • Helen March 14, 2024

      99% approval rate for the fare increase seems too good to be true. How was this survey conducted? Was it truly representative of all passengers?

      • DataSkeptic March 14, 2024

        As a statistician, I find the 99% figure highly dubious. Surveys can be very misleading, depending on sample size and how questions are phrased. We need transparency on the methodology.

  2. CityCommuter March 14, 2024

    Raising the starting fare to 50 baht is a small price for reliable service. Bangkok’s traffic is notorious, and anything that can streamline the taxi experience is welcome in my book.

    • frugalGuru March 14, 2024

      Small price for you maybe, but for daily commuters, it adds up. Increasing costs without clear benefits is short-sighted. We need more than just a promise of better service.

      • CityCommuter March 14, 2024

        Fair point, but consider the alternative. Sticking with the status quo means continuing to deal with unreliable services. If a fare increase can provide a noticeable improvement, it’s worth considering.

  3. NongMay March 14, 2024

    People are focusing too much on the fare increase. What about the efforts to curb the mafia taxis? If successful, it could lead to a safer and more reliable taxi system in Bangkok.

    • Realist101 March 14, 2024

      Efforts to curb the mafia taxis are commendable, but we’ve seen these promises before. What makes this initiative any different? Results matter, not just intentions.

      • JusticeSeeker March 14, 2024

        Exactly, actions speak louder than words. We need to see real crackdowns and consistent monitoring to believe things will change. Otherwise, it’s just another headline.

  4. TouristJoe March 14, 2024

    As a tourist, I support any measure that makes transportation more reliable. Getting scammed by taxi drivers has been a worry for many visiting Bangkok. This seems like a step in the right direction.

    • BangkokNative March 14, 2024

      It’s good to hear tourists support the change, but remember this is our daily reality. We need sustainable solutions that work for everyone, not just temporary fixes for visitors.

  5. EcoWarrior March 14, 2024

    Why are we still pushing for more taxis? Shouldn’t the focus be on improving public transportation and encouraging eco-friendly options like biking or electric vehicles?

    • TechFan March 14, 2024

      I agree on eco-friendly options, but in a city like Bangkok, taxis are essential too. We need a balance. Improving the taxi system doesn’t mean we can’t also invest in green transport.

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