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Kharom Polpornklang’s Safety Guide for Chinese New Year: Electric Joss Sticks and Firecracker Caution

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As the dawn of the Chinese New Year approaches, the air tingles with anticipation and excitement. It’s a time of joy, a time for honoring ancestors, and let’s be honest, a time for some spectacularly loud firecrackers. But amidst the revelry, Deputy government spokesman Kharom Polpornklang steps in with a friendly reminder: Safety first, party people!

On a sunny Wednesday, with the festivities just around the corner, Kharom donned his metaphorical safety hat to issue a public announcement. “Celebrate, but let’s not make it a ‘blast’ in the literal sense,” he might as well have said. He urges everyone getting ready to light up firecrackers and send paper offerings ablaze to keep it safe. It’s all about honoring the ancestors, not giving them a heart attack with news of mishaps from the beyond.

And because unexpected fires are as welcome as a rainstorm at a picnic, Kharom’s got a pro tip: keep the 191 police hotline on speed dial. Spot a fire? Noticed something fishy that could lead to one? Hit that call button faster than you can say “firecracker.” The quicker the response, the better the chance of avoiding a full-blown debacle.

But that’s not all. With a twist in the tale, our deputy spokesman shifts focus to a villain lurking in the air – the notorious PM2.5 ultrafine air pollutants. These tiny troublemakers are invisible to the naked eye but trust us, they’re throwing a party of their own, and it’s not the kind you’d like to attend. In light of this, Kharom advises swapping out those traditional joss sticks for electric ones. Not only do they keep the air cleaner, but they also reduce the risk of stray sparks turning celebrations into emergency situations.

And for the entrepreneurs out there, gearing up for a short hiatus to dive into the festivities, Kharom has a word of wisdom. Before you head out to welcome the Year of the Ox, or Dragon, or whatever magnificent beast it is this year, make sure you’ve left your business premises as safe as a fortress. Unplug everything! Yes, that means every single thing. An unattended charger can become a fiery foe, and nobody wants to celebrate the new year with the fire department, as charming as they might be.

In essence, Deputy government spokesman Kharom Polpornklang’s message wraps up with an underlying theme: Let’s keep the Chinese New Year both lit and safe. With a pinch of caution and a dash of responsible celebrating, we can all ensure that this festive season is memorable for all the right reasons. So, go ahead, light up those electric joss sticks, and let’s welcome the new lunar year with open arms and a safety manual in the other. Happy Chinese New Year, everyone!


  1. JennyZ February 7, 2024

    Honestly, it feels like we’re losing the essence of our traditions with these safety measures. Electric joss sticks? What’s next, virtual firecrackers?

    • TechFan44 February 7, 2024

      I disagree, JennyZ. Adapting our traditions to ensure safety doesn’t mean we’re losing them. It’s about evolution. Making sure we can celebrate safely for years to come.

      • OldSchool February 7, 2024

        But you gotta admit, something is lost when you replace the smell of burning joss sticks with the whir of an electric one.

    • JennyZ February 7, 2024

      I get your point, TechFan44, but it just doesn’t feel the same. There’s something about the original practices that brings us closer to our ancestors.

  2. SafetyFirst77 February 7, 2024

    This is a great move! The number of accidents during festivities is alarming. Kudos to Kharom for promoting safer practices. Everything evolves, including our traditions.

  3. BizOwner101 February 7, 2024

    As a business owner, unplugging everything is easier said than done. Security systems, fridges… some things need to stay on. It’s about finding a balance.

    • EcoWarrior February 7, 2024

      It’s definitely a challenge, @BizOwner101, but consider using smart plugs for essential items. They can help manage energy use and minimize risks.

  4. GreenThumb February 7, 2024

    What about the environmental impact of all these electric joss sticks? Batteries and electricity aren’t exactly eco-friendly either.

    • EcoWarrior February 7, 2024

      Great point, @GreenThumb. It’s about choosing the lesser evil at this point. Maybe a movement towards solar-powered ones could be the next step?

  5. Traditionalist February 7, 2024

    We’re walking a dangerous path by altering every aspect of our traditions for the sake of convenience and safety. What will be left for our descendants?

    • ModernMind February 7, 2024

      Isn’t it better to adapt and keep our people safe so they can continue these traditions? It’s not about erasing our past; it’s about protecting our future.

  6. FestiveFanatic February 7, 2024

    People are missing the point here. It’s not about electric vs. traditional joss sticks. It’s about keeping the spirit of the festival alive while ensuring everyone’s safety.

  7. Skeptical February 7, 2024

    Does anyone really believe these measures will change anything? Seems like more talk than action to me.

    • Optimist February 7, 2024

      Every little bit helps, Skeptical. Awareness is the first step towards change. We have to start somewhere.

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