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### Kitsayapong Siri and 20 Others Indicted in 485-Million-Baht Corruption Scandal

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The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has cast a spotlight on a high-profile scandal involving a former permanent secretary of the Ministry of Culture and more than 20 other individuals. They’ve been indicted for allegedly helping a firm secure a 485-million-baht contract to provide ceremonial materials for royally sponsored funerals back in 2020. This dramatic turn of events was unveiled yesterday, according to a source, shattering the cloak of secrecy surrounding the issue.

The main character in this unfolding drama is none other than Kitsayapong Siri, the former permanent secretary of the Culture Ministry. Alongside him, a cast of over 20 other individuals, including top-ranking officials, members from both the Terms of Reference Committee and Procurement Committee, and personnel from private companies, have found themselves ensnared in the legal net.

The plot thickens as we delve into the origins of the case, which saw the light of day after Isara News Agency published a damning investigative report back in 2021. Their deep dive unraveled the curious case of a newly established company being awarded two posh projects under the 2020 fiscal year. Intriguingly, these projects were centered around royally sponsored funerals—a matter of both national pride and solemn tradition.

As the investigative lens zooms in, we find MR Corporation Ltd at the epicenter of this controversy. Their luck seemed almost too good to be true, landing procurement contracts worth a staggering 479 billion baht. These contracts involved supplying intricately decorated urns, elegant caskets, and other ceremonial accessories fit for royal funerals. But the plot didn’t end there; MR Corporation also scored a deal to provide 78 sets of ceremonial altars, totaling 6.62 million baht.

However, the meticulous inquiry pinpoints a crucial detail that raises eyebrows: MR Corporation was registered on December 25, 2019, a suspiciously timely registration that occurred just one day after the office of the ministry’s permanent secretary concocted a middle price for these procurements. This price was supposedly based on bids from three suppliers, one of which was—surprise, surprise—MR Corporation.

Following Isara News Agency’s explosive revelation, the NACC wasted no time in setting up a probe committee to officially investigate this labyrinthine affair. Their mission was clear: to unwind the threads of this complex tapestry of organized assistance and dubious maneuvering that handed MR Corporation its golden ticket.

The stage is now set for a riveting legal battle, one that promises to uncover more hidden layers of corruption and betrayal. With a cast of characters that includes high-ranking officials and influential committee members, this case is a ringing alarm for government transparency and accountability. As the public waits with bated breath, the hope is that justice will be served, shining a light on these dark corners of corruption and favoritism.

Stay tuned, because this story is far from over. The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but they have begun their inexorable grind towards exposing and rectifying what lies beneath this scandalous veneer.


  1. Michael J September 6, 2024

    It’s outrageous that such high-level officials are embroiled in this. Shows how deep corruption runs.

    • sarah88 September 6, 2024

      Exactly. If we can’t trust the Ministry of Culture, who can we trust?

      • Larry Davis September 6, 2024

        This just emphasizes the need for more rigorous oversight and audits in all government departments.

      • Michael J September 6, 2024

        Agreed. Transparency is key, but without proper checks, it’s like giving candy to a baby.

    • Sam September 6, 2024

      The NACC should have caught this way earlier. Same old story in every country!

      • Michael J September 6, 2024

        True, but better late than never. At least they are acting now.

  2. JellyBean September 6, 2024

    Anyone else think it’s alarming that a company just freshly registered gets such a huge contract?

    • David H September 6, 2024

      Yeah, it’s almost like it was pre-planned. Hard not to be suspicious.

      • JellyBean September 6, 2024

        Definitely. The timing is too convenient to be a coincidence.

      • Amy T September 6, 2024

        I’m shocked it took this long for someone to put the pieces together.

  3. grower134 September 6, 2024

    Why are we only hearing about this now? Shouldn’t investigative journalists have uncovered it sooner?

    • Vicky September 6, 2024

      Sometimes it takes time for these kinds of reports to surface. You can’t rush journalism.

      • grower134 September 6, 2024

        True, but I feel like this was an open secret. Makes you wonder how deep it really goes.

  4. Kevin September 6, 2024

    Corruption is everywhere. Officials like Kitsayapong Siri should be made an example of to deter others.

    • Ella P September 7, 2024

      Making an example out of them is fine, but we need systemic change to really make a difference.

    • Kevin September 7, 2024

      Of course. It shouldn’t be just about one case; the whole system needs overhauling.

  5. Tommy September 7, 2024

    485 million baht? Imagine what could have been done with that for public benefit.

    • Liam C September 7, 2024

      Indeed. We could have built schools, hospitals… the list goes on.

  6. Linda D September 7, 2024

    Why is it always the funerals and religious events that get corrupted? Respecting tradition my foot!

  7. JJ September 7, 2024

    Such a complicated scandal. The legal battle is going to be long and probably get nowhere.

    • Lisa Marie September 7, 2024

      Sadly, that’s how these things often go. Lots of noise, minimal outcome.

      • JJ September 7, 2024

        Exactly. It often feels like these cases get dragged out until the public loses interest.

  8. Olivia September 7, 2024

    Really curious to see how this will affect future government contracts.

  9. Mark September 7, 2024

    Let’s not kid ourselves. Corruption isn’t going away anytime soon.

  10. Emma R September 7, 2024

    I hope this case leads to stricter regulations and more thorough background checks on companies bidding for government contracts.

    • Zack September 7, 2024

      Totally. This could set a precedent if handled right.

    • grower134 September 7, 2024

      It better. If not, it’s like signaling open season for more corruption.

  11. Karl September 7, 2024

    High-ranking officials really shouldn’t be immune to scrutiny. No one is above the law!

  12. Nina September 7, 2024

    Wonder what else is hidden behind the scenes. MR Corporation cannot be the only shady company.

    • Mark September 7, 2024

      You bet. Where there’s one cockroach, there’s probably a nest.

  13. Jason T September 7, 2024

    Corruption impacts everyone. The money wasted on these corrupt deals could be used for so much better purposes.

    • Ella P September 7, 2024

      It’s the people who end up paying the price for these corrupt practices, one way or another.

  14. Leo September 7, 2024

    I hope the NACC really brings the hammer down on these guys. Make them pay back every baht!

  15. Chris September 7, 2024

    Very brave of Isara News Agency to push this story out there. Kudos to real journalism!

    • Sam September 7, 2024

      Absolutely. Investigative journalism is more critical now than ever.

  16. Ashley September 7, 2024

    Can’t wait to see what else comes out as this scandal unfolds. It’s like watching a detective drama.

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