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Kitti Yimrewat’s Fight to Preserve Koh Chang: A Battle Against Illegal Jetties

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In an unfolding drama on the picturesque island of Koh Chang, the saga of the contentious concrete jetties takes center stage. Our protagonist, Kitti Yimrewat, a local businessman with an evident passion for the island’s natural beauty, has embarked on a valiant quest. He aims to dismantle two mammoth concrete jetties that have been illegally constructed, assertively claiming they’re accelerating coastal erosion and transforming the once-pristine shoreline.

Kitti’s endeavor, however, is no tale of smooth sailing. Much akin to a plot twist in a gripping saga, his attempts at demolition have met a formidable foe: red tape. Initially, the Koh Chang Grand View Resort, under fire for the unauthorized structures, was allotted 180 days to make amends. Yet, like a cunning character finding a loophole, they’ve been granted a reprieve—a second chance stretching over an additional 150 days, allowing them to postpone the inevitable demolition.

Advised by some astute strategists to take the matter to the Administrative Court, Kitti wisely maps his next move—deciding instead to appeal to the Damrongdharma Centre’s Trat office. After all, a courtroom battle is a drawn-out saga that could span a whole year or longer. In a bid to expedite justice, he’s chosen a local approach, aiming to cut through bureaucratic entanglements.

The stakes are high. The new decree, a 150-day extension from the provincial marine authority, expires on February 18—a countdown ticking ominously in the background. Deputy Trat governor, Phira Iam-sunthon, wears the hat of a mediator in this pressing affair, cautiously siding with the resort’s argument that the demolition isn’t a simple matter. Amidst the brewing tensions, he sanctions additional time, albeit less than the resort demanded.

Yet Kitti stands undeterred, a man on a mission armed only with conviction and a devotion to his beloved Koh Chang. If the wily resort fails to act before the looming February deadline, a future replete with legal battles awaits. Civil suits, not unlike trials by duel, may ensue, holding the resort accountable for the damage—a stark erosion not just of the coastline, but symbolically of trust and communal harmony.

Ah, Koh Chang, where every grain of sand and wave of the sea narrates a tale! As these concrete giants wrestle with time, this showdown poses a broader reflection on environmental stewardship. Will Kitti’s spirited journey culminate in triumph, or will bureaucratic inertia persist as the ultimate antagonist? As February draws near, only time will script the concluding chapter of this island intrigue.


  1. SammyJ October 23, 2024

    I’m really impressed by Kitti’s dedication to preserving Koh Chang. It’s rare to see someone take such an active stand for the environment!

    • Julia P October 23, 2024

      Yeah, but is he really fighting for the environment or just against a business rival? There’s often more than meets the eye.

      • SammyJ October 23, 2024

        Good point, Julia. We should consider the possibility, but his efforts seem genuinely focused on the island’s well-being.

      • Andy R October 23, 2024

        I think it’s possible to do both; protect the environment while keeping competition fair.

    • EnviroLover89 October 23, 2024

      Regardless of his motives, the focus should be on the illegal jetties and the damage they cause!

  2. Sophia L October 23, 2024

    The government giving an extension is just a delay tactic! They should side with Kitti and uphold the law.

    • Lucas W. October 23, 2024

      Agreed! But you have to remember that the resort has deep pockets, and unfortunately, money talks.

      • Sophia L October 23, 2024

        True, Lucas. It’s a sad reality when legal actions are stalled due to such influences.

      • Jimbo99 October 23, 2024

        Sounds like a typical bureaucratic mess. Those with more power always get away with bending rules.

  3. NatureWarrior October 23, 2024

    Why do we allow these structures to be built in the first place? This should be a bigger conversation about our environmental policies.

    • Greg H. October 23, 2024

      Because progress always wins over nature, unfortunately. It’s human nature to exploit.

      • Lisa M October 23, 2024

        That’s why we need better regulations and strict enforcement.

  4. TropicalDreamer22 October 23, 2024

    I’ve visited Koh Chang, and it’s beautiful! I hope Kitti can save it before more damage is done.

    • BackpackerJoe October 23, 2024

      If tourists really cared, they’d stop visiting until the problem is resolved. Resorts only listen to money.

      • TropicalDreamer22 October 23, 2024

        That’s easier said than done, but any form of protest can help raise awareness.

      • GreenPeaceFan October 23, 2024

        Boycotting does work! But meanwhile, we should support Kitti’s cause in whatever way we can.

  5. PracticalPete October 23, 2024

    While Kitti’s cause is admirable, he should make sure his methods are legally sound to avoid setbacks.

    • LawAbidingCitizen October 23, 2024

      True. The legal route is a marathon, not a sprint. He has to be patient and strategic.

  6. EcoGirl October 23, 2024

    Isn’t it crazy that a concrete jetty can destroy such a fragile ecosystem so quickly?

    • Mark D October 23, 2024

      It highlights how little respect we have for natural environments. We need education on these impacts.

      • EcoGirl October 23, 2024

        Exactly, Mark! People need to understand the long-term consequences of their actions.

      • Tony K October 23, 2024

        It’s not just education; it’s enforcement of laws that’s crucial too.

  7. JustSaying October 23, 2024

    Maybe Kitti should just go the legal way and take it to court. Dragging on like this doesn’t help anyone.

    • Emma R October 23, 2024

      Dragging it on shows people are standing up to corruption. It isn’t about speed, but perseverance.

      • JustSaying October 23, 2024

        Perhaps, Emma. But in the meantime, the environment suffers.

  8. Alex October 23, 2024

    I think both sides have merit. The resort might have key community contributions and jobs to consider.

  9. JohnDoe October 23, 2024

    Saving Koh Chang isn’t just about Kitti or the resort. It’s about preserving a global treasure for future generations.

  10. Marisa T October 23, 2024

    I wonder what the local communities think about this. It’s their home that’s at stake.

  11. Vicky S October 23, 2024

    Kitti’s choice to not go to court might backfire. The bureaucracy he’s facing is immense.

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