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Koh Samui’s Future Brightens with New Cruise Terminal Project Led by Deputy Minister Manaporn Charoensri

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Imagine setting foot on the pristine shores of Koh Samui, the jewel of Thailand’s Surat Thani province, right from the deck of a luxurious cruise ship. This dream is inching closer to reality with the announcement of a new cruise terminal project that’s been making waves among investors both at home and abroad. The Deputy Transport Minister, Manaporn Charoensri, has been at the helm of this exciting development, steering the project through its initial phases with a flair for the dramatic.

During a recent briefing, Ms. Manaporn unveiled the latest twists and turns in this unfolding saga. She revealed that the plans for the eagerly awaited cruise terminal, set to transform Koh Samui into an even more popular holiday hotspot, are sailing smoothly towards approval. The project, a brilliant exhibit of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, has been the subject of a meticulous feasibility study conducted by none other than the Marine Department itself.

What makes this adventure even more thrilling is the diversity of intrepid explorers showing interest. We’re not just talking about any investors; we’re talking about at least three parties with chests of treasure ready to invest. From the skies to the seas, Bangkok Airways Plc, a titan of the airways that already reigns over Samui Airport, is ready to embark on a maritime journey alongside a band of business buccaneers from Phuket and Koh Samui. Not to be outdone, a Japanese shipping line operator has also thrown their captain’s hat into the ring.

The plot of land earmarked for this grand endeavour is no less than a treasure island itself. Located near Laem Hin Khom in tambon Taling Ngam, this 47-rai gem is poised to become the crown jewel of Koh Samui. The plan includes a sprawling 7,200 square metre passenger terminal where up to 1,200 passengers per hour can be whisked away on exotic adventures. The terminal will also offer berths for two majestic cruise ships, each capable of carrying 4,000 passengers, and docks for 80 yachts and six ferries, creating a bustling hub of sea travel that could rival the tales of legendary explorers.

The numbers are as staggering as the vision itself, with a projected investment of about 12.17 billion baht. This isn’t just about creating a gateway to paradise; it’s about weaving a thriving economy into the fabric of Koh Samui. With tourists expected to contribute approximately 5,000 baht each to the local coffers, the terminal promises to be a vortex of economic activity, pulling in an estimated total revenue of 8.5 billion baht.

As we chart the course towards the terminal’s expected unveiling in 2031, following a construction start in 2029, we find ourselves buoyed by a wave of anticipation. The Environmental and Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) and the selection of private partners are just a few of the milestones still on the horizon. Yet, with each step, the vision of Koh Samui’s new cruise terminal becomes clearer, promising to transform this idyllic island into a beacon for seafarers and landlubbers alike, eager to explore the enchanting waters of the Gulf of Thailand.

In short, the new cruise terminal project is not just an investment in infrastructure; it’s a voyage into the future of tourism and a testament to the allure of Koh Samui. As the project navigates through government approvals and environmental assessments, one thing is certain: the tides of change are bringing a new era of adventure and prosperity to Koh Samui’s shores.


  1. SailorMoon May 21, 2024

    Isn’t this just great? Another piece of paradise about to be bulldozed for the sake of tourism. Haven’t we learned anything about preserving natural beauty?

    • GreenWarrior May 21, 2024

      Totally agree with you! It’s like every untouched place has to be commercialized. What about the environmental impact?

      • SailorMoon May 22, 2024

        Exactly! They talk about an Environmental and Health Impact Assessment, but by the time those results are in, the damage might already be irreversible.

      • Econ101 May 22, 2024

        But don’t you think the economic benefits are important too? Jobs for locals, enhanced infrastructure… Seems like a win-win to me.

    • CaptainKraken May 22, 2024

      I’m all for development, but there’s got to be a balance. Koh Samui is already crowded enough during peak season.

  2. TouristTom May 21, 2024

    This sounds amazing! Can’t wait to visit Koh Samui via cruise. It’s about time they built a terminal there.

    • BeachBum77 May 22, 2024

      Not everyone’s thrilled about more tourists flooding the island, you know. Some of us like Koh Samui’s quieter spots.

    • TravelGuru May 22, 2024

      Think about the international exposure and economic uplift this will bring to the island. It’s an exciting development for Thailand’s tourism.

      • BeachBum77 May 22, 2024

        Fair point, but at what cost? The charm of Koh Samui is its laid-back vibe. Big cruise ships and crowds might take that away.

      • Localhost May 22, 2024

        I’m from Samui and honestly, we need this. The island’s economy relies so much on tourism, and this project could be a game-changer for us.

  3. DiverDan May 22, 2024

    Wonder how this will affect the marine life around Koh Samui. Building a terminal means more boats, more people, and potentially more pollution.

  4. InvestorIvy May 22, 2024

    Looking at this from an investment perspective, it’s a solid move. The tourism sector in Thailand has always been bullish, and this will only add to its growth.

    • EcoMinded May 22, 2024

      It’s always ‘growth’ this, ‘investment’ that. What about sustainability? Or does that not factor into these big money decisions?

  5. SamuiLocal May 22, 2024

    Mixed feelings here. On one hand, it could bring more jobs to the island. On the other, Koh Samui might lose some of its magical quiet. I just hope they keep the locals’ interests in mind.

    • IslandHopper May 22, 2024

      I visited Samui back in the 90s, and even then, it was changing rapidly. Development is inevitable, but I hope they preserve the essence of the island.

    • SamuiLocal May 22, 2024

      That’s the hope. It’s a tightrope walk between development and preservation. Fingers crossed they find the right balance.

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