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Kris Imsang Leads IRPC’s Bold Investment in Cleantech & Beyond to Drive Innovation

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In an exciting move that underscores its forward-thinking vision, IRPC Public Company Limited (IRPC), under the leadership of Kris Imsang, Director, President, and Chief Executive Officer, has announced a significant investment in Cleantech & Beyond Company Limited. This strategic collaboration, involving IRPC Intellectual Property (IP) and VISTEC, has upped IRPC’s shares by 27.3 percent in Cleantech & Beyond Co., Ltd. This venture is right in line with IRPC’s grand plan to dive into burgeoning startup industries while simultaneously expanding and fortifying the company’s growth.

IRPC’s joint investment lays the groundwork for long-term growth, by riding the wave of megatrends with pioneering materials designed for preventive maintenance. Among these trailblazing innovations is the Digital Temperature Indicator—a nifty gadget that attaches to machinery, working dutifully to avert fires or damage. This reliable device has also found a home in the logistics industry, ensuring the safe storage of temperature-sensitive products like wine, food, and vaccines.

Kris Imsang offered more insights, stating, “On June 21, 2024, our committees greenlit the investment in Cleantech & Beyond. Boosting our shares is part of a broader strategy to seize growth and business opportunities. The fruits of our research are set to be harnessed for commercial gain through startup ventures, opening doors to startup ecosystems and broadening our network of partners. This is in perfect harmony with our vision to ‘Shape Material and Energy Solutions in Harmony with Life.’”

Cleantech & Beyond Co., Ltd., born from a collaborative research effort between IRPC and VISTEC, is at the forefront of developing Digital Temperature Indicator (DTI) technology. This groundbreaking tech is a champion in detecting temperature fluctuations and changing color when temperatures tip over controlled levels. Even cooler, the device integrates seamlessly with the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system for large-scale assessments and doubles up as a data logger. It elegantly monitors equipment and product conditions via wireless communication—all without the hindrance of battery dependency.

Recognized as a vanguard in the field of wireless, battery-free Digital Temperature Indicators, Cleantech & Beyond has seen their innovative technology being earnestly adopted across preventive maintenance and logistics industries.

“IRPC creates good things for the future” (ไออาร์พีซี สร้างสิ่งที่ดีเพื่ออนาคต) is not just a slogan, but a testament to the company’s commitment to pioneering cutting-edge solutions that contribute positively to tomorrow.


  1. JohnDoe August 5, 2024

    This sounds like a game changer for the industry! Kudos to IRPC for moving towards cleaner technology.

    • Samantha T. August 5, 2024

      It’s about time more companies start investing in cleaner technologies. The planet needs more initiatives like this.

      • EcoWarrior22 August 5, 2024

        Exactly. The environment has been exploited for too long. Every step towards sustainability is a step in the right direction.

      • JohnDoe August 5, 2024

        Absolutely, but we should also be wary of greenwashing. We need real, impactful changes, not just PR stunts.

    • TechGuru August 5, 2024

      But let’s not forget that digital temperature indicators are just one piece of the puzzle. The entire supply chain needs to be revamped.

  2. PaulaM August 5, 2024

    While this is a great initiative, I hope it doesn’t lead to job cuts due to automation. People need to be employed too.

    • Kevin R August 5, 2024

      True, job displacement due to technology is a valid concern. However, new tech also creates different job opportunities.

      • PaulaM August 5, 2024

        I just hope that training programs will be implemented to help people transition into new roles.

  3. ScienceNut August 5, 2024

    I’m really excited about the RFID integration! This tech could revolutionize preventive maintenance.

    • JaneDoe August 5, 2024

      Definitely! Imagine having real-time data on machinery conditions. It could save companies millions in repairs.

  4. Realist37 August 5, 2024

    I’m skeptical. Investment sounds good on paper, but let’s see if it really brings about any tangible change.

    • Optimist25 August 5, 2024

      Gotta start somewhere, right? Every big change started as a small step.

  5. Sam August 5, 2024

    IRPC’s commitment to innovation is commendable, but how scalable is this tech for small enterprises?

  6. Gavin C August 5, 2024

    The focus on temperature-sensitive logistics is spot on. It’s a growing concern with the rise of e-commerce.

    • Marilyn S August 5, 2024

      Agreed. Consumers are increasingly demanding better preservation of products, especially food and medication.

  7. AaronJ August 5, 2024

    I wonder what other innovations are in the pipeline. IRPC seems really ambitious with their plans.

    • FutureThinker August 5, 2024

      Well, considering their vision, I bet there are more disruptive inventions coming our way.

  8. Techie August 5, 2024

    Battery-free tech is pretty mind-blowing. It’s going to disrupt how we think about wireless monitoring.

    • GadgetGeek August 5, 2024

      Totally! Removing the need for batteries opens up a lot of creative applications.

    • Samantha T. August 5, 2024

      Let’s hope it goes mainstream and isn’t just a niche product.

  9. Max August 5, 2024

    Why isn’t there more focus on reducing plastic waste? That’s still a massive issue.

  10. ClimateChet August 5, 2024

    This definitely feels like a positive shift, but regulatory support will be crucial for widespread adoption.

    • Larson August 5, 2024

      Absolutely! Policies need to catch up with tech advancements for real impact.

  11. Ayana August 5, 2024

    This joint investment is great, but I hope it translates into affordable solutions for everyday consumers.

  12. green_guru52 August 5, 2024

    IRPC’s saying ‘สร้างสิ่งที่ดีเพื่ออนาคต’ truly resonates. More companies need to take a leaf from their book.

    • Ravi K August 5, 2024

      True, it’s not just about profit, but also about leaving a positive legacy.

    • Benny August 5, 2024

      Let’s hope such sentiments lead to tangible actions and not just feel-good slogans.

  13. MarkD August 5, 2024

    Finally, a corporate initiative that seems genuinely aimed at innovation and sustainability!

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