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Lion Cub Co-Pilot in Pattaya: Bentley Rides and Wildlife Rules Stir Controversy

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In a scene straight out of a movie, the sun-drenched streets of Pattaya recently played host to a peculiar sight that left many bystanders rubbing their eyes in disbelief. Picture this: a shiny Bentley convertible cruising down the bustling Phra Tamnak Soi 5, with its owner at the helm, and – wait for it – a lion cub regally perched in the back seat, surveying the world around with a blend of curiosity and composure.

Yes, you heard that right! This isn’t your average pet-friendly outing, but a full-blown mini safari on wheels, turning heads and sparking quite the conversation among the Pattaya locals and beyond. The viral footage has taken social media by storm, but not all the chatter has been in awe of this unconventional duo; some residents are expressing serious concerns over safety and animal welfare.

The cub, which sports a collar and leash indicating some level of domestication, seems to be taking this unusual joyride in stride. Nonetheless, the spectacle has ignited a flurry of questions, with many wondering: just how did we get to a point where a visit to Dong Tan beach might include a lion cub sighting?

Amid the online buzz, the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation isn’t just sitting back and enjoying the spectacle. They’ve leaped into action, launching a thorough investigation to sniff out the details behind this curious case, making sure the lion’s owner has all the right documents and permits to back up their exotic choice of a pet.

While owning your own little Simba is, surprisingly, on the right side of the law in Thailand, it comes with strings – or rather, leashes – attached. But as seen with the Bentley-riding lion cub, sometimes those strings seem to stretch quite far out into public spaces, eliciting varied reactions from delight to sheer panic.

This isn’t the first time a big cat has caused a stir in Pattaya. Just last March, residents of a swanky housing estate got the shock of their lives when a white lion cub decided to take itself for a neighborhood stroll. That escapade ended with the discovery that the cub’s owner, a Chinese national, had dropped a cool 500,000 baht to add the little predator to his family. Apparently, this little lion preferred hide and seek over a confined life in a cage, much to everyone’s surprise (and possibly horror).

What’s become clear is this: Pattaya’s status as a tourist hotspot has evidently been upgraded to include unexpected encounters with the king of the jungle’s offspring. While authorities work out the legalities and safety concerns of such sightings, one can’t help but wonder what could possibly top this on the Pattaya scale of bizarre spectacles. But for now, the lion cub in a Bentley reigns supreme in this coastal town’s parade of peculiar pets.

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