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MINT Clarifies Rumors: Strong Finances and No Perpetual Bond Plans

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Let’s dispel some myths and spread the truth brighter than sunshine on a clear day. The folks over at MINT are clearing the air, and boy do they have news for you! What’s the buzz around town, you ask? There’s been some chatter, a little gossip, about MINT possibly venturing into the world of perpetual bonds. But hold your horses! MINT has stepped in and announced that there’s absolutely no plan for such a move. The market’s rumor mill might need a little oiling because MINT’s financial health is robust, thriving on potent liquidity and cash flow from operations that are as strong as an ox.

The company is not just sitting back and resting on its laurels. Oh, no. They’re charging ahead, full steam, in this high interest rate seascape with a clear strategy to de-leverage. That’s fancy talk for reducing debt, folks. Their intention is to deflate the interest bearing debt to equity ratio from the already neat figure of 1x at the end of the 3rd quarter of ’23, further fattening up those profit margins.

But wait, there’s more! MINT is gazing into the future with confidence brighter than the North Star. They’re not just daydreaming about business expansion; they have a plan. And when MINT makes a plan, it’s not just any scribble on a napkin. Late last year, the board gave a green light to a glittering three-year proposal that would make any investor’s heart sing.

Here’s the scoop: MINT foresees revenue growth to the catchy tune of 8-10% yearly on a CAGR (that’s compound annual growth rate for the uninitiated) basis over the next trio of years. But hold on, the good news train hasn’t reached the station yet. The company has a cunning ability to expand margins – a skill that would make a magician jealous – leading to an even more impressive earnings growth forecast of 15-20% annually on a CAGR basis throughout the same period.

So, to sum it up, MINT isn’t joining the perpetual bond party. Instead, it’s busy throwing its own shindig, complete with a strong financial core, proactive de-leveraging moves, and a dazzling outlook for expansion that makes the future look so bright, you might want to grab your sunglasses.

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