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Mystery Unfolds: Electrocution Death Discovered Under Sathon Skywalk in Bangkok

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In an unexpected twist of fate beneath the bustling streets of Bangkok’s Sathon district, rescue workers prepared to transport the body of an unidentified man found in a hidden service space under a skywalk. The discovery, deeply unsettling, added an eerie undertone to the evening.

The body, deteriorated almost beyond recognition, was found in a state suggesting it had been there for at least four to five months. Authorities quickly formed a theory: the man, likely attempting a risky heist to steal electric wires, met his end through electrocution under the skywalk positioned above the Sathon-Narathiwat intersection.

It all began when a city electrician, tasked to investigate a power outage, stumbled upon the grim scene. What started as a routine check swiftly turned into a scene from a forensic detective novel. The electrician’s initial shock paved the way for a quick call to the police, bringing the evening into a whirlwind of activity.

The corpse, now more of a mummified remnant of a person, lay there, motionless and silent. Clad in a flashlight-mounted helmet, the man seemingly prepared for clandestine work. Not too far from his body, a well-worn tote bag housed several sets of pliers and wrenches—tools of a dangerous trade.

Upon closer inspection, one of the pliers was found fastened to an electric cable, mid-snatch—the point where ambition met its tragic downfall. It’s believed his attempt to sever the cables not only failed but also cost him his life in a fatal electrical surge.

A mix of curiosity and respect marked the officers’ expressions as they gathered evidence and pieced together the final moments of an ill-fated venture. The grim nature of the incident didn’t escape anyone, yet it was a solemn reminder of the perils that sometimes accompany desperate acts.

With the scene documented and evidence secured, the man’s remains were reverently collected and sent to King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. There, an autopsy and identification process began—hoping to unveil the story behind the tragic figure.

In the days to come, perhaps answers will emerge. Who was this man? What led him to such a perilous decision? These lingering questions hang heavy in the air, waiting to be answered. As Sathon’s residents continue their hurried lives above, unaware for months of the drama underneath, the discovery serves as a poignant reminder of the shadows that sometimes lie just beneath the surface.


  1. Sarah Conway September 6, 2024

    I can’t believe someone would risk their life for some electric wires. Isn’t this like, the 21st century? People should have better options!

    • Hunter45 September 6, 2024

      Sarah, you have no idea how desperate some people can get. Not everyone’s living in luxury.

      • Sarah Conway September 6, 2024

        Yes, but there must be better ways than risking death under a skywalk…

      • Maverick September 6, 2024

        Desperation pushes people to do unimaginable things. Can’t judge him without knowing his circumstances.

    • Jake P. September 6, 2024

      Electric wire theft isn’t unheard of. I’ve read about it happening before in other countries too. It’s dangerous but unfortunately common.

  2. Jim67 September 6, 2024

    They should put up better security measures to prevent these kinds of incidents. It’s not the first time I’ve heard about this kind of tragedy.

  3. Ella September 6, 2024

    I wonder if he had a family waiting for him…? Sad that someone lost their life for something so avoidable.

    • Tom September 6, 2024

      Yeah, it’s heartbreaking. I hope his family gets some closure.

    • TravelingJohn September 6, 2024

      Imagine the guilt and grief his family must be going through. What a way to find out.

  4. Rick September 6, 2024

    This is why people should be educated about the risks of such activities. Electrocution isn’t something to be taken lightly.

  5. Grower134 September 6, 2024

    I’m sure this guy had no education or information about the risks. Poverty and lack of education are the real culprits here.

  6. Vanessa T. September 6, 2024

    Why has it taken so long to find him? It just shows how little attention we pay to what’s literally beneath our feet.

    • Rick M. September 6, 2024

      Exactly! You’d think regular maintenance checks would catch something like this sooner.

    • Vanessa T. September 6, 2024

      Makes me wonder what else we might be missing. What else goes unnoticed in our cities?

  7. InspectorGadget76 September 6, 2024

    The city definitely needs better surveillance to prevent such tragedies and thefts, or at least quicker response times.

  8. Jenny L. September 6, 2024

    I feel bad for the electrician who found the body. It must have been so shocking and traumatic.

    • Rose September 6, 2024

      True, I can’t imagine what went through his mind. It’s not something you’d expect during a routine check.

    • Jenny L. September 6, 2024

      Yes, I hope he gets some support or counseling if needed. Finding a mummified body can’t be easy to deal with.

  9. Oliver September 6, 2024

    This incident is a grim reminder of the lengths people will go to out of desperation.

  10. Just_A_Thought September 6, 2024

    I wonder if there are more people living in such hidden spaces we don’t even know about. Our cities could be holding many secrets.

    • R. Rivera September 6, 2024

      That’s a disturbing thought. But perhaps it’s true. Urban areas often have underworlds most of us never see.

  11. Bob B. September 6, 2024

    Such a sad story. But his tools were found with him, suggesting he was a professional at this kind of theft. Kind of hard to feel too sorry for someone knowingly breaking the law.

    • Sammy September 6, 2024

      Breaking the law, yes. But death as a consequence? That’s too extreme. Have some empathy.

  12. Felix Cheng September 6, 2024

    I hope this story serves as a cautionary tale. Sometimes, the dangers of illegal activities need to be highlighted more.

  13. Hannah W. September 6, 2024

    This incident should prompt city officials to improve infrastructural safety and public awareness.

  14. Lyoto September 6, 2024

    Tragic that the man’s life was worth less than a bunch of electric wires. What does that say about our society?

    • TopCat22 September 6, 2024

      Speaks volumes about inequality and the lack of opportunities for some people.

  15. Wendy September 6, 2024

    My heart breaks thinking about the fear he must’ve felt in those last moments. Makes you rethink the value of life.

  16. Mark September 6, 2024

    The electrification standards and safety regulations might need revisiting too. Seems like a dangerous place if such things can happen.

    • Leslie September 6, 2024

      Agreed. This kind of incident should serve as a wake-up call to improve safety measures.

  17. Jade September 6, 2024

    Rest in peace to a man who probably had no other choice. Khop khun khrup.

  18. Andrew September 6, 2024

    Imagine the smell… I can’t believe nobody noticed sooner.

    • Debbie September 6, 2024

      True. Decomposition would release a strong odor. It’s surprising it went unnoticed for so long.

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