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Nattapol Rangsitpol Leads Cadmium Tailings Relocation Effort in Tak for Environmental Safety

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Once upon a time, in a twist of fate that encapsulates the clash between industrial advancements and environmental stewardship, the Industry Ministry collaborated with local forces in Tak to embark on a mission that could easily be mistaken for a plot in a high-stakes eco-thriller. Their quest? To ensure the safe relocation of cadmium tailings back to their ancestral grounds from the bustling province of Samut Sakhon. Spearheading this intrepid journey was none other than Nattapol Rangsitpol, the permanent secretary for industry, who, alongside the venerable Tak governor Somchai Kitcharoenrungroj, delved into discussions on the province’s readiness to welcome back the prodigal pollutants.

In a demonstration of meticulous planning and unwavering dedication, the coalition examined the robustness of disposal pits, lingering on the integrity of their cement structures and scrutinising their drainage systems, as dictated by an environmental impact assessment that seemed to hold the fate of the world in its pages. Machinery stood, poised and ready, to be inspected, their mechanical hearts beating in anticipation of transporting the cadmium tailings to their final resting places. The environment itself held its breath, waiting to be assessed for safety, a testament to the gravity of human impact on Mother Nature.

Enter an unexpected hero: Section 29 of the Public Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act, brandished like a shield to restrict movement within a 100-metre radius of this clandestine operation. This decree safeguarded the seven disposal pit sites and an enigmatic warehouse for a span of 90 days, painting a picture of an area cocooned in caution and vigilance.

But our tale doesn’t end here. In a parallel narrative, akin to a detective meticulously combing through the underbelly of a city, Mr Nattapol joined forces with the intrepid Bangkok governor Chadchart Sittipunt. Together, they embarked on a crusade across the capital, inspecting factories shrouded in suspicion, conferring with the shadows to unravel the mysteries of industry. This dynamic duo pledged to cleanse not just Bangkok but extended their vigilant gaze to the provinces, teaming up with the Industrial Works Department and Provincial Industry Office in an unyielding quest against the spectre of cadmium.

The saga of cadmium tailings, however, held no more secrets, for the current count stood unchanging, a stoic sentinel at 12,535 tonnes. The burial site, nestled in tambon Nong Bua Tai of Muang district, lay ominously less than a kilometer from the serene Ping River, its tranquility belied by the storm brewing just beyond the horizon. Here, over a thousand households stood in the shadow of progress, their occupants casting wary eyes towards the impending return of the tailings, their hearts heavy with the dread of environmental repercussions.

In a heartening display of democracy in action, Karit Pannaim, the valiant Move Forward Party MP for Tak, became the voice of the people, championing the plea for health checks before the relocation commences—a ballad for the ages, singing of the right to health and a clean environment.

And just when all seemed shrouded in gloom, a beacon of hope shimmered through the darkness. The Provincial Waterworks Authority, akin to knights in shining armour, emerged with tidings of assurance. Their declaration? Water samples from the realms of Tak, Samut Sakhon, and Chon Buri were untouched by the spectre of cadmium, a testament to the purity of life’s vital essence. Bolstered by this revelation, the PWA vowed to stand guard, a vigilant sentinel conducting regular examinations across its 234 water production branches, ensuring the sanctity of water for the realm.

So unfolds our tale, weaving through the annals of industry, environmental stewardship, and the ceaseless vigil of those who hold the line against contamination—a narrative of resilience, responsibility, and unwavering commitment to safeguarding the realm against the echoes of industrial overreach.


  1. EcoWarrior101 April 15, 2024

    This is a classic example of too little, too late. The damage done by cadmium contamination can’t be undone just by relocating tailings. We need to focus on preventing these disasters before they happen.

    • RealistRick April 15, 2024

      While I agree that prevention is key, isn’t taking action now better than doing nothing? At least there’s an effort being made to mitigate the damage.

      • EcoWarrior101 April 15, 2024

        Sure, action is better than inaction, but it feels like a band-aid on a gaping wound. We should also push for stricter regulations and oversight on industries.

    • SkepticalSue April 15, 2024

      But how effective can relocation really be? There’s always a risk of leakage during transport or even from the new site. It sounds risky.

      • TechieTom April 15, 2024

        That’s a valid concern, but with proper engineering and safeguards in place, the risk can be minimized. It’s all about how seriously the protocols are taken and followed.

  2. LocalJoe April 15, 2024

    I live not too far from one of these sites and let me tell you, the community is worried. We don’t want our homes or water sources to become the next casualty of industrial progress.

    • KaritFan88 April 15, 2024

      Your fears are justified, LocalJoe. It’s why MP Karit Pannaim’s push for health checks is so important. The community has a right to safety and health.

      • PolicyPete April 16, 2024

        Absolutely! Health checks before relocation should be non-negotiable. It’s about ensuring the safety of the people living nearby. Glad to see some politicians are taking this seriously.

  3. SienceNerd April 16, 2024

    It’s fascinating to see Section 29 of the Public Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act being applied in real-time. Legislation like this is crucial for emergency environmental actions.

  4. OptimisticOlivia April 16, 2024

    It’s heartening to see such proactive measures from the Provincial Waterworks Authority. Regular water testing is a vital step in ensuring public health and safety.

    • EcoWarrior101 April 16, 2024

      True, but we shouldn’t have to rely on constant testing to feel safe. We need to address the root of the problem – irresponsible waste management by industries.

  5. HistoryBuff April 16, 2024

    This incident is a reminder of the delicate balance between industrialization and environmental protection. It’s a tale as old as time, where progress often comes at a cost.

    • ModernMarx April 16, 2024

      And yet, it’s always the common people and the environment that pay the price for so-called progress. When will we learn to prioritize sustainability over greed?

  6. ConcernedCitizen April 16, 2024

    How sure are we that the water samples are truly safe from cadmium? Is there a chance that contamination levels are too low to detect now but could accumulate over time?

    • ScienceNerd April 16, 2024

      A valid point. Cadmium is notorious for bioaccumulation, meaning it can build up in the ecosystem over time. Regular monitoring is good, but it’s crucial to stay vigilant and ensure the methodologies used are sensitive enough to detect even minute quantities.

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