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New helpful app for migrant women in Thailand who are being abused

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A taxi driver in Bangkok sexually raped a teenage girl from Myanmar and took her to the police after reporting her as an unauthorized immigrant. Fortunately, in this situation the child was identified by the police as the victim of a crime and would not be prosecuted for entering the country without permission. A stunning majority of migrant women in Thailand experience sexual violence, according to the secretary-general of one of the NGOs working on the app. Boonsom Namsomboon, the secretary-general of the Foundation for Labour and Employment Promotion, asserted that 80% of migrant women endure sexual violence. She asserted, however, that few people report offenses to the police. Hopefully, apps like Smart Domestic Workers will be a powerful tool for migrant workers to effect change. UN Women and Thai non-government organizations (NGOs) collaborated to create a new app for migrant women in Thailand who are experiencing sexual abuse and violence. The program has the moniker “Smart Domestic Workers.” Thailand is widely renowned for its beaches, mountains, and smiles, but it doesn’t exactly have a fantastic reputation when it comes to migrant rights.
Illegal immigrants in Thailand incur the risk of being apprehended and frequently sent back to their home countries. In Thailand, they are likewise not given any legal safeguards. Children are usually deterred from reporting any abuse to the authorities as a result of this. There are translations of Smart Domestic Workers’ material on how migrant women can protect themselves from assault into Thai, English, Burmese, and Khmer. Users can check up nearby medical facilities, law enforcement offices, and other pertinent institutions. Additionally, the app offers a list of agency hotlines. The surety with which many abusers believe they may damage migrant women was highlighted by one notable instance in April.

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