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Nonthaburi Gold Heist: Pisan’s 24 Million Baht Theft Uncovered in Bang Yai

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The tranquil neighborhood of Bang Yai in Nonthaburi could hardly have anticipated the buzz it would generate this past weekend. On Saturday, as the sun dipped below the horizon at 5pm, the quiet was shattered by a dramatic arrest that seemed right out of a high-stakes thriller. The star of this real-life drama? A 40-year-old man named Pisan.

For nearly a year, Pisan led a double life. By day, he was a seemingly trustworthy employee at a local gold shop under the jurisdiction of Phra Ratchawang Police. By night, according to authorities, he masterminded a grand heist, slowly siphoning off an astounding 24 million baht worth of gold necklaces and bracelets over twelve months. It was only a matter of time before his two worlds collided.

The intricate web of deceit began unraveling when police received a tip-off, leading them to a house in the serene Bang Yai City village. Pol Maj Gen Samart Promchart, a stalwart commander of the Metropolitan Police Division 6, spearheaded the operation that brought Pisan’s alleged criminal activities to an abrupt halt. Verified, identified, and confronted, Pisan could no longer elude the long arm of the law. There was no denying the arrest warrant issued by the Nakhon Pathom Kwang Court on July 25.

It was a sobering moment when Pisan, apparently resigned to his fate, reportedly confessed to his covert deeds. He revealed that from June of the preceding year to June of the current year, he methodically purloined between 5 and 12 gold necklaces and bracelets each month. These weren’t mere trinkets; they ranged from 1 to 2 baht in weight and represented a haul totaling approximately 646 baht of gold, a treasure trove valued at about 24 million baht. The plundered loot funded his daily expenses and a lifestyle marked by travel and, presumably, indulgence.

As Pisan languishes in detention at the Phra Ratchawang Police station, the community and authorities alike ponder the layers of his intricate deception. How did a man, who lived and worked beside them, conceal such a brazen theft for so long? And what drove him to risk everything for the glitter of gold?

The tale of Pisan transports us into the world of human frailty, ambition, and desperation. It serves as a stark reminder that sometimes, the most inconspicuous individuals harbor the most astounding secrets. As the police dig deeper into Pisan’s motives and methods, one thing remains certain: the legacy of his heist will be remembered long after the gold has been accounted for.

Stay tuned for updates as we follow this unfolding saga, illuminating how trust, greed, and the law intersect in the most unexpected ways.


  1. Anna M August 26, 2024

    Wow, this is like something straight out of a movie! Can’t believe he managed to steal that much without getting caught for a whole year.

    • Tommy August 26, 2024

      Totally agree! Makes you wonder what else people are capable of hiding right in front of us every day.

      • educated_guest August 26, 2024

        Crime often mimics art. The most successful criminals are usually the ones who blend in the best.

    • Bob August 26, 2024

      You guys are giving him too much credit. He’s just a thief. The really smart ones never get caught.

  2. Sara P. August 26, 2024

    I feel bad for the gold shop owners. All that trust, shattered because of one greedy employee.

    • Luke Smith August 26, 2024

      I can’t even imagine the betrayal they felt. Makes you think twice about who you hire.

    • George H August 26, 2024

      Trust is easily broken, but it’s part of doing any business. They should have had better security measures.

  3. James August 26, 2024

    This is why we need better surveillance and stricter background checks.

  4. Karen34 August 26, 2024

    It’s sad people get so desperate they turn to crime. How could he have thought he’d get away with it indefinitely?

    • Kyle Moss August 26, 2024

      Desperation makes people do crazy things. But yeah, there’s always an end to the road for stuff like this.

    • Historian August 26, 2024

      Greed isn’t always born from desperation. Some people just live for the thrill or think they are above the law.

  5. Rachel_z August 26, 2024

    How could no one have noticed 24 million baht gone missing? Someone else must have known or been complicit.

    • Intelli_gal August 26, 2024

      Right? You’d think there would be audits or something to prevent this amount of theft.

    • Faraz August 26, 2024

      We often underestimate how easy it is to turn a blind eye until it’s too late.

  6. Steve August 26, 2024

    He probably had a gambling problem or something. No way you spend 24 million baht on just day-to-day expenses.

    • investigator90 August 26, 2024

      Could be, or maybe he was being blackmailed. There are many layers to such crimes sometimes.

  7. Melanie August 26, 2024

    The police must be really proud of themselves for catching this guy. Good job to those involved in the investigation!

    • Joe August 26, 2024

      Sure, but let’s not forget he did manage to evade them for a whole year. They need to up their game too.

  8. Lara August 26, 2024

    I wonder how he acted around his coworkers? Did no one ever suspect he was living beyond his means?

    • Detective_Dan August 26, 2024

      It’s incredible how well some people can lie and live double lives. Makes trust tricky in any workplace.

    • Marie August 26, 2024

      People usually tend to keep their heads down and not poke into others’ business. It’s a wake-up call.

  9. Vin August 26, 2024

    He probably just wanted the money for a better life. Can’t really blame him considering the times we live in.

    • Cynic42 August 26, 2024

      That’s a bit naive. Just because times are tough doesn’t justify theft of this magnitude.

  10. Jake S August 26, 2024

    Stories like this show there’s usually more going on behind the scenes. There’s probably a bigger reason he went down this path.

  11. Linda Taylor August 26, 2024

    I wonder if there will be a movie about this one day? It has all the elements of a great thriller!

    • film_buff August 26, 2024

      Probably! Reality always finds a way onto the silver screen.

  12. Alex P August 26, 2024

    This is why people need to focus on ethical ways to make money. Crime might pay for a while, but it always catches up with you.

  13. Zoe August 26, 2024

    It’s stories like these that make me really anxious about trusting anyone. Even the most mundane people can have hidden motives.

  14. Realist123 August 26, 2024

    Crime happens everywhere, folks. No need to get paranoid over one incident.

    • Luke Smith August 26, 2024

      True, but it’s still alarming how easily this guy was able to pull it off.

    • UserX August 26, 2024

      Just because it’s common doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be cautious.

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