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OMG Thailand: New Leadership Team Drives Media Innovation in 2024

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Omnicom Media Group (OMG) Thailand has solidified its leadership team following consistent growth in the region. Elevating the organization’s dynamics, Jinnarat Sampuntharat, who previously helmed the position of Managing Director at OMD Thailand, now steps into the pivotal role of Chief Operating Officer at OMG Thailand. In this elevated capacity, she will synergize with CEO Rochelle Chhaya and CFO Noppadol Vetvoranich to navigate the business through one of APAC’s most competitive markets.

Moreover, Rerngrith Jindaporn has been appointed as the General Manager of OMD Thailand, where he will be responsible for propelling the agency’s growth, enhancing operational efficiency, nurturing client relationships, and seizing new business prospects. Complementing these shifts, Dr. Pittayaphan Sriweawnetr has been entrusted with an expanded mantle as Head of Insights and Marcomms for OMG Thailand, fortifying the company’s insights and communications strategies.

These strategic modifications underscore OMG Thailand’s commitment to excellence and continued growth, epitomizing the network’s vision to cultivate a forward-looking leadership cadre. This restructuring effectively poises OMG Thailand to adeptly lead clients through the ever-changing media terrain, driving meaningful business outcomes and unlocking growth opportunities.

The fortified leadership framework at OMG Thailand now comprises:

  • CEO Rochelle Chhaya
  • COO Jinnarat Sampuntharat
  • OMD Thailand General Manager Rerngrith Jindaporn
  • PHD Thailand Managing Director Nuvee Pongsathidporn, supported by General Manager Chaivut Eiamvuthikorn
  • CFO Noppadol Vetvoranich
  • Head of Trading and Investment Nannapat Chotrattanakarn
  • Head of Insights and Marcomms Dr. Pittayaphan Sriweawnetr (Ph.D.)
  • Head of People Waridda Burapathana

“OMG Thailand has enjoyed remarkable success in recent years, consistently enhancing our digital prowess and client relationships. This newly assembled leadership team is exceptionally talented, and this revamped structure establishes a robust foundation for OMG Thailand to innovate and deliver future-forward solutions for our clients,” stated Rochelle Chhaya, CEO of Omnicom Media Group Thailand.


  1. Sarah T. September 18, 2024

    I’m excited to see more growth in Thailand’s media landscape! This new team looks impressive.

    • John Doe September 18, 2024

      True, but I’m skeptical about whether these changes will actually translate to tangible results. Companies always say they aim to innovate, but it’s often just more of the same.

      • Sarah T. September 18, 2024

        You have a point, John. But I think having a strong leadership team can make a significant difference, especially in such a competitive market.

      • Mark September 18, 2024

        Also, it’s important to see how well they work together. Leadership is about teamwork, not just individual accomplishments.

  2. Roger K. September 18, 2024

    All these changes sound great on paper, but let’s not forget that executing these strategies is the hardest part.

    • Alice L. September 18, 2024

      100% agree. It’s easy to announce leadership changes, but the real challenge is in actually implementing and sustaining these new strategies.

    • Victor September 18, 2024

      What are you talking about? When companies rearrange their leadership, it’s usually a signal they’re serious about growth and change.

  3. Sophie W. September 18, 2024

    I wonder how much of this restructuring is actually due to internal politics rather than a genuine effort to innovate.

    • Hannah G. September 18, 2024

      Cynical but valid point, Sophie. Corporate changes are often more about optics than actual progress.

      • Sophie W. September 18, 2024

        Right? It feels like a lot of these announcements are just for show. I’ll believe it when I see actual results.

  4. Zane September 18, 2024

    Why does everyone assume that highlighting these leadership changes will automatically mean success? It’s the market that decides.

    • Lisa September 18, 2024

      Exactly! The real test will be how clients and the market respond, not just the names in the leadership roles.

  5. David P. September 18, 2024

    How are they planning to enhance operational efficiency? Just curious because that’s a buzzword that’s often thrown around.

  6. brknmirror92 September 18, 2024

    I’m interested to see Dr. Pittayaphan’s role play out. Insights can make or break a company’s strategy.

  7. Rebecca J. September 18, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see a female CEO in Asia! That’s some real inspiration right there.

    • Mason September 18, 2024

      Absolutely, Rebecca! More diversity in leadership only strengthens a company.

  8. Tom L. September 18, 2024

    It’s all about client relationships. If they can maintain and enhance those, they’ll be fine.

  9. Nancy D. September 18, 2024

    I’m concerned about how these changes will affect the employees lower down the hierarchy. Big shifts at the top often lead to a trickle-down of uncertainty.

    • empathic_flow September 18, 2024

      That’s a good point, Nancy. Employee morale and job security are crucial for the overall success of such organizational changes.

  10. Liam O. September 18, 2024

    It’s evident that they’re focusing heavily on growth and innovation, but what’s the actual track record of these new appointees?

    • Nina September 18, 2024

      Good question, Liam. A strong past performance can be a good indicator, but adapting to a new role and environment is a different ball game.

      • Liam O. September 18, 2024

        Exactly my point. Experience is only as good as the ability to adapt and evolve with changing times.

  11. Jerry G. September 18, 2024

    Regardless of these changes, the media landscape in APAC has always been unpredictable. It’s a high-risk, high-reward game.

  12. Mira W. September 18, 2024

    Too many cooks spoil the broth! I hope the leadership team doesn’t end up clashing with each other instead of working cohesively.

  13. tech enthusiast September 18, 2024

    I wonder if they’ll incorporate more AI and tech innovations? That’s where the future is heading.

    • Selena September 18, 2024

      Definitely! AI can bring about a revolution in media strategies and customer engagement, but it’s crucial to integrate it skillfully.

  14. Bob R. September 18, 2024

    We’ve heard these corporate makeovers before, but I remain skeptical. Show us the numbers, then we’ll talk.

  15. Chloe September 18, 2024

    Do leadership changes really matter to the clients, though? Most people care about results, not who’s making the decisions.

  16. Emma P. September 18, 2024

    Given the competitive nature of the APAC market, OMG Thailand’s move might set a precedent for other companies if they succeed.

    • Danny September 18, 2024

      True, Emma. This could either be a blueprint for success or a case study of what not to do.

  17. Greg H. September 18, 2024

    From a financial perspective, it will be interesting to see how Noppadol Vetvoranich manages the company’s resources.

  18. Olivia T. September 18, 2024

    I feel this restructuring will unlock more growth opportunities. Kudos to the team for being proactive!

  19. academic_thoughts September 18, 2024

    I’d like to see more data-driven decisions rather than just leadership reshuffles. If they rely heavily on empirical insights, they might truly innovate.

  20. Jamie K. September 18, 2024

    Leadership stability is crucial. Let’s hope this new team stays long enough to make a real difference.

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