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TP-Link APAC Enterprise Partner Summit 2024: Innovations Unveiled in Bangkok

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TP-Link Asia Pacific Enterprise, a leader in network system products and services for organizational enterprises, recently held its first-ever TP-Link APAC Enterprise Partner Summit 2024 in Thailand. The grand event, a magnet for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) and surveillance system aficionados, showcased a glittering array of innovations and breakthrough technologies in networking and surveillance systems.

Kicking off the summit with a bang, Mr. Brian Dong, Vice-President of TP-Link Asia Pacific Enterprise, delivered an inspiring opening remark. Mr. Gary Wen, General Manager of TP-Link Enterprise representing the Networking BU, captivated the audience with his speech on “Beyond Connectivity: Insights into Enterprise Networking.” Adding more insights, Mr. Eden Xu, General Manager for the Surveillance BU, elaborated on “Challenges and Opportunities in the Surveillance Market.” The highlight was a riveting speech by Mr. ST Liew, Vice-President and President of Qualcomm Taiwan and the Southeast Asia Region, on “Qualcomm Leading the World into the Wi-Fi 7 Era.” Hosted at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), the summit attracted over 800 business partners from around the globe.

Mr. Brian Dong expressed enthusiasm about hosting the TP-Link APAC Enterprise Partner Summit 2024 in Thailand for the first time. The choice of Bangkok was no accident—this bustling metropolis is a strategic global hub with stellar infrastructure. Dong praised Thailand’s unparalleled services and facilities, making it the perfect venue for gathering Business to Business (B2B) partners from across the Asia-Pacific region, including India, Japan, and Australia.

Bangkok’s exceptional transportation modes, luxurious convention halls, and top-notch hospitality services further cemented its selection as the venue for this landmark summit. TP-Link, which operates in around 30 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, chose to establish its APAC Headquarters in Thailand, demonstrating its strategic vision.

The summit wasn’t just about location; it was a spotlight for TP-Link’s relentless innovation. Attendees got a sneak peek at the newest products and solutions designed to foster unyielding business operations, encapsulated in the theme “Together Power the Future.” Mr. Brian Dong astutely pointed out that we are now in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era. Last year, TP-Link relocated its product design centre to California, USA, to leverage the latest technologies.

TP-Link’s cutting-edge products, VIGI and OMADA, now feature AI capabilities to deliver unparalleled user experiences. The newly-launched OMADA with AI capabilities promises to enhance the Cloud System, optimizing options for customers. AI’s integration opens up endless possibilities, particularly for security solutions like CCTV, as well as applications in educational and governmental sectors.

Recognizing AI’s transformative power, TP-Link envisions a future where devices operate seamlessly with both wired and wireless networks, heightening security measures, improving service efficiency, and expanding business horizons. Customers benefit from AI’s cost-effective management features, faster data processing, and reduced personnel costs, marking a revolutionary leap forward.

Mr. Brian Dong emphasized TP-Link’s steadfast commitment to its business partners and the entire TP-Link team in Thailand, pledging support with high-quality products at reasonable prices. TP-Link’s agenda includes training courses throughout the year to arm partners with essential competitive knowledge. The 4Es marketing formula—Easy to use, Easy to deploy, Easy to manage, and Easy to access—drives the strategy for VIGI products.

TP-Link’s holistic approach integrates management systems for enhanced customer service and security. Mr. Gary Wen and Mr. Eden Xu outlined business strategies focusing on integrating CCTV products under the VIGI brand and network systems under the OMADA brand. This strategy distinguishes TP-Link from competitors who typically focus on either CCTV or network systems. By merging these platforms, TP-Link creates a centralized management system that boosts security and operational efficiency for businesses.

Furthermore, Mr. Chen Kun, Managing Director of TP-Link Enterprises (Thailand) Co., Ltd., highlighted TP-Link’s focused marketing strategy. The OMADA Pro targets large enterprises with comprehensive solutions, while SME and SMB products cater to more niche markets. TP-Link’s mantra of offering high-quality, user-friendly, and cost-effective products is its cornerstone.

The OMADA Pro launch seeks to captivate major organizations, rejuvenating the market with robust solutions. Enhanced distributor motivation and expanded distribution channels are pivotal to TP-Link’s strategy, promising new business opportunities and income sources. TP-Link’s centralized management platform enhances competitiveness and supports service provision, aligned with Thailand’s marketing plan set to roll out by year’s end.

The TP-Link APAC Enterprise Partner Summit 2024 was also a forum for exchanging experiences from exceptional projects. Partners from countries like Australia, Japan, and India shared their success stories utilizing OMADA and VIGI solutions across various sectors—including high-speed internet in business apartments, surveillance in schools, and security in high-rise residences.

TP-Link’s commitment to integrating management support for its networking and CCTV products on a unified platform enhances both safety and security. This integration leverages smart technologies to ensure societal safety, pledging more accessible, reasonably priced products for consumers.

The summit was a testament to TP-Link’s collaborative spirit, showcasing partnerships with organizations from Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, Singapore, India, and South Korea. Interested parties can explore more about TP-Link’s innovations through their official website and social media channels. For inquiries about surveillance systems, the advantages of VIGI products, or OMADA network solutions, TP-Link offers consultation and comprehensive information.


  1. Mary Johnson July 4, 2024

    Wow, TP-Link is really going all-in with AI! This could revolutionize network security and efficiency.

    • techguru87 July 4, 2024

      Absolutely! But don’t you think the increased reliance on AI might pose some ethical challenges, especially in surveillance?

      • Mary Johnson July 4, 2024

        Good point! Privacy concerns could definitely be a problem. I hope TP-Link has strong ethical guidelines in place.

      • Tommy Lee July 4, 2024

        People need to relax. AI is here to make things easier, not harder. It’s all about how you use it!

    • Lisa Tran July 4, 2024

      I agree, but the AI buzzword gets thrown around a lot. I hope these innovations are genuinely useful and not just marketing fluff.

  2. smbenthusiast July 4, 2024

    TP-Link’s focus on SMBs is great. As a small business owner, I need affordable and effective solutions.

    • Gary Wong July 4, 2024

      I totally get that! But sometimes, I feel like these big summits and flashy products overlook the actual needs of small businesses.

      • smbenthusiast July 4, 2024

        That’s true. But at least they’re paying attention and trying to cater to our needs. It’s a step in the right direction.

      • Liam Scott July 4, 2024

        Agree with Gary. These events often feel like PR stunts. Let’s see real user reviews before jumping on the bandwagon.

  3. analyticmind July 4, 2024

    The integration of OMADA and VIGI seems to make operational efficiency more attainable for big organizations.

    • Brian O. July 4, 2024

      Isn’t it risky to put all your eggs in one basket, though? One system failure and you’re done for.

      • analyticmind July 4, 2024

        True, redundancy and backup systems are crucial. I hope TP-Link has robust safeguards in place.

  4. John Doe July 4, 2024

    Hosting the event in Bangkok just shows how strategic Thailand is becoming in the tech world. Kudos to TP-Link for recognizing that!

  5. Ravi Patel July 4, 2024

    Why not do it in Silicon Valley if they’re already moving their design center there? Seems like a better fit to me.

    • John Doe July 4, 2024

      Cost and accessibility, perhaps? Bangkok is a much more affordable hub for APAC regions.

    • Tuan Nguyen July 4, 2024

      Also, it shows respect and commitment to the Asia-Pacific market, by hosting it there.

  6. techsavvy456 July 4, 2024

    TP-Link’s move to integrate AI in their products is exciting. OMADA and VIGI could be game-changers!

  7. Ellen Ripley July 4, 2024

    What about data privacy? AI in surveillance sounds like a recipe for dystopia to me.

    • techsavvy456 July 4, 2024

      Data privacy is definitely a concern, but it’s all about the regulatory framework and how data is managed.

  8. Lin Wei July 4, 2024

    TP-Link’s training courses for partners sound like a great way to keep everyone up to date on new tech.

  9. Paul Gomez July 4, 2024

    Well, training is great, but will they be enough for everyone to actually implement these complex systems?

  10. Danielle Smith July 4, 2024

    I’m more interested in the fact that major enterprises are getting special attention with OMADA Pro. Are SMBs going to be left behind?

    • Aaron T. July 4, 2024

      It’s always a balancing act. Large enterprises often drive innovation, which can trickle down to SMBs eventually.

    • Danielle Smith July 4, 2024

      True, but the pace is usually slow. I’d hate for SMBs to miss out on critical updates.

  11. Jonas July 4, 2024

    All these innovations sound great, but let’s see them in action first. Promises are easy; execution is the real challenge.

    • Stark July 4, 2024

      Totally agree! Lots of companies make big claims during their summits, but delivering on them is another story.

  12. Taylor Robinson July 4, 2024

    Combining CCTV and network systems for centralized management is a smart move by TP-Link.

  13. Kevin Davis July 4, 2024

    Yeah, but I hope they also focus on user-friendly interfaces, especially for those of us who are not tech-savvy.

  14. Jane M. July 4, 2024

    Exciting times ahead! Hope TP-Link continues to innovate and bring cost-effective solutions.

  15. Dave R. July 4, 2024

    Anyone concerned about potential cybersecurity threats as more devices get connected?

    • Jane M. July 4, 2024

      Definitely, Dave. Cybersecurity will need to be a top priority as we become more reliant on interconnected systems.

    • Dr. Alan July 4, 2024

      There’s no doubt that’s a concern. I hope TP-Link is investing in robust security measures.

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