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Operation Monkey Move: Lop Buri Captures Over 400 Macaques to Restore City Harmony

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Picture a bustling city center in Lop Buri, teeming not just with people but with cheeky macaques swinging through the streets like they own the place. The Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation (DNP) along with the local Lop Buri municipality decided it was time for these furry residents to pack their bags and relocate. On Wednesday, the second phase of their grand capture operation was rolled out, with an ambitious goal of netting 800-1,000 macaques over the next 10 days.
Lop Buri city mayor, Jamroen Salacheep, shared how they laid out their cunning monkey traps near the Chayovanich spare parts shop and the Manora shopping center in the Muang district. Tuesday turned out to be quite the eventful day. In just about an hour, 128 macaques had a change of address: 74 were caught near the Manora mall, and another 54 near the Chayovanich shop.
These surprised little critters were then whisked away to a holding facility in tambon Po Kao Ton where they would be registered, sterilized, and settled into enclosures. This setup would prevent them from engaging in any monkey business with their newfound friends. This latest count bolstered their roster to 415 macaques captured from the downtown area.
The grand monkey roundup began with its first phase from May 24 to 28. Mayor Jamroen mentioned they had their eyes set on snaring 300 macaques around the Chayovanich shop and an additional 500 near the Manora mall. It’s clear that their mission was far from over.
Over the coming days, residents of downtown Lop Buri might spot more cages sprouting up in strategic locations, ensnaring those freewheeling monkeys that have been wreaking havoc. Locations like the Lopburi Asia Hotel, the junction near the Seng Heng shop, Rachanusorn Park, and a branch of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) are marked for this furry intervention.
DNP director-general, Atthapol Charoenchansa, elaborated on the scheme: seven cages are currently in active duty for the second phase, with the Chayovanich shop and Manora mall setups leading the charge. The DNP is pulling rank with responsibility over four cages, while Lop Buri municipality commands the remaining three.
That’s not all—the operation also has a special task force in place for catching and transporting the macaques. They are also prepping a dedicated facility at the holding center in Po Kao Ton to ensure these simian residents are well taken care of. This thoughtful and tactical approach aims to create a harmonious living situation for both humans and macaques in the heart of Lop Buri.
So, while Lop Buri may be busy rounding up its adventurous primates, the city is also showcasing a well-orchestrated effort to maintain balance and harmony between its human and monkey inhabitants. Keep an eye out—this could very well be the makings of a reality show: “Lop Buri: Monkey Business Unleashed!”


  1. EcoWarrior123 June 5, 2024

    This is absolutely cruel! These macaques are part of the natural ecosystem. Capturing and relocating them is not the solution.

    • Jim June 5, 2024

      Seriously? These monkeys are causing chaos in the city. They need to be controlled for everyone’s safety.

      • EcoWarrior123 June 5, 2024

        Control is one thing. But capturing and sterilizing them? That’s overkill. There must be a more humane way.

    • Sophie L. June 5, 2024

      I agree with EcoWarrior123. We should find a way to coexist without resorting to such drastic measures.

  2. Rodney Thompson June 5, 2024

    I think this operation is a well-thought-out plan. The authorities are ensuring that both the humans and macaques can live peacefully.

    • MonkeyMan June 5, 2024

      Of course you do! People always put human interests first without thinking about the animals’ welfare.

      • Rodney Thompson June 5, 2024

        That’s not fair. This plan includes taking care of the macaques in a new facility. It’s a balanced approach.

    • Angelica M. June 5, 2024

      It’s about time someone took action. These monkeys have been creating problems for years.

  3. Tracy B. June 5, 2024

    Why don’t they just build a sanctuary for these monkeys instead of relocating them randomly?

    • Steve June 5, 2024

      A sanctuary sounds great, but who’s going to fund it? These operations are costly.

    • Rodney Thompson June 5, 2024

      Actually, a sanctuary could be a longer-term solution. It might also become a tourist attraction.

    • MonkeyMan June 5, 2024

      Oh, now you’re thinking about making money out of them? Typical.

  4. Nina June 5, 2024

    Relocation is a positive step. These macaques will have a better life than scavenging in the city streets.

  5. Tommy Lee June 5, 2024

    This is a band-aid solution. They’ll be back causing trouble in no time.

    • grower134 June 5, 2024

      Tommy Lee might be right. We need a more permanent solution.

  6. Freddie June 5, 2024

    What happens when they run out of cages? Catch and release them right back into the city?

    • Rodney Thompson June 5, 2024

      Freddie, that’s why they’re trying to manage the population through sterilization as well.

  7. EcoWarrior123 June 5, 2024

    Exactly, this sterilization process is barbaric. Nature should regulate itself without human interference.

  8. Selena G June 5, 2024

    I volunteered at the Po Kao Ton facility, and they treat the monkeys well. It’s not barbaric at all.

    • MonkeyMan June 5, 2024

      Of course, they want to paint a rosy picture. But taking wild animals out of their habitat is never good.

    • Rodney Thompson June 5, 2024

      Thank you, Selena. It’s good to hear this from someone who’s been involved directly.

  9. travelbug27 June 5, 2024

    I visited Lop Buri a few months ago. Those monkeys were everywhere! Something had to be done.

    • Jim June 5, 2024

      Exactly! It was getting out of hand. This operation is a necessary measure.

    • EcoWarrior123 June 5, 2024

      Visitors like you are part of the problem. Wildlife tourism promotes such interventions.

  10. Sandra M June 5, 2024

    What other methods could be effective in managing such a large population of macaques?

    • Freddie June 5, 2024

      Maybe they should look into more natural deterrents, like sound repellents or natural predators.

      • Sophie L. June 5, 2024

        That could work, or they could even use contraceptives instead of sterilization.

  11. Katie June 5, 2024

    The sterilization might seem harsh, but it’s a proven method to humanely control populations.

  12. Tech_Savvy June 5, 2024

    I’m curious if they’re using any tech solutions, like drones or AI, to help with the capture process.

    • Tom June 5, 2024

      That would be interesting and could probably make the process more efficient.

  13. Jim June 5, 2024

    Has anyone considered the impact of capturing such a large number of macaques on the ecosystem?

    • MonkeyMan June 5, 2024

      Jim finally asked the right question! These actions could disturb the food chain and local biodiversity.

  14. Tracy B. June 5, 2024

    I wonder what the long-term plans are for these captured macaques. Enclosures might not be ideal forever.

    • Rodney Thompson June 5, 2024

      Good point, Tracy! Hopefully, they’re considering habitats where these macaques can thrive long-term.

  15. Blair D June 5, 2024

    What about involving NGOs and international wildlife organizations to handle this better?

    • Stevie June 5, 2024

      NGOs could bring in more resources and expertise. That’s actually a sound idea.

    • Sophie L. June 5, 2024

      I second that. International cooperation can make a world of difference.

  16. Larry Davis June 5, 2024

    If they really cared about the monkeys, they would implement more educational programs for the public about how to coexist with them.

  17. Tom June 5, 2024

    I just hope they have a clear plan and that it doesn’t end up like some of the failed animal relocation efforts from the past.

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