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Parit ‘Penguin’ Chiwarak Sentenced: Lese Majeste Case Draws Global Attention

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Parit Chiwarak (file photo: Pongpat Wongyala)

In a whirlwind turn of events, political activist Parit “Penguin” Chiwarak was met with a daunting two-year prison sentence on Wednesday after being convicted of lese majeste in 2021. This came after the Criminal Court initially sentenced him to three years but later showed leniency by reducing the term to two years, taking into account his cooperation during the proceedings.

The verdict, delivered in absentia, further adds to the drama surrounding Parit, who at 26 years old, managed to avoid the court since his last appearance on June 25. With his continuous absence, the judge issued a bench warrant for his arrest, emphasizing that the statute of limitations for the case stretches out to a decade.

The charges stemmed from a series of controversial comments posted on Parit’s Facebook page between July 28 and August 1, 2021. Adding a layer of significance, July 28 happens to be the birthday of His Majesty the King, making the posts even more provocative in the eyes of the law.

In his defense, Parit asserted that his Facebook account had been compromised, claiming hackers were responsible for the inflammatory posts. However, the court dismissed this claim, pointing out that he had ample opportunity to remove the offensive content, which he did not.

As the drama unfolds, Parit “Penguin” Chiwarak’s saga continues to capture attention, raising further discourse around political activism and freedom of speech within the region. The reverberations of this case are likely to be felt for years to come, keeping both his supporters and critics on their toes.


  1. Alice M July 31, 2024

    This is a total miscarriage of justice. How can someone be sentenced for expressing their opinions on Facebook in the 21st century?

    • Ben July 31, 2024

      It’s about respecting the monarchy. You can’t just disrespect the king and expect to get away with it!

      • Alice M July 31, 2024

        Respecting the monarchy shouldn’t mean suppressing free speech. There has to be a balance!

      • Lindsey_44 July 31, 2024

        Freedom of speech should be paramount. If people can’t criticize leaders, how will we ever see change?

    • IntellectualThought July 31, 2024

      While I agree that freedom of speech is critical, every country has its own cultural values and traditions that need to be understood and respected.

  2. Tom R July 31, 2024

    Two years might be lenient, considering the crime. He insulted the king on his birthday, that’s pretty bold.

    • Joe111 July 31, 2024

      Insult? It’s called an opinion! Shouldn’t we all be able to express our thoughts freely?

  3. Kathy July 31, 2024

    What a brave young man! Standing up for what he believes in, knowing the risks involved.

    • James L. July 31, 2024

      Bravery or foolishness? If you know the risks and still go ahead, you can’t complain about the consequences.

    • Mia B July 31, 2024

      He’s a modern hero for some, a villain for others. Just depends on which side you are standing on.

  4. Scholar98 July 31, 2024

    The entire case highlights the tension between traditional values and modern democratic principles. It’s a complex balancing act.

  5. Sophie W July 31, 2024

    I can’t believe the court didn’t consider his claim of being hacked more seriously. What if he really was?

  6. HistoryBuff July 31, 2024

    Historically, countries with strong monarchies have always had strict laws against disrespecting the ruler. It’s not unique to this case.

  7. Larry D July 31, 2024

    This case just shows how far some will go to silence dissent. What’s next, arresting people for private conversations?

    • Jen_78 July 31, 2024

      It’s already happening in some parts of the world. Scary thought.

    • watcher07 July 31, 2024

      It feels like a step back in time, where questioning authority lands you in jail.

  8. Mike July 31, 2024

    The fact he didn’t remove the posts shows a certain level of defiance. Maybe he wanted to get caught?

    • Olivia S. July 31, 2024

      Or maybe he was locked out of his account as he claimed. It’s hard to say without more evidence.

    • Ben July 31, 2024

      He had plenty of time to alert someone or get help to remove them if he was truly locked out.

  9. Emily J July 31, 2024

    At 26, facing such severe consequences, it shows his commitment to his cause. Inspiring or reckless?

  10. Keira M July 31, 2024

    The law is the law. If you break it, you face the consequences. Simple as that.

    • IntellectualThought July 31, 2024

      But isn’t it the role of society to continue to evaluate and challenge laws that seem unjust? That’s how progress is made.

  11. grower134 July 31, 2024

    I think the activism here is overblown. There are better ways to make a point without breaking the law.

  12. samantha86 July 31, 2024

    It’s sad to see how political activism is met with such harsh penalties. What message does this send to the youth?

  13. Lionel July 31, 2024

    I can’t support someone who disrespects their country’s traditions. It’s just not right.

  14. Elena C. July 31, 2024

    Parit’s dedication to his beliefs, despite the consequences, is something we need more of in the world.

  15. Tom July 31, 2024

    Sometimes the bravest thing is to stand up and face the consequences of your actions, even if the law seems unfair.

  16. Mark E July 31, 2024

    If the global community truly values democracy and free speech, they should put more pressure on this case.

  17. Cassandra July 31, 2024

    Honestly, it feels like a warning to others who might want to speak out. Dissent is being punished.

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