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Pheu Thai Party Vows to End Military Coups and Rewrite Constitution in Thailand

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Soldiers standing vigil at Bangkok’s Democracy Monument post-May 22, 2014 coup – a sight symbolizing a pivot in Thai politics. (Image Credits: Patipat Janthong)

Imagine the streets of Bangkok, where the buzz of daily life meets the stark silence of soldiers stationed at Democracy Monument. This isn’t a scene from a suspenseful political drama but the reality following the coup led by Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha on a day that would etch itself into Thailand’s history – May 22, 2014.

In the decade since that defining moment, conversations and debates have swirled like the monsoon winds through the streets of Thailand. Central to these discussions is the Pheu Thai Party, which on the anniversary of the coup, has thrown down a gauntlet that could very well reshape the Thai political landscape. They’ve made a bold pledge, one that resonates with the echoes of democracy’s call – to rewrite the military-sponsored constitution and champion an anti-coup law. The party’s manifesto is clear: military takeovers are a no-go, and those wielding power through coups should not be hailed as “ratthathipat” or sovereigns.

In an impassioned statement, a reflection on the tumultuous events and their aftermath, the Pheu Thai Party declared that coups are not only illegal but a dagger to the heart of democracy, robbing the country of untold opportunities. “We stand against coups and any maneuver that threatens to topple an elected government. The amnesty for coup makers? We do not subscribe to such notions,” they articulated, drawing a line in the sand.

Tagging coups as a crime against humanity isn’t just rhetoric; it’s a battle cry from a party that sees such acts as regressive, never once catapulting the country into prosperity but rather, chaining it to setbacks. The spokesperson, Danuporn Punnakanta, didn’t mince words, “It’s a crime, a sabotage of democracy.” The party is calling on state apparatus – courts and agencies, to discard any old playbook that gives legitimacy to governments birthed from coups.

And in a move that could mark a significant turning point, the Pheu Thai Party is not just talking the talk; they’re poised to walk the walk. With Deputy Leader Chusak Sirinil leading the charge, there’s momentum building to amend the 2017 charter – a relic of the post-coup era. The vision? A new charter replete with mechanisms robust enough to ward off the specter of future coups, ensuring they remain relics of the past.

“Accepting coup makers at the helm as ‘ratthathipat’ is a misstep we can no longer afford. The time is now for the people to rise, to voice out against such injustices,” Chusak rallied.

In a telling move last month, the Defence Council, under the chairmanship of Defence Minister Sutin Klungsang, greenlit a proposal that would empower the Prime Minister to sideline top officers brewing a coup plot. A hallmark decision, soon to journey through the cabinet and parliament for further scrutiny.

In the corridors where politics and reform intersect, Move Forward Party’s MP Parit Wacharasindhu shines a spotlight on the need to tackle three core issues head-on: the disproportionate clout of independent public agencies as drawn by the 2017 charter, military overhaul, and structural economic reforms. “It’s time for a legislative renaissance,” Parit posits, highlighting the party’s readiness to drive discussions on pressing bills and government-sponsored amendments to the Referendum Act in the upcoming special parliament session.

As Thailand stands at a crossroads, the air thick with anticipation and the promise of change, one thing is clear – the path to democracy is a journey paved with relentless resolve, spirited debate, and a collective striving for a future where power is a trust bestowed by the people, for the people. The tale of Thailand’s political saga continues to unfold, a narrative of resilience and the undying hope for a dawn where democracy shines brightest.


  1. BangkokSpirit May 21, 2024

    Finally, someone is taking a stand against military coups in Thailand. The Pheu Thai Party is showing some real backbone. It’s about time the country moves forward rather than being stuck in a loop of power grabs.

    • ThaiPatriot101 May 21, 2024

      I believe you’re oversimplifying the issue. Military interventions, though far from ideal, have at times been necessary to restore order. It’s not black and white.

      • DemocracyNow May 21, 2024

        Restore order? At what cost? Every military coup sets Thailand back on its democratic journey. It’s a cycle of disruption that benefits only a few.

      • BangkokSpirit May 21, 2024

        Exactly, @DemocracyNow. It’s a cycle that’s done more harm than good. The people should have the ultimate say, not the military.

    • SiamSage May 21, 2024

      Being against coups is one thing. Successfully preventing them is another. How will the Pheu Thai Party ensure their anti-coup and constitutional amendments actually hold weight? Words are easy.

  2. PragmaticThinker May 21, 2024

    Rewriting the constitution sounds promising, but let’s not forget, the devil is in the details. How will the Pheu Thai Party ensure that the new constitution genuinely reflects and protects the people’s interests without paving the way for future abuses?

  3. PeaceLover May 21, 2024

    This could be a turning point for Thailand. It’s encouraging to see parties pushing for structural changes. However, unity and understanding among all Thai people will be crucial. We can’t let this division continue indefinitely.

  4. OldGuard May 21, 2024

    Every country has its methods of overcoming crises, and sometimes tough decisions need to be made for the greater good. The military has played a crucial role in maintaining Thailand’s stability over the years.

    • YouthVoice May 21, 2024

      Stability at the expense of democracy is not a price we should be willing to pay anymore. The youth of Thailand want a voice in their future, not just a return to ‘stability’ that silences dissent.

      • OldGuard May 21, 2024

        A voice is important, but without order, that voice can turn into chaos. Balance is key, and sometimes, order needs to be established first.

  5. ChangMaiThinker May 21, 2024

    The idea of amending the charter and solidifying democracy is noble, but Thailand’s deep-rooted issues with corruption and cronyism concern me. How do we ensure these reforms don’t just become another tool for the elite?

  6. DemocracyAdvocate May 21, 2024

    The push by the Pheu Thai Party to outlaw military coups is groundbreaking. No country should accept military rule as a norm. It’s crucial for Thai democracy that these plans move forward.

    • RealistView May 21, 2024

      Groundbreaking but unrealistic. There’s a pattern where military and elites have strong ties. Breaking this cycle requires more than just laws; it needs a shift in the entire political culture of Thailand.

    • SkepticalObserver May 21, 2024

      I agree with @RealistView. This seems like a political play with little chance of actual implementation. How can they enforce such a law against those who have the guns?

  7. FutureIsNow May 21, 2024

    Empowering the Prime Minister to sideline officers plotting a coup is a bold move. If implemented effectively, this could really change the political landscape in Thailand for the better.

  8. HistoryBuff May 21, 2024

    It’s important to remember that Thailand’s political history is complex. Many countries have undergone transformations, dealing with coups and military rule. Thailand’s journey is unique, but not uncommon. Learning from others could be key.

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