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Patipat’s Sinister Cyanide Plot Unveiled: Bribery and Murder for Insurance Payout

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In a chilling turn of events, a 25-year-old man has confessed to poisoning his female friend, in a macabre plot suspected to be driven by the desire to cash in on a hefty insurance payout, police say. The suspect, identified as Patipat (surname withheld), was apprehended on Wednesday in the Phayuhakhiri district of Nakhon Sawan under accusations of attempting to bribe officials.

This ominous tale began unraveling during an investigation into the tragic demise of Chonlada Khongdam. Chonlada had been rushed to a hospital in Lop Buri on February 2nd this year after suffering what initially appeared to be minor injuries from a motorcycle mishap. However, defying initial expectations, her condition took a grievous turn for the worse, culminating in her untimely death the following day.

An autopsy soon revealed the sinister element behind her sudden decline: traces of cyanide in her system. The amount detected suggested more than a mere trace encounter; it indicated deliberate poisoning.

In the immediate aftermath of this grievous loss, Mr. Patipat stepped forward, ostensibly to support Chonlada’s bereaved family. However, as police delved deeper into the circumstances surrounding her death, their suspicion grew. By June, just as authorities were about to wrap up their investigation, Mr. Patipat made a startling move—he allegedly offered investigators a bribe of 200,000 baht to declare Chonlada’s death an accident. When the police rebuffed his offer, undeterred, he escalated the bribe to a whopping 1 million baht on August 1. The police, maintaining their integrity, refused again and promptly reported his proposition to their superiors, leading to Mr. Patipat being slapped with bribery charges.

The plot thickened as the investigation unearthed that Chonlada held no fewer than four life insurance policies totaling a dazzling 11 million baht, with Mr. Patipat named as the sole beneficiary. The final nail in the coffin of Mr. Patipat’s façade of innocence came when police discovered he had ordered a bottle of cyanide online in January, a meticulously premeditated move.

Even faced with such damning evidence, Mr. Patipat initially maintained his innocence, painting a picture of an innocent childhood friendship, claiming that he and Chonlada were high-school buddies and that she had entrusted her son’s well-being to him. This portrayal, however, crumbled soon after when confronted with the tangible evidence of the cyanide purchase. Faced with incontrovertible proof, Mr. Patipat could no longer uphold his charade and ultimately confessed to the heinous act.


  1. Anita James August 9, 2024

    This is utterly horrifying! How can someone do this to a friend for money?

    • geekyrat August 9, 2024

      People can do anything if they’re greedy enough. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again.

      • Anita James August 9, 2024

        Still, it’s just shocking to see how much people value money over human life. It’s deeply disturbing.

      • Lucas P. August 9, 2024

        Not justifying it, but look at the society we live in. Capitalism breeds this kind of sick behavior.

  2. Tommy_Boy August 9, 2024

    Does anyone else find it ridiculous that you can order cyanide online? That’s the real problem here.

    • Sophia L. August 9, 2024

      It’s definitely alarming. Online access to such dangerous substances needs to be regulated.

      • metalwolf12 August 9, 2024

        Exactly! There should be stricter laws in place to prevent this.

      • Tommy_Boy August 9, 2024

        Right? It’s like we are just giving dangerous tools to anyone with a credit card.

    • Dr. Jane August 9, 2024

      The issue goes beyond just access. It’s about people feeling desperate or greedy enough to use such means.

      • Tommy_Boy August 9, 2024

        True. But cutting off access is one step towards preventing such tragedies.

  3. Paul G. August 9, 2024

    His attempt to bribe the police just shows how little he thought of the law. It’s appalling.

    • Kara D. August 9, 2024

      It’s even more appalling that he thought money could get him out of murder. Disgusting.

      • Paul G. August 9, 2024

        Indeed. I’m just glad the police didn’t give in to his bribes. That restores some faith in our system.

  4. InsightfulReader August 9, 2024

    The sad reality is this isn’t the first time someone has killed for insurance money, and it won’t be the last.

  5. Larry D August 9, 2024

    It’s disgusting that he pretended to care about the family while plotting such a crime behind their backs.

    • Maya Lee August 9, 2024

      The level of deceit is just unimaginable. It’s a betrayal on so many levels.

      • Larry D August 9, 2024

        Agreed. Betraying trust in such a heinous way is unforgivable.

  6. JustHereToComment August 9, 2024

    Seriously, what’s wrong with people? It’s like every day there’s a new level of crazy.

  7. holistic_guru August 9, 2024

    A society driven by material wealth will always have stories like these. We need to rethink our values.

    • Realist89 August 9, 2024

      Nice thought, but not practical. Human nature isn’t going to change because of a few idealistic views.

      • holistic_guru August 9, 2024

        It may be idealistic, but we have to start somewhere. Every little bit helps.

  8. Ashley H. August 9, 2024

    I can’t believe he tried to bribe the police TWICE. It shows his complete lack of remorse.

  9. Xander August 9, 2024

    If someone is willing to go as far as murder, bribery is probably a walk in the park for them.

    • Nina P. August 9, 2024

      It really makes you question humanity.

    • Xander August 9, 2024

      Sadly, yes. It makes you wary of trusting others.

  10. Cooper the Brave August 9, 2024

    Makes you question the importance of trust in modern relationships when people can betray so easily.

  11. Fiona C. August 9, 2024

    He must have been so blinded by greed if he thought he could get away with this.

    • JV August 9, 2024

      Greed can make people do the unthinkable. This is just an extreme example.

  12. Danny83 August 9, 2024

    Cases like these should serve as a reminder to scrutinize the motives behind large insurance policies.

  13. SkepticalSam August 9, 2024

    I wonder if there were any red flags beforehand that people overlooked?

  14. Emily_Rose August 9, 2024

    This story is heartbreaking. Poor Chonlada and her family.

    • DeepThinker August 9, 2024

      It shows how vulnerable we are, especially those who trust people too easily.

  15. Leo S. August 9, 2024

    I can’t get over the fact that he used their high school friendship as a cover for his terrible acts.

  16. Bethany M. August 9, 2024

    This is straight out of a crime novel. Too bad it’s real life.

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