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Phiphat Unveils ITD’s Commitment: Overdue Wages Set for Settlement in a Spirited Financial Saga

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In the midst of financial tumult, there echoes a tale of delayed dues and corporate promises that’s captivating, not just for its economic ramifications but for the human stories at its heart. The protagonist of our narrative, Phiphat, steered through the choppy waters of reassurances, proclaiming that ITD, a titan in its realm, vowed that the sun would soon rise on all its laborers, washing away the shadows of unpaid wages by the forthcoming month.

The saga took a twist on March 13 when ITD whispered into the ears of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, its voice laden with regret, revealing a liquidity chasm that veiled its ability to sprinkle the much-awaited financial rain on its parched employees. This drought of denarii nudged a number of souls to hang up their hats or sheathe their tools in silent protest.

This revelation followed an earlier plotline wherein the company, in a dramatic January disclosure, pressed pause on disbursing the treasure trove locked in its debentures – a staggering sum of 14.45 billion baht – opting instead for a deferment lasting two lunar cycles.

The labyrinth of late wages drew the gaze of the Labour Ministry, stepping into the arena to conjure a resolution. With a flourish of negotiations, a beacon of hope was ignited; ITD unfurled a parchment to the ministry, etching upon it the news that a battalion of 6,626 valiant workers, both Thai and migrant, representing approximately 33% of its armada, had finally felt the warm embrace of overdue wages. The remainder, they pledged, would journey from the realm of promise to reality before April’s curtain fall.

The fortunate among the 6,626, who now basked in the glow of compensation, heralded from diverse provinces such as Rayong, Pathum Thani, Chiang Mai, and Nakhon Ratchasima. Their collective sighs of relief were bought at the price of over 30 million baht, whispered Phiphat into the eager ears of the audience.

ITD confided in the Labour Protection and Welfare Department (LPWD) that it was the shepherd to a flock of 20,188 souls, scattered across the breadth of 155 construction projects under the Thai sun. A tale within a tale emerged as financial knights from the banking realm galloped in with support for 79 projects, while ITD embarked on a quest for additional gold for the remaining 36.

Amidst this epic, LPWD director-general Sopha Kiartniracha emerged as a guardian of the downtrodden, her ears attuned to the whispers of woe from ITD’s unpaid champions. Under her watchful gaze, a vow was made to keep the lamp of vigilance burning bright, ensuring none were left to toil in the shadow lands without the golden warmth of their labors’ fruits.

In this tale of resilience, promises, and the unyielding spirit of the working heart, the horizon glistens with the dawn of recompense. But as with all great narrations, the end remains veiled, leaving us perched on the edge of our seats, yearning for the finale where all are swathed in the comforting cloak of fulfillment. A story not just of a company and its legion but a testament to the undying hope that even in the darkest of financial tempests, the dawn of resolution is but a negotiation away.


  1. EcoWarrior March 25, 2024

    It’s shocking to see major companies still failing to pay their workers on time. Workers are the backbone of any organization and should be the first to be paid, not the last.

    • CapitalistKing March 25, 2024

      While I understand the sentiment, businesses face financial challenges too. The liquidity issue at ITD isn’t just about not wanting to pay workers; it’s a broader issue of financial health and market dynamics.

      • EcoWarrior March 25, 2024

        Regardless of financial health, ethical practices should prioritize worker welfare. There are always ways to manage financial challenges without withholding wages.

      • Realist101 March 25, 2024

        But isn’t it better to delay wages and survive as a company rather than collapse and leave everyone unemployed? It’s a difficult balance to achieve.

    • UnionRep45 March 25, 2024

      This is why unions are crucial. They protect workers from being exploited and ensure they are compensated fairly and on time, even when a company is facing financial troubles.

  2. SkepticalSusan March 25, 2024

    I won’t hold my breath. Companies like this make promises all the time. Let’s see if they actually follow through with these payments.

    • OptimistOllie March 25, 2024

      You’ve got to have some hope! At least they’re acknowledging the issue and setting a timeline. It’s a step in the right direction.

  3. FinanceFelix March 25, 2024

    Here’s an idea: why not restructure the company’s finance to prevent this in the future? If they’ve got 155 projects, there’s got to be some cash flow management strategy that could avoid such issues.

    • DevilsAdvocate March 25, 2024

      Easier said than done. Restructuring finances in a large company, especially one facing liquidity issues, is complex. Plus, securing funding for projects isn’t instantaneous.

  4. WorkerBee March 25, 2024

    As someone who’s gone through a similar situation, not knowing when your wages will come is mentally exhausting. Companies need to be held accountable for their promises.

    • EmpathyEmma March 25, 2024

      Absolutely agree. The mental toll on workers is often overlooked in these discussions. It’s not just about money; it’s about the uncertainty and stress it causes.

  5. PolicyPete March 25, 2024

    This highlights the need for stronger labor laws that ensure workers are protected against such wage delays. The government should step in and regulate more strictly.

  6. GlobalViewer March 25, 2024

    Interesting to see how this plays out in comparison to other countries. In some places, delayed wages lead to massive protests and government intervention. The cultural response is fascinating.

    • LocalLad March 25, 2024

      True, the response varies wildly from one culture to another. In Thailand, there seems to be a more measured response, but that might not be the case elsewhere.

  7. CynicalSam March 25, 2024

    Promises, promises. It all sounds good until you remember these are the same people who let the situation get this bad. Will they really change? I doubt it.

    • HopefulHarry March 25, 2024

      Change has to start somewhere, though. Maybe this situation has been a wake-up call for them. Companies can learn from their mistakes too.

      • CynicalSam March 25, 2024

        I suppose only time will tell. But till then, I’ll remain skeptical.

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