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Phra Maha Vudhijaya Vajiramedhi’s Meditation Center Faces Forest Encroachment Investigation in Chiang Rai

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In the picturesque landscape of Chiang Rai’s Muang district, set amidst the serene surroundings lies a place of spiritual solace called the Cherntawan International Meditation Centre. But recently, this tranquil space has found itself at the centre of an entirely different kind of attention, with the whispers of potential forest land encroachment echoing through the hallowed halls.

Sparking this investigation is none other than the esteemed Phra Maha Vudhijaya Vajiramedhi, often referred to as V Vajiramedhi, a preacher of notable repute. Alas, the monk was not present during the early stages of this inquiry—rumor has it he was on a meditative journey through Japan and had no intention of a hurried return to Thailand. Meanwhile, the wheels of justice began to turn back home as Pol Lt Gen Yodsawat Aekkul, an integral force from the Central Investigation Bureau’s Natural Resources and Environmental Crime Division, along with Prasit Thachang, the director of Forest Resource Management Office 2 in Chiang Rai, ventured into the meditation centre in tambon Huai Sak.

Cherntawan’s spiritual abode finds itself attractively nestled within the Doi Pui National Forest Reserve, a point of both intrigue and contention. Originally, the Vimuttayalai Foundation, with a gentle nod from the forestry authorities and the National Office of Buddhism, was granted the privilege to construct this haven on a sprawling 113 rai of land. With aspirations anchored in spiritual expansion, they later obtained permission for an additional 30 rai, reconfiguring their heaven on earth to 143 rai. All seemed peaceful until it emerged that the center may have, just possibly, clandestinely stretched its bounds to an expansive 190 rai. The contentious 47 rai seems to have drifted beyond the contractual confines into the inviting arms of the national forest reserve.

Mr. Prasit, spearheading the probe, anticipates gallantly that this investigative endeavor will span about 3-4 days, meticulously keeping the citizens in the loop with daily updates. Natural Resources and Environment Minister Chalermchai Sri-on, the guardian of the natural treasures, has decreed a resolute seven-day window for the thorough examination to close.

Surachai Achalaboon, with the weighty title of director-general of the Royal Forest Department, cautioned that should the investigation uphold these allegations, the meditation center could face severe accusations under the National Forest Reserve Act. The consequences would not merely be a slap on the wrist—in case of proven intentional encroachment, the area would be reclaimed by nature, with any intrusive edifices facing demolition.

The saga of Phra Maha Vudhijaya Vajiramedhi, however, took an unexpected turn when video clips troubled the waters further. These clips, gone viral, captured him preaching to dubious representatives linked with The iCon Group scam. The impropriety of his words, perceived by many as entrepreneurial encouragement, was deemed unbefitting of his spiritual vows.

With the natural beauty of Chiang Rai standing witness, the unfolding drama at the Cherntawan International Meditation Centre serves as a poignant reminder of the delicate dance between spiritual pursuits and earthly doctrines. As the investigation continues, both the devotees connecting with their inner zen and the conservationists safeguarding the mystic realms await the next chapter with bated breath.


  1. Liam77 October 21, 2024

    If V Vajiramedhi truly is a spiritual leader, why is he entangled in land encroachment? This is hypocrisy at its finest.

    • Sarah B October 21, 2024

      I think jumping to conclusions could harm his reputation unnecessarily. Let’s wait for the investigation’s results.

      • Liam77 October 21, 2024

        Maybe, but the video with The iCon Group is worrisome too. His credibility is at stake here.

    • NatureLvr October 21, 2024

      Hypocrisy isn’t new among spiritual leaders. This seems like a breach of trust for the followers.

  2. Chanipa T October 21, 2024

    I’ve been to Cherntawan once, it’s a peaceful place. Maybe they unknowingly expanded? Mistakes happen.

  3. ExpertOpinion123 October 21, 2024

    Whether deliberate or not, encroachment into protected areas is a severe issue. Conservation laws must be respected.

    • Joe October 21, 2024

      But isn’t giving a monk this much land problematic in the first place? Where was the oversight?

      • ExpertOpinion123 October 21, 2024

        An oversight indeed. Land permissions in sensitive areas should be scrutinized thoroughly from the get-go.

  4. ConcernedCitizen October 21, 2024

    If they overstepped their bounds, why was this not caught sooner? The system seems flawed.

  5. Jessica October 21, 2024

    V Vajiramedhi should address this personally. Absence during such a crisis is not wise.

    • MonkLover92 October 21, 2024

      He’s probably still in Japan, but yes, his presence is necessary. A leader should lead by example.

      • Jessica October 21, 2024

        Exactly. Transparency is vital, especially when your teachings are questioned.

  6. EcoWarrior October 21, 2024

    Encroachment is happening everywhere. It’s a fight between development and conservation. Sad to see spiritualists involved.

  7. David K October 21, 2024

    The investigation needs to be thorough. If they broke the law, the land should be returned.

    • GardenGal October 21, 2024

      Returning the land is one thing, but what about the buildings? Demolishing them isn’t an easy decision.

      • David K October 21, 2024

        True, but illegal structures should bear consequences. Otherwise, others might follow their example.

  8. Sam October 21, 2024

    The viral video with The iCon Group raises questions about his intentions. Maybe he’s moving away from spirituality?

  9. LocalGuru October 21, 2024

    Cherntawan’s essence lies in tranquility. Legal battles will taint its spiritual offerings. Sad, honestly.

    • HarmonyBeads October 21, 2024

      Agreed. The place provided peace to many. Hope they resolve it without too much negativity.

  10. RaviC October 21, 2024

    This investigation might be politically motivated. Who knows what real agendas are hiding behind it?

    • AltheaR October 21, 2024

      Politics always muddy the water. But laws are there for a reason. Let’s see what unfolds.

  11. Joe October 21, 2024

    Wasn’t there a better way to prevent this issue? Clearly, regulatory systems are lacking.

    • EcoWarrior October 21, 2024

      There’s always room for improvement, but we can’t solely blame the system. People need to act responsibly too.

  12. Traveler October 21, 2024

    I planned on visiting next month. Now I’m unsure if I should. Is the center even open?

  13. Brian M October 21, 2024

    It seems like the plot thickens with every passing day. Can’t keep up with all these twists!

  14. MindfulMandy October 21, 2024

    Such allegations against a spiritual leader make me question the sincerity of these centers. How many are truly genuine?

    • Chanipa T October 21, 2024

      It’s sad but true; some use spiritual front for ulterior motives. We must be careful where we put faith.

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