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Phuket Landslide Tragedy: RFD Seizes Temple Land Under Investigation for 13 Deaths

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A landslide on August 23 is vividly captured in a picture from the Phuket Info Center, illustrating the dramatic event that unfolded in Phuket, Thailand. This alarming incident spurred immediate action, as the Royal Forest Department (RFD) seized about 5 rai of land at the summit of Nak Koet hill in Phuket’s Muang district. This land is suspected to be intricately linked to the landslides that tragically claimed 13 lives.

Sorasak Rananan, the director of Phuket’s Royal Forest Centre, remarked that the concerned land lies within the sacrosanct boundaries of the Wat Phra Yai temple grounds, designated as a reserve forest. During an initial investigation, it was discovered that a car park had been illicitly constructed within the monastery’s domain, provoking more questions than answers.

In response, Mr. Sorasak stated that the RFD had filed a formal complaint with Karon police station, and the seizure of the land had been officially declared. An encroachment charge was subsequently filed against the Phra Ming Mongkul Satthra 45 Foundation, the organization operating the revered hilltop temple.

Pol Col Khundet na Nongkhai, Karon’s police chief, confirmed that an ongoing investigation aims to determine the temple’s role in the disaster. The calamity, triggered in the pre-dawn hours of August 23 by torrential rains, resulted in the heartbreaking loss of 13 lives and devastated over 50 properties.

This catastrophe has sparked swift action from local forest authorities, who lodged formal complaints against those deemed culpable. Suphon Wanitchakun, the head of the Phra Ming Mongkul Satthra 45 Foundation, has been summoned for a police inquiry scheduled for Thursday, as noted by Pol Col Khundet.

Bannarak Soemthong, the deputy director-general of the RFD, shed light on a previous request in 2020 by the temple to construct an enormous Buddha statue. The proposed site encompasses a 15-rai plot of land, with approval still pending from the cabinet. Mr. Bannarak elucidated that the cabinet generally seeks input from all pertinent state agencies before reaching a verdict on such requests, which is still underway in this case.

In the interim, the land in question, except for the plot awaiting permission, mandates confiscation. Legal repercussions are inevitable for those found guilty of encroachment. Visitors eager to explore the hilltop monastery are advised to postpone their plans until further notice.

This somber event not only marks a significant natural disaster but also raises critical questions about land use and accountability. As investigations continue and legal processes unfold, the community remains in a state of cautious anticipation, hopeful that these actions will prevent future tragedies and ensure justice for those affected.


  1. John Doe September 1, 2024

    This is a tragic event, but isn’t it stretching to blame the temple for a natural disaster?

    • Samantha Lee September 1, 2024

      I disagree. If the temple’s construction activities exacerbated the situation, they should be held accountable.

      • John Doe September 1, 2024

        Fair point, Samantha. But can’t we acknowledge the role of heavy rains as the primary cause?

    • grower134 September 1, 2024

      Nature and human activities often interact. Ignoring one factor won’t solve anything.

  2. Jessica Roberts September 1, 2024

    This situation reflects poorly on local authorities. Why was illegal construction allowed in the first place?

    • Tom M. September 1, 2024

      Corruption or negligence? Either way, it needs a thorough investigation.

      • Jessica Roberts September 1, 2024

        Absolutely, Tom. Accountability must be ensured.

    • Micah Johnson September 1, 2024

      Agreed. Local officials should be held responsible, too.

  3. Andrew September 1, 2024

    Seems like a knee-jerk reaction to seize the land. What happens to the community around the temple now?

    • Chloe D. September 1, 2024

      The focus should be on safety and preventing further tragedies, Andrew.

    • Andrew September 1, 2024

      True, Chloe. Just hope they consider the people who visit and depend on the temple.

  4. Sophia Evans September 1, 2024

    It’s baffling that a car park could trigger such devastation. Is there more to the story?

    • Lucas W September 1, 2024

      Sophia, it’s about the cumulative impact of illegal constructions over time, not just one car park.

    • Sophia Evans September 1, 2024

      Thanks for clarifying, Lucas. It’s a complex issue for sure.

  5. HistoryBuff2021 September 1, 2024

    Encroachment of forest lands has historical precedence. This isn’t just a local issue but a global one.

  6. Gary T. September 1, 2024

    The real problem is inadequate enforcement of land use regulations. We see this everywhere.

    • Marie Rodriguez September 1, 2024

      Exactly, Gary. Authorities need to step up their game.

  7. Ava September 1, 2024

    It’s devastating to hear about the loss of lives. My thoughts are with the families.

  8. Marcus Lee September 1, 2024

    Another man-made catastrophe masked as a natural disaster. When will we learn?

    • Tom R. September 1, 2024

      Man-made? Nature played a big role, Marcus. Balance the blame.

  9. Olivia Nguyen September 1, 2024

    I visited that temple years ago. It’s heartbreaking that people could be so careless about sacred grounds.

  10. Emma September 1, 2024

    If the land was reserved, why wasn’t there stricter monitoring in place?

    • Ethan S. September 1, 2024

      Exactly, Emma. Preventive measures could have saved lives.

    • Emma September 1, 2024

      And possibly preserved the area’s natural state.

  11. TravelBug September 1, 2024

    This temple is a tourist attraction. How will this affect tourism in Phuket?

    • Hannah L. September 1, 2024

      Probably negatively, TravelBug. Safety concerns are paramount for tourists.

  12. Ben Will September 1, 2024

    What’s next for the accused foundation? Are criminal charges likely?

    • Nick R. September 1, 2024

      They should be if found guilty. People died because of their actions.

    • Ben Will September 1, 2024

      I hope justice is served, but also fairly.

  13. Sarah M. September 1, 2024

    The loss of 13 lives is unacceptable. Immediate steps should be taken to secure the area.

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