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PM Srettha Thavisin’s Stance on Thailand’s Digital Wallet Policy Amid Economic Uncertainty

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With a spring in his step and a firm tone, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin graced the grand halls of Government House, backdropped by the flashing camerawork on that crisp November morning. The topic of the day was fizzing through the air: the government’s high-stakes digital wallet programme. It’s November 10, 2023, to be exact, and the atmosphere was electric with anticipation and the scent of impending digital revolution.

Now, let’s turn the page to the intriguing case of the people’s pulse on this digital wallet saga: an opinion poll creating ripples across the nation. The Prime Minister furrowed his brow and cast a shadow of doubt over the survey stirred up by the Nida Poll. “Does it truly capture the voice of our diverse populace?” he pondered aloud. The corridors of power still echoed with his skepticism as he recounted tales of his provincial wanderings where not a soul stood in defiance of the 10,000-baht digital bliss.

Tales of the survey tell us that a whopping 68.85% seemed unfazed by the prospect of the digital wallet programme drifting into oblivion, while a tiny troop of 9.39% would be up in arms— quite literally fuming, I might add. The fence-sitters sat at 12.37%, dabbling in a touch of upset, while 8.85% could barely muster a shrug, and talk about disinterest, a minute 0.54% barely blinked an eye at the inquiry.

Dive deeper into this pool of digits and you’ll find a near-even split in the stance on the digital wallet policy continuation — a virtual seesaw with 34.66% calling for its untimely demise, and 33.66% championing its survival into the year. The plot thickens as 18.55% advocate for a tactical pivot towards the neediest, 5.88% call for pause until the dawn of 2025, and another 4.58% pine for a postponement paired with a nod to the vulnerable. Lastly, a modest 2.67% shrugged off the debate entirely.

But wait, what’s this? Enter Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai with a pledge to lend an ear to the myriad voices serenading the digital wallet policy. And yet, he unfurls the government’s banner of commitment, affirming that promises made before the esteemed parliament will be promises kept, regardless of the ominous clouds of loans and fiscal forewarnings hovering above.

Our esteemed PM also tossed a pebble into the calm waters of social media with a cryptic premonition — might a crisis akin to the notorious 1997 chaos be on the horizon? Economists stand divided, as they usually do, while the government weaves through labyrinthine options to shore up the financial ramparts.

Tension, skepticism, promises, and predictions — the digital wallet programme isn’t just about money, it’s about the future. The prime minister may stand sceptical today, but the nation waits tethered to their screens and newsfeeds, eyes wide with a blend of curiosity and concern, as the digital saga continues to unfold under the indomitable backdrop of the Land of Smiles. Fasten your seatbelts, folks — it’s going to be a thrilling ride through the economic stratosphere.

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