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Pol Maj Gen Withaya Sriprasertparp Unveils Major Bust in Dangerous Anti-Aging Serum Raid

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Consumer protection police commander Pol Maj Gen Withaya Sriprasertparp announcing the raid at the Central Investigation Bureau on Tuesday

In a dramatic turn of events, the Consumer Protection Police have swooped down on a condominium apartment in the heart of Bangkok, exposing an alarmingly hazardous anti-aging cosmetic operation. Spearheading the bust was Division Commander Pol Maj Gen Withaya Sriprasertparp, who stepped forward on Tuesday to provide riveting details on the jaw-dropping raid.

Surrounded by flashing cameras at the Central Investigation Bureau, Maj Gen Withaya Sriprasertparp revealed that investigators had meticulously traced and finally uncovered the clandestine source of the infamous infNADi NAD+Aging Solution. This supposed fountain of youth serum, widely touted for its anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties, turned out to be a ticking time bomb of health hazards. Despite being explicitly prohibited for injections, the serum insidiously made its way into the veins of beauty clinic clients, promising the elixir of youth.

The high-octane raid took place on Monday, targeting a nondescript sixth-floor condominium on Soi Sukhumvit 7. A treasure trove of ill-gotten gains, if you will, awaited the authorities. They seized an astonishing 47,506 containers of the contentious serum, with an eye-popping retail worth of about 25 million baht. The sheer volume uncovered resembled scenes straight out of a crime thriller, leaving everyone equally stunned and appalled.

For an extended period, authorities had been relentlessly tracking the elusive origin of this perilous potion. The serum’s proliferation across beauty clinics had been a cause of grave concern, giving investigators sleepless nights. Acting on precise intelligence, the tactical team zeroed in and decisively closed the chapter of this illegal enterprise.

Further investigations revealed a substantial twist—an American citizen was at the helm of this nefarious operation. The plot thickens as it turns out that some critical ingredients used in the concoction were imported, raising more eyebrows and questions about the international scale of this dubious endeavor.

Maj Gen Withaya Sriprasertparp’s announcement not only brought a sense of relief but also highlighted the unyielding resolve of the Consumer Protection Police to safeguard public health. The bust underscores a vigilant and proactive crackdown on unscrupulous practices that prey on the innocent desire for youth and beauty.

As authorities continue to untangle this web of deceit, one thing remains clear: no stone will be left unturned in ensuring that dangerous products like the infNADi NAD+Aging Solution are eradicated from the market, making the streets of Bangkok—and beyond—a lot safer.


  1. Jane Doe August 6, 2024

    I’m shocked but not surprised that something like this was happening right under everyone’s noses!

    • beauty_guru88 August 6, 2024

      It’s terrifying that people are willing to inject anything for the sake of beauty.

      • Dr. Allen August 6, 2024

        Sadly, the industry is full of these dangerous shortcuts. Proper regulation is desperately needed.

    • Max W. August 6, 2024

      What’s shocking is that it took them this long to catch them.

      • Jane Doe August 6, 2024

        True, it makes you wonder how many more of these operations are still out there.

  2. John August 6, 2024

    I’m more concerned about how these illegal products got into the country in the first place.

    • Polly T. August 6, 2024

      Yeah, the international angle is really worrying. Lots of corruption, probably.

  3. Sarah_B August 6, 2024

    Why are people so obsessed with anti-aging? Just age naturally!

  4. Jackson P. August 6, 2024

    The fact that an American was behind this doesn’t surprise me at all. Ugh.

    • USA_Fan August 6, 2024

      Hey, that’s a bit harsh. It’s not like all Americans are criminals.

      • Jackson P. August 6, 2024

        I know, but it’s frustrating to see things like this.

  5. grower134 August 6, 2024

    25 million baht worth of serum? That’s mind-blowing!

    • Larry Davis August 6, 2024

      Yeah, that kingpin must have made a fortune before getting caught.

      • grower134 August 6, 2024

        Exactly! Just imagine how many people could have been harmed by this junk.

  6. eco_warrior13 August 6, 2024

    What about the environmental impact of these illegal operations? Disgusting.

    • Cathy B. August 6, 2024

      You have a point! Illegal manufacturing can be really harmful to the environment.

  7. Mona Lisa August 6, 2024

    Great job by the police. We need more of this!

  8. Xander August 6, 2024

    Are beauty clinics not doing any due diligence on the products they use?

    • beauty_guru88 August 6, 2024

      Unfortunately, some aren’t. They just follow the latest trends without proper checks.

      • Xander August 6, 2024

        That is really irresponsible. They should be held accountable, too.

  9. Samantha D August 6, 2024

    Why do people always blame the users? The real criminals are the ones manufacturing and distributing this stuff.

    • Debbie August 6, 2024

      True, the blame should be on the criminals, but consumers need to be more cautious too.

  10. Tyson August 6, 2024

    How can we trust any anti-aging products now? This is outrageous!

    • Larry D August 6, 2024

      Stick to well-known brands and always check for certifications.

  11. Rick August 6, 2024

    Whenever there is high demand, shady people will try to make money off it. Sad world.

  12. magicMike August 6, 2024

    I hope they get maximum sentences. Playing with people’s health isn’t a joke.

  13. Lisa Moore August 6, 2024

    What if some ingredients are legal in other countries? How can we control this globally?

    • world_traveler August 6, 2024

      The problem is the lack of a universal health standard. Different countries have different regulations.

  14. JustMe August 6, 2024

    This is why you should always consult a doctor before getting any treatments.

    • Dr. Allen August 6, 2024

      Absolutely. I can’t stress enough the importance of medical consultations.

  15. Nina August 6, 2024

    Scary to think what some people are willing to risk for the promise of youth.

  16. Phil August 6, 2024

    I bet there are more operations like this across the world.

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