In an incident that has shaken up the tranquil Sattahip district in the Chon Buri province, a Thai woman with five months into her pregnancy, along with her American spouse and their young son, endured an unexpected and traumatic event during a supposed luxurious getaway. Monthakan Khansantier, the pregnant woman, came forward to recount their nightmare that unfolded in their hotel’s jacuzzi, emphasizing her worry for the potential harm the incident could have inflicted on her unborn child.
Recalling their three-day stay at a prominent luxury hotel ranging from August 20 to 23 of this year, she revealed that the 3,364 baht per night package initially seemed justified for the amenities they were enjoying. However, an alarming incident on their last day marred their peaceful vacation.
As Monthakan, her three-year-old son, and her husband sunk into the relaxing bubbles of the hotel’s rooftop jacuzzi, what should have been a blissful experience quickly turned sour. After spending 20 minutes in the warm water, they suddenly experienced numbness throughout their bodies, their limbs becoming heavy and unresponsive. The situation became so severe that they each struggled to vacate the pool — a task that should be simple took on a terrifying struggle against paralysis.
Alerting the hotel staff, the family received immediate assistance and were rushed to the hospital. Here, the doctors’ diagnosis confirmed their fears — they had survived a devastating five-second electric shock. The extent of their injuries necessitated further medical examination and they were admitted for sustained careful observation.
Monthakan harbors grave concerns for the wellbeing of her unborn baby, and the impact of the traumatic event on the fetus is still unclear. She pours out her frustration regarding the lackadaisical attitude of the hotel management, who offered a meek compensation of 100,000 baht to cover the medical expenses subjected to proof of receipt.
The couple found this offer unbefitting for not only for the trauma they endured but also for the potential lifelong consequences of the incident. Consequently, they sought legal help from Ronnarong Kaewphet, a prominent Thai lawyer known for taking on challenging cases.
Appalled by Hotel’s weak response to such a grave matter, Lawyer Ronnarong took it upon himself to file a formal complaint against the management with the Chon Buri Police Station. He alleged the hotel of causing an injury due to their recklessness and decided to report the incident to the Office of the Consumer Protection Board as well.
In his statement to the media, Ronnarong criticized the hotel’s demand for receipts as a prerequisite for compensating their traumatized guests. He expressed his belief that it was a clear evasion of their responsibility towards guest safety, which must always be prioritized above else.
The repercussions of this harrowing incident are yet to be fully known. The Thaiger will provide further updates on its Facebook page HERE.
[…] 2023, there were reports of at least four people who were electrocuted in Thailand. Two women died from their injuries, […]