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Prevent the Next Pandemic: Steve Galster’s Live Talk on Wildlife Trade and Conservation

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Welcome to a world where the blend of flora and fauna paints an iridescent tapestry of life, a myriad of species each playing their pivotal role in the grand ecosystem. However, this magnificent biodiversity is under siege, with estimates from the United Nations painting a stark picture: around 100 plant and animal species bid farewell to our planet every single day, while a whopping 1 million teeter on the edge of existence. The insidious culprits? Rampant habitat annihilation due to agricultural expansions, and a shadowy threat lurking beneath the surface — the illicit smuggling of endangered wildlife.

This latter villain, my dear readers, is not only robbing us of nature’s treasures but might also herald our doom. It’s a harbinger of a potential pandemic that could sweep humanity from the stage of existence. Yes, quite the plot twist, isn’t it? In this drama of life and loss, Steve Galster, a stalwart defender of the wild and founder of Freeland, steps into the limelight. This veteran crusader against wildlife trafficking is on a mission, a quest to awaken the world to the dangers lurking in the shadows of the illegal wildlife trade.

Now, mark your calendars, for on Monday (Dec 17), at the stroke of half past noon (Thai time), the Bangkok Post’s Facebook page will transform into an interactive arena. Here, you will have the unparalleled opportunity to engage with Mr. Galster himself — live. What’s on your mind? Do you ponder the fate of the majestic tiger, or the silent whispers of rainforest canopies as they face their demise? Or perhaps, you’re curious about the invisible threads that connect the dwindling numbers of wildlife to our own survival. Whatever it is, this is your chance to dive into the depths of these pressing issues.

Your conduit to this engaging discourse? The latest installment of the Deeper Dive vodcast. Hosted by none other than Dave Kendall, this insightful series sheds light on the darkest corners of our world’s plight. Moreover, it’s accessible on all your favorite podcast platforms — just conduct a simple search for “Deeper Dive Thailand,” and let the journey begin.

But, my friends, why confine your curiosities to the fleeting moments of a live broadcast? The comments section below this very page thirsts for your thoughts and inquiries. Scribble them down, and Mr. Galster, with his reservoir of knowledge and experience, might just quench your thirst for answers.

In the spirit of proactivity, there’s even a rallying cry that resounds — Ban wildlife trade to prevent the next pandemic. It’s a plea, a call to action for all of us. Can we stand united and turn the tides before it’s too late? Can we preserve the enchanting diversity of life that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us? The time to shape our future, and that of our planet, is nigh, and it begins with awareness, dialogue, and change.

So, engage with us, laugh with us, and perhaps even shed a tear for the creatures that no longer roam our earthly realm. Let’s not just hum to the tune of change — let’s be the very song of conservation that echoes through the ages. Join the conversation, and be a part of something bigger than ourselves. After all, it’s not just the survival of countless species at stake, but the legacy of humanity itself.

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