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Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra: Nationwide Survey Shows Strong Support for New Government Policies

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In the bustling heart of Bangkok, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra gathered with her cabinet members at the historic Santi Maitree Building in Government House. Spirits were high as they prepared for a formal audience with Their Majesties the King and Queen at the Amporn Sathan Residential Hall, nestled within the majestic Dusit Palace. It was a significant occasion, and the air buzzed with a blend of tradition and forward-thinking optimism. (Photo Credit: Chanat Katanyu)

According to the latest Super Poll survey, hope and expectations surrounding this newly-formed government are notably high. Conducted nationwide from September 6-7 with a sample size of 2,078 participants, the survey unveiled interesting insights. Among those who previously cast their votes for the Pheu Thai Party, a resounding 81.2% expressed their approval of the new leadership and its cabinet. On the other side of the political spectrum, the sentiments were quite different, with 75.6% of previous voters for other parties showing disapproval. Nevertheless, a notable 24.4% voiced their support for the new administration.

Diving deeper into the overall confidence in Prime Minister Paetongtarn’s ability to lead, the numbers painted a cautious yet optimistic picture. Around 62.0% of respondents displayed moderate to high confidence that the government could complete the remaining three years of the current House term. However, 38.0% remained skeptical, expressing little to no confidence in this outcome.

When the survey probed into which policies inspired the most confidence among the Thai populace, public health and well-being emerged as clear front-runners. A considerable 42.6% of respondents placed their trust in the government’s healthcare initiatives, reflecting a collective priority for quality medical systems and overall wellness. Following closely were policies aimed at harnessing Thailand’s soft power and reviving the tourism sector, securing a confidence level of 33.7%. This was consistent with the country’s rich cultural heritage and exceptional travel experiences that continue to attract global admiration.

The survey further highlighted confidence in the government’s economic agendas, with 33.2% of participants endorsing plans to repair and reinvigorate the national economy. In addressing pressing social challenges, initiatives to combat narcotic issues garnered the trust of 25.3% of respondents, while measures to tackle call-centre scams and cybercrimes received a thumbs-up from 23.9%.

As Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra and her cabinet walk through the historic halls of Dusit Palace, they carry with them not just the weight of responsibility but also the hopes and expectations of a nation. The data reveals a diverse spectrum of opinions but underlines a fundamental truth: the new government’s priorities resonate deeply with many Thais. The unfolding journey promises to be one of challenges and triumphs, woven together by the vision of a brighter future for all.


  1. Chang Ming September 8, 2024

    I’m really impressed by PM Paetongtarn Shinawatra’s policies on healthcare and tourism. They’re exactly what Thailand needs right now.

    • Sukanya T September 8, 2024

      I agree! The focus on healthcare is crucial, especially after the pandemic.

      • Paolo M September 8, 2024

        While healthcare is important, the economy should be the top priority. People need jobs before they can even think about health.

      • Chang Ming September 8, 2024

        Economic recovery is certainly important, but without good healthcare, our workforce won’t be able to sustain any growth.

    • nikki2019 September 8, 2024

      Tourism is great and all, but it feels like a band-aid solution. We need long-term sustainable economic policies.

  2. Ganesh P September 8, 2024

    The survey shows high expectations, but let’s not forget that skepticism is also high. We should be cautious.

  3. Suri September 8, 2024

    I don’t trust polls. They can be manipulated to show whatever the government wants.

    • Marvin D September 8, 2024

      Surveys can be biased, but they’re still one of the few ways we have to gauge public opinion.

    • Suri September 8, 2024

      Maybe, but I just find it hard to believe that 62% have any confidence in this new government.

    • Anna L September 8, 2024

      It’s probably closer to reality than you think. People want to believe in change, especially when it promises better healthcare and safety.

  4. picassa23 September 8, 2024

    Reviving the tourism sector isn’t just for economic gains, it’s about preserving our culture and heritage too.

    • Larry D September 8, 2024

      True! Tourism keeps our traditions alive and helps others appreciate our rich history.

    • Ganesh P September 8, 2024

      Cultural preservation is important, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of ignoring other pressing issues like the economy or narcotics.

  5. Knox September 8, 2024

    I’ve got zero confidence in this administration. It’s just more of the same old politics.

    • happytrees September 8, 2024

      You sound bitter. Give them a chance; they’re trying something new.

    • Knox September 8, 2024

      I’m not bitter, just realistic. We’ve been through too many empty promises.

    • Cherry B September 8, 2024

      Realistic skepticism is valid, but change can’t happen overnight. We need to remain hopeful.

  6. Ming L September 8, 2024

    Combating narcotics and cybercrime is crucial. Without safety and security, nothing else matters.

  7. Sarah J September 8, 2024

    Interesting that a lot of people from other parties still support this administration. Maybe it’s a sign of real change coming.

    • neo_tangent80 September 8, 2024

      Or maybe they’re just giving up hope on any real opposition making a difference.

  8. ClassyJoules September 8, 2024

    Public health should always be a priority. Without a healthy population, we can’t thrive.

  9. gamer234 September 8, 2024

    Why does no one talk about digital transformation? We need to modernize our infrastructure!

  10. Preecha S September 8, 2024

    I think the economic policies are too vague. We need clear, actionable plans, not just promises.

    • James September 8, 2024

      Agree. Without specifics, these promises are just political rhetoric.

    • Preecha S September 8, 2024

      Exactly. We need transparency and detailed strategies.

  11. Mali September 8, 2024

    I’m actually amazed by the support for tackling call-center scams. It’s a growing issue and it’s good to see it’s being addressed.

  12. Kingfisher September 8, 2024

    All these surveys sound good, but let’s see some real action before we celebrate.

  13. thasorn89 September 8, 2024

    There is no one-size-fits-all policy solution. They need to be flexible as problems evolve.

  14. Haruto N September 8, 2024

    Tourism is a double-edged sword. It can bring revenue but also disrupt local communities.

  15. pinkpetals September 8, 2024

    Why are people obsessed with economic policies? Social issues like narcotics are equally important.

  16. Teerak September 8, 2024

    Why is there such a high distrust in the government? The administration needs better PR.

    • Ming L September 8, 2024

      Distrust is based on history. This administration has to earn our trust.

    • Teerak September 8, 2024

      Fair point. Earning trust is a gradual process.

  17. Lucy D September 8, 2024

    Hopefully, these healthcare initiatives lead to a stronger, happier population.

  18. Carlos R September 8, 2024

    I’m concerned the focus will shift away from important issues like education.

  19. vajira2000 September 8, 2024

    Revitalizing the economy is important but environmental sustainability should also be a focus.

  20. nita September 8, 2024

    We should wait and see how these policies actually unfold in practice.

  21. Vinny September 8, 2024

    Can we get some more details on the economic plans? What exactly are they proposing?

    • Carlos R September 8, 2024

      Exactly! Without details, these policies mean nothing.

  22. Zara September 8, 2024

    I have mixed feelings. The administration has potential but they need to demonstrate real results soon.

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