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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin Calls for Unified Flood Prevention Efforts Ahead of Rainy Season

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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has called upon all governmental agencies to collaborate in a unified effort to stave off potential floods during this year’s rainy season. This directive might even elevate flood mitigation to the level of a national agenda item.

The announcement came in the wake of a high-profile meeting that gathered key figures like Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Natural Resources and Environment Minister Phatcharavat Wongsuwan, Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thamanat Prompow, Office of the National Water Resources (ONWR) secretary-general Surasee Kittimonthon, and Bangkok governor Chadchart Sittipunt. These stakeholders convened to discuss strategies and preparations ahead of what promises to be the most intense phase of the rainy season.

Prime Minister Srettha was brought up to speed with the current rainfall and flood scenarios across the nation. He learned about ongoing measures to mitigate natural disasters and the game plans poised to assist those impacted.

“I’d like all sectors to cooperate and determine a clear time frame [for action] and establish a clear KPI [key performance indicator],” Mr. Srettha urged.

ONWR secretary-general Surasee warned that despite all efforts, the likelihood of flooding remains high, particularly given the forecasted heavy rains in the coming months, especially around Bangkok.

At the same time, Capt Thamanat highlighted a glaring gap: the absence of a comprehensive emergency framework for flood-related crises. He recommended establishing specialized emergency centers in every region—a proposal that was warmly received by Mr. Srettha as a critical component of the government’s disaster management strategy.

Expressing concerns about the broader implications, the prime minister suggested that floods and other weather-related crises, such as droughts, should be enshrined as national agenda items to facilitate long-term and effective planning.

“During the rainy season, which will continue over the next three months, the most important thing is to foster unity in our cooperation,” he emphasized. “We understand that floods occur every year, but we must minimize their impact as much as we can.”

While the goal is to avoid widespread flooding, Mr. Srettha emphasized the importance of having medical supplies ready for any emergencies.

ONWR deputy secretary-general Paitoon Kengkarnchang didn’t sugarcoat the situation, predicting that August and September would bring downpours with significant flooding potential. He stressed that adequate preparedness is the key to an effective response to such disasters.

All in all, the cohesive and prompt actions suggested by Prime Minister Srettha could well be the cornerstone of Thailand’s ability to navigate the rainy season with minimal disruption and maximum efficiency. Whether the rainy onslaught hits hard or is kept at bay, the nation’s readiness will be the determining factor in weathering this potentially tumultuous period.


  1. Alice Kim June 20, 2024

    Finally, a leader who takes flooding seriously! It’s about time.

    • David Wong June 20, 2024

      It sounds good on paper, but do they really have the resources for such a comprehensive plan?

    • Jane Adams June 20, 2024

      Agree with Alice! We’ve suffered enough from these yearly floods. Something needs to change!

    • Alice Kim June 20, 2024

      True, David. The execution will be the real challenge.

  2. Grower34 June 20, 2024

    Unified efforts are great, but what about the corruption at local levels? Will anything really change?

    • Mark Lee June 20, 2024

      Exactly! Corruption undermines all these ‘plans.’ Let’s see some real accountability first.

    • Sammy June 20, 2024

      Maybe this time they’ll actually follow through. We can only hope.

    • Grower34 June 20, 2024

      I’m skeptical. We’ve had false promises for years.

  3. Laura June 20, 2024

    Why is it only now becoming a ‘national agenda item’? Shouldn’t this have been the case years ago?

  4. Jose June 20, 2024

    It’s crazy that the capital city still doesn’t have an emergency framework for floods. What have they been doing all this time?

    • Luc June 21, 2024

      Bureaucrats sitting in meetings, that’s what.

    • Jose June 21, 2024

      Typical. Hope this wake-up call drives some real changes.

    • Linda W. June 21, 2024

      Can’t just blame the officials. There’s also a need for cooperation from the public.

  5. Meena June 21, 2024

    Will focusing on flood prevention ignore other crucial issues? We need a balanced approach.

  6. Tony Stark June 21, 2024

    Specialized emergency centers in every region sound like a great idea. But where’s the money coming from?

    • SarahT June 21, 2024

      Taxpayers, probably. But if it works, it’s worth it.

    • Tony Stark June 21, 2024

      True, but there’s always mismanagement to worry about.

    • SarahT June 21, 2024

      Yeah, but anything is better than the current scenario.

  7. Yvonne G June 21, 2024

    Climate change is making things complicated. Floods and droughts will only get worse.

  8. EnviroLover42 June 21, 2024

    Flood prevention should include reforestation efforts to absorb runoff. Let’s think long-term too.

  9. Paolo June 21, 2024

    KPIs for flood prevention? Good luck measuring success in such a chaotic situation.

  10. Chloe R June 21, 2024

    Why aren’t they involving more environmental experts in these discussions?

    • Jack Brown June 21, 2024

      They probably think political leaders have all the answers, which is a joke.

    • Chloe R June 21, 2024

      Experts have the knowledge we need. Ignoring them is a huge mistake.

    • Jack Brown June 21, 2024

      Sadly, politics often overrides practical expertise.

  11. Davis June 21, 2024

    Let’s focus not just on emergency response but also on prevention. How about better urban planning?

  12. Travis87 June 21, 2024

    Why wait till the rainy season? Preparations should be a year-round effort.

    • Emily M. June 21, 2024

      Exactly! With proper yearly plans, we could minimize damage significantly.

    • Travis87 June 21, 2024

      The irony is that we say this every year, yet little changes.

    • Emily M. June 21, 2024

      Maybe this time will be different with this level of focus. Fingers crossed.

  13. Nadia June 21, 2024

    It’s great he’s concerned about medical supplies too. Floods bring health risks.

  14. Benny June 21, 2024

    They better ensure these ‘emergency centers’ are fully stocked and not just for show.

    • Sophia June 21, 2024

      Agreed. We need to see real action, not just empty promises.

    • Benny June 21, 2024

      Exactly. I hope they’re prepared or else it’s just another disaster waiting to happen.

  15. Erica June 21, 2024

    Let’s not forget about droughts either. A balanced approach to both threats is crucial.

    • GreenThumb June 21, 2024

      Yes, it’s all connected. Water management is key to both issues.

    • Erica June 21, 2024

      Absolutely. Hope they consider holistic solutions.

    • GreenThumb June 21, 2024

      If they don’t, we’ll be having this conversation again next year.

  16. Lakeisha June 21, 2024

    Having a national agenda for floods and droughts is overdue but a significant move.

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