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Prompong Nopparit Demands Prawit Wongsuwon’s Travel Records: A Call for Transparency

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Former Pheu Thai Party spokesman, Prompong Nopparit, has officially requested that the Immigration Bureau release Prawit Wongsuwon’s travel records to substantiate the Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP) leader’s assertion that his frequent absences from House sessions were due to international trips. With the intention of upholding the transparency mandated by the Official Information Act, Mr. Prompong pressed for the public disclosure of these records. This call to action followed Gen Prawit’s claims that his inability to attend numerous House meetings was a result of his official duties abroad.

According to the House of Representatives secretariat, Gen Prawit missed an astonishing 84 out of 95 House meetings from July 3rd last year to the present month, attributing his absences to either overseas duties or illness. Mr. Prompong emphasized the necessity of providing documentary evidence to support Gen Prawit’s explanations. “Which airlines did he use? Were the regulations regarding travel expense disbursement followed?” he inquired with a determined tone.

Mr. Prompong further argued that Gen Prawit’s habitual absences might indicate a lack of commitment to his responsibilities as a Member of Parliament, which potentially shortchanges taxpayers who expect dedicated service. Highlighting the public’s right to transparency, Mr. Prompong mentioned that Gen Prawit, who is the PPRP’s sole list MP, could be in breach of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) regulations. “I have gathered information suggesting that his absences could violate NACC regulations,” Mr. Prompong said.

He revealed plans to petition the NACC to scrutinize the validity and necessity of Gen Prawit’s trips, hinting that these excursions might serve Gen Prawit’s personal interests rather than the public’s well-being. The entire situation has sparked a wave of public interest and debates, drawing attention to the accountability of elected officials and the importance of transparency in government affairs.

The tension builds as citizens await the Immigration Bureau’s response. The potential unraveling of Gen Prawit’s travel history could lead to significant political repercussions. Will these records confirm the legitimacy of his claims or expose a deeper issue within the corridors of power?

Stay tuned as this story unfolds—it’s a gripping saga of politics, accountability, and the quest for truth. Every revelation could shift the balance within the House, impacting not only Gen Prawit and the PPRP but also the broader landscape of Thai politics.


  1. Sophie M. September 30, 2024

    I fully support Prompong’s demand for transparency! Politicians need to be held accountable for their absences.

    • Patel82 September 30, 2024

      Really? Maybe Gen Prawit’s trips were justified. We can’t just assume the worst.

      • Sophie M. September 30, 2024

        Then he should have no problem proving it with travel records. Transparency isn’t optional in a democracy.

      • Harry T. September 30, 2024

        Totally agree with Sophie! If there’s nothing to hide, why the hesitation?

    • Lara D. September 30, 2024

      It’s amazing how they skip meetings and still get paid. Unbelievable!

      • Sophie M. October 1, 2024

        Exactly, Lara. Accountability is overdue!

  2. Somchai W. September 30, 2024

    Prawit is just another corrupt politician trying to avoid his duties. Shameful.

    • Kanchana September 30, 2024

      Be careful with accusations. Innocent until proven guilty.

    • Somchai W. September 30, 2024

      Fair enough, but the absence record is already pretty damning. Let’s see what the travel records reveal.

  3. Chai September 30, 2024

    Why are we focusing on Gen Prawit? There are bigger issues at stake.

  4. John H. September 30, 2024

    This kind of scrutiny is important for democracy. It’s not just about Prawit but about setting a precedent.

    • Mary G. September 30, 2024

      Absolutely, John. We need to establish accountability across the board.

  5. Natasha P. September 30, 2024

    Forget about his travels! Did he actually contribute anything useful when he was present?

    • RonK October 1, 2024

      His record isn’t exactly spotless. But focusing on transparency is where change begins.

    • Jake R. October 1, 2024

      I think Prompong’s right. Transparency is crucial for trust.

  6. Mana T. October 1, 2024

    The public’s right to know is undeniable. Prawit’s trips need thorough investigation.

    • Nira H. October 1, 2024

      An investigation should clarify everything. Let’s not jump to conclusions.

  7. Kari October 1, 2024

    Prawit’s trips are probably just a cover for something more sinister.

  8. Yong Lee October 1, 2024

    Prompong’s pushing hard for this. I wonder what his real agenda is.

  9. Irina K. October 1, 2024

    Accountability is paramount. We deserve answers!

  10. Ravi October 1, 2024

    What about other MPs? Is Prawit the only one missing House sessions?

    • Paul G. October 1, 2024

      Good point, Ravi. This should be a wake-up call for all elected officials.

    • Ravi October 1, 2024

      Exactly! If there’s a problem, it needs to be addressed across the board.

  11. Ripple35 October 1, 2024

    This could be just another political stunt. Let’s wait for actual evidence before passing judgment.

    • Nina V. October 1, 2024

      Political stunt or not, transparency is necessary.

  12. Boris F. October 1, 2024

    Prawit needs to release those records ASAP. The public deserves to know if they’ve been deceived.

  13. Jin R. October 1, 2024

    Let’s see if the Immigration Bureau actually complies with Prompong’s request. That will be telling.

    • Oscar P. October 1, 2024

      True! If there’s a delay or refusal, it might indicate something shady.

  14. Suda October 1, 2024

    If Prawit has legit reasons, he should reveal the records immediately. What’s the hold-up?

    • Nop W. October 1, 2024

      Maybe it takes time to compile accurate records. We should be patient but vigilant.

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